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Department of Political Science 276 Bonnie Brae Avenue
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Date and Place of Birth:February 8, 1942.Salem, Oregon.
1968 Ph.D.StanfordUniversity (Political Science)
1964 M.A.StanfordUniversity (Political Science)
1963 B.A.Princeton University (Public and International Affairs)
Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude
National Science Foundation Dissertation Awards, 1989, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001.
National Science Foundation Grant, 198688.
Guggenheim Fellow, 198384.
National Science Foundation Grant, 197173.
Institute of International Studies, Berkeley, Grant, 196970.
Social Science Research Council Research and Training Fellow, 196768.
Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellow, 196667.
Danforth Fellow, 196367; Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 196364.
The Goergen Award, 2009. “For Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate
Teaching,” University of Rochester.
Mattei Dogan Award, 2002.For the Best Comparative Book of the Year, (Elections as
Instruments of Democracy,) by the Society for Comparative Research, co-winner.
Weaver Award, 2001. For the best paper (“Election Laws and Representation,”) presented in the
Representation and Electoral Systems Section at the 2000 APSA Annual Meeting.
George H. Hallett Award, 2000. “For a book (Contemporary Democracies) that is at least
ten years old and that has made a lasting contribution to the literature on representation
and electoral systems.” APSA’s Representation and Electoral Systems Section.
University Award for Graduate Teaching, 1999. University of Rochester.
Outstanding Contribution to the Profession, 1996. Special Recognition Award,
Department of Political Science, Stanford University.
Elected to the AmericanAcademy of Arts and Sciences, 1991.
Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award, 1983. Presented by the American Political Science
Association: "For the best book published in the U.S.during 1982 on government,
politics, or international affairs."
1999 - Marie Curran Wilson and Joseph Chamberlain Wilson Professor of
Political Science, University of Rochester.
1983 1999 Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Rochester
1982 1983 Professor, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill
1979 1982 Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Rochester
1973 1979 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of
1970 1973 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of
1968 1970 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of
California, Berkeley
Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Rochester, 19861989
Director of Graduate Studies in Political Science, University of Rochester, 197376,
197782, 198486, 2000-2005
CoDirector of London Parliamentary Internship Program for the University of Rochester, 197882, 198486
Introduction to Comparative Politics, Theories of Comparative Politics, Scope of Political
Science, Conflict in Democracies, Democratic Political Processes, Comparative Politics
Field Seminar, Western European Politics, Issues in Democracy, British Politics, Political
Elections as Instruments of Democracy: Majoritarian and Proportional Visions.
New Haven: YaleUniversity Press, 2000.
European Politics Today. New York: Addison-Wesley Longman, 1999, 2001, 2005,
2009. Co-editor. Co-author of Ch. 1-4 with Gabriel Almond, Russell Dalton
and Kaare Strom. (Text.)
Contemporary Democracies: Participation, Stability and Violence.Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1982. Foreign language editions include: Turkish, Russian.
Comparative Politics Today.New York: Harper-Collins, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996,
2000, 2003, 2007. Coeditor of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8,th9thEditions.Also “updated”
versions of 7th 8th 9theditions. Coauthor of chapters 18 and Appendix with
Gabriel A.Almond, Kaare Strom, Russell Dalton. (Introductory Text). Also, special AP
Editions. (Text.)
Comparative Politics: System, Process and Policy.Coauthor: Gabriel Almond. Boston:
Little, Brown and Co., 1978. Foreign language editions include French, Indonesian.
Social Fragmentation and Political Hostility. Stanford: StanfordUniversity Press, 1970.
Comparative Politics: A Developmental Approach. Coauthor with Gabriel A.Almond.
Boston: Little, Brown, 1966. Foreign language editions include Dutch, French, German,
Italian, Korean, Spanish, Chinese.
“Party Polarization and the Ideological Congruence of Governments.” In Russell Dalton and
Christopher Anderson, eds., Citizens, Context and Choice: How Context Shapes Citizens’
Electoral Choices. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press. 2011, Pp. 197-213.
"Representation and Policy Responsiveness: The Median Voter, Election Rules and
Redistributive Welfare Spending.” Co-author: Shin-Goo Kang. Journal of Politics,
Vol 72 (October 2010), pp. 1014-1028.
“Electoral Systems, Party Systems, and Ideological Representation:An Analysis of
Distortion in Western Democracies.” Co-authors: HeeMin Kim and Richard
Fording. Comparative Politics, Vol 42 (January 2010), pp. 167-185.
“The Consequences of Elections.” In Lawrence LeDuc, Richard Niemi and Pippa Norris,
eds., Comparing Democracies 3. Sage Publications. 2010, Pp 225-241..
“The Ideological Congruence Controversy: The Impact of Alternative Measures, Data,
and Time Periods on the Effects of Election Rules.” Comparative Political Studies,
Vol. 42 (December 2009), pp. 1475-1497.
“Aggregating and Representing Political Preferences.” In Oxford Handbook of Comparative
Politics, Edited by Carles Boix and Susan Stokes. OxfordUniversity Press. 2007.
Pp. 653-677.
“Election Laws and Representative Governments.” British Journal of Political Science,
Vol. 36(2006), pp. 291-315.
“Democratization: A Briefing Paper for AP Comparative Government and Politics.”
Co-author: Eleanor N. Powell. Posted on College Board AP Central website and included
on AP CD-Rom for teachers for Advanced Placement Comparative Politics. 2005.
“Citizens, Elected Policymakers and Democratic Representation: Two Contributions from
Comparative Politics.” In The Evolution of Political Knowledge, Edited by Edward
Mansfield and Richard Sisson. Columbus: The OhioStateUniversity Press, 2004.
Pp. 205-235.
“Political Representation in Comparative Politics.” Annual Review of Political Science,
Vol. 7 (2004), pp. 273-296.
“Quality of Democracy: The Chain of Responsiveness.” Journal of Democracy,
15 (2004), pp.91-105. Also reprinted in Larry Diamond and Leonardo Morlino,
Assessing the Quality of Democracy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 2005.
"Liberal Democracies." In Routledge Encyclopaedia of Government and Politics, 2nd ed. Edited
by Hawkesworth and Kogan. N.Y.: Routledge Press, 2003. Vol. 1, pp. 205-221.
“Election Laws, Disproportionality and Median Correspondence: Implications for
Two Visions of Democracy.” Co-author: Georg Vanberg. British Journal of
Political Science, 30 (2000), pp. 383-411.
“Political Responsiveness and Constitutional Design.” In Democracy and Institutions: The Life
Of Arend Lijphart. Ed. by Markus M. L. Crepaz, Thomas Koelble, and David Wilsford.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000. Pp. 9-42.
“Westminster Model versus PR: Normative and Empirical Assessments.” Representation,
36:2 (Summer 1999), pp. 127-132.
"Europe, Western." In The Encyclopedia of Democracy. Edited by Seymour Martin Lipset.
Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1995.
"Congruence between Citizens and Policymakers in Two Visions of Liberal Democracy."
Co-author: John D. Huber. World Politics, 46:3 (April, 1994), pp.291-326.
"A Cross-National Analysis of Retrospective Voting: Integrating Economic and Political
Factors." Co-author: Guy D. Whitten. American Journal Political Science, 36
(May, 1993), pp. 391-414.
"Liberal Democracies." In Routledge Encyclopaedia ofGovernment and Politics. Edited
by Hawkesworth and Kogan. N.Y.: Routledge Press, 1992, pp. 196-214.
"'Divided Government' as a Pattern of Governance." Governance, 4 (July, 1991), pp. 231-215.
"On the Depth and Persistence of Generational Change: Evidence from Italy." Co-authors:
Franco Mattei and Richard Niemi. Comparative Political Studies, 23
(October, 1990), pp. 334-354.
"Constitutional Design and Citizen Electoral Control." Journal of Theoretical Politics,
1 (April, 1989), pp. 107-130.
"Age, Resistance and Political Learning in a New Environment: The Case of Canadian
Immigrants." Coauthors: Jerome Black and Richard Niemi.Comparative Politics, 20
(October, 1987), pp.7384.
"The Competitive Consequences of Polarized Pluralism." In Manfred J.Holler, Ed.,
The Logic of Multiparty Systems.Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987, pp. 173-189.
"Comparative Voting Behavior." In Samuel Long, Ed., Research in MicroPolitics: Voting
Behavior II. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1987, pp. 233-264.
"American Voter Turnout in Comparative Perspective."American Political Science Review.
80 (March, 1986), pp.1744.
"Extremist Parties and Political Turmoil: Two Puzzles." American Journal of Political
Science, 30 (May, 1986), pp.357378.
"Testing the Converse Partisanship Model with New Electorates." Coauthors: Richard Niemi
and Harold Stanley. Comparative Political Studies, 18 (October, 1985), pp.300322.
"Evaluating Political Goods and Productivity." Coauthor: Gabriel A.Almond.
International Political Science Review, 3 (April 1982), pp.173181.
"Social Progress and Liberal Democracy." In G. A.Almond, M.Chodorow and
R.H.Pierce, eds., Progress and Its Discontents. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1982, pp.370402.
"`Functionalism' as a Paradigm in Political Science." In William T.Bluhm, ed., The Paradigm
Problem in PoliticalScience. Durham, NC:Carolina Academic Press, 1982, pp.140160.
"Party Systems and Political Performance: Participation, Stability and Violence in Contemporary Democracies." American Political Science Review 75 (December 1981), pp.861879.
"Voting Participation in Thirty Democracies: Effects of Socioeconomic, Legal and Partisan
Environments." In Richard Rose, ed., Electoral Participation: A Comparative Perspective.
London and Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1980, pp.534.
"The Analysis of CitizenElite Linkages: Degree, Structure and Process of Opinion
Representation." Coauthor: Lynda W.Powell. In Sidney Verba and Lucian W.Pye, eds.,
The Citizen and Politics. Stamford: Greylock Publications, 1978, pp.198217.
"Anger, Bargaining and Mobilization as MiddleRange Theories of Elite Conflict Behavior." Coauthor: Rodney P.Stiefbold. Comparative Politics 9 (July 1977), pp.379398.
"Political Cleavage Structure, CrossPressure Processes and Partisanship." American Journal
of Political Science 20 (February 1976), pp.124.
"Incremental Democratization: The British Reform Crisis of 1832." In G. A.Almond, et al.,
eds., Crisis, Choice and Change. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973, pp.103151.
"Social Structure and Political Participation: Developmental Relationships, Part I, Part II."
Coauthors: Norman H. Nie, Kenneth Prewitt. American Political Science Review,
63 (June and September, 1969), pp.361378, 808-832.
Papers Delivered
2009 Conference on Citizens, Context and Choice, Cornell Institute of European Studies.
2009 APSA Meetings (Toronto.) 2008 APSA Meetings (Boston.) 2008 MPSA Meetings (Chicago.)Princeton University 2007 (Princeton.) 2007 APSA Meetings (Chicago.) 2006 MPSA Meetings (Chicago.) University of Michigan 2005 (Ann Arbor). 2005 APSA Meetings (Washington). 2004 APSA Meetings (Chicago). 2003 Conference on The Quality of Democracy (Stanford). 2003 APSA Meetings (Philadelphia). 2003 Conference on Accountability and Representation in European Democracy (Harvard). 2002 APSA Meetings (Boston). 2002 MPSA Meetings (Chicago). 2001 APSA Meetings (San Francisco). 2000 APSA Meetings (Washington). 2000 World Democratization Conference (Houston). 1998 APSA Meetings (Boston). 1996 APSA Meetings (San Francisco). 1992 MPSA Meetings (Chicago). Workshop on Institutions and Democratic Process (Irvine). 1990 APSA Meetings, (San Francisco). 1987 APSA Meetings (Chicago). 1986 APSA Meetings (Washington). 1984 APSA Meetings (Washington). Conference on American Voting Participation (Chicago). 1983 APSA Meetings (Chicago). 1982 APSA Meetings (Denver). 1981 Western European Studies Conference on Representation (Stanford). 1980 APSA Meetings (New York). 1980 APSA Meetings (Washington). 1979 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Conference on the Idea of Progress (Palo Alto). Voter Turnout (San Diego). 1977 APSA Meetings (Washington). 1975 APSA Meetings (San Francisco). 1974 APSA Meetings (Chicago).
Organizational Responsibilities
President, American Political Science Association, 2011-2012.
Co-presenter, "Leading Scholars Seminar," APSA Annual Meetings, 1997.
Vice President, American Political Science Association, 1996-97.
Editor, American Political Science Review, 1991-1995.
American Political Science Association Council, 19861988.
Editorial Board, American Political Science Review, 198588.
Executive Committee, British Politics Group, 198485.
Chairman of Section on Comparative Political Behavior for APSA Meetings, 1983.
Editorial Board, American Journal of Political Science, 197981.
Editorial Board, Midwest Journal of Political Science, 197375.
Chairman of Section on Teaching Political Science for APSA Meetings, 1971.
August 2012
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