The Healing Codes and The Success Codes
Thursday Night Q&A
Tom Costello
Good evening. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes Family I would like to welcome you to the Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. Today in the United States it is July 17, 2006 (Actually it’s August ed). Everything on this call is being recorded. The recording will be available for free download on our web site
Tonight’s Q&A session has several purposes, the most important of which is to help you and otherwise encourage you to do The Healing Codes. That way you can gain the benefits you are interested in. We want success stories from people who have gained from the Codes. We also want to clarify any questions that may be slowing down your progress. Before I continue I want to give you our standard disclaimer:
The Healing Codes are for informational and educational purposes only and are for unlocking the issues of the heart. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or mental condition. The body heals itself. The Healing Codes is a spiritual approach to heal the issues of the heart. We believe that the spiritual approach to happiness and fulfillment is the one that makes the most sense and that’s the one to which The Healing Codes is devoted.
I’m glad you folks are here tonight. I’m going to ask Kevin to explain how to get into the queue to make comments, tell success stories, or ask questions.
Kevin gives technical directions.
Participant: (Todd) I looked on the web site for testimonials, but did not find any information. It’s related to vision issues or eyesight. What kinds of experience are you aware of for people using The Healing Codes to better eye conditions? Do you have any input on that?
Tom Costello: I don’t have any specifics, Todd. I know Alex has told me there have been people who have noticed an improvement of other senses as well as vision. Eyesight has improved. Hearing has improved. Memory has improved. The specifics of the eyesight I can’t really give you. I can’t tell you what the person had before they started. Do you have something specific in mind?
Participant: Specifically I was referring to a condition that is commonly referred to as “eye floaters” and then either far or near-sightedness. Those two categories. I want to find out if people had success in those areas or what experience people had.
Tom Costello: I don’t know any more detail than I just gave you, but I just wrote that down, will check it out and send you an e-mail to that effect.
Participant: That’s great. Thanks, I appreciate that.
Participant: (Donna) This is not a question and Tom, I hope you’ll forgive and not consider it as a smart-aleck remark. When you started the call you said that today in the United States it is July 17 and I wish, I wish it were.
Tom Costello: Oh, good point. Isn’t that funny?
Participant: I wish it were July 17, I’d have another month.
Tom Costello: I became sensitive to different time zones being in Singapore recently. That’s 12 hours ahead of us. I wrote that out and… We’re going to do the last month over again.
Participant: If you can figure out how to do that, I wish you’d let us in on it.
Tom Costello: Somebody will hear that and say, “Oh wow, I was looking for August 17.” Thank you, Donna.
***Participant: (Lou) My apologies to Todd. On one of these calls with Dr. Loyd I did talk about eyesight improvement. I have failed to send in a testimonial. I am an eyeglass wearer of 60+ years. I wasn’t working on that, just doing the Codes, minding my own business, right? One day I noticed I could read the address on the curb across the street without my glasses. I started checking around and I could read other things. I could also read books and my computer screen. Yes, relieving the stress, which a lot of vision guru’s say is causing our vision problems. Bad vision is a sign of stress.
Yes, Todd. Keep doing the Codes and my guess is that eventually, even if you don’t focus on it, vision will improve.
Now, Tom, I had two questions, but Todd’s comment caused me to throw that in. I know you can’t talk that way, but I could.
I’m going back and revisiting the 12 Days after working with Custom Codes. I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve forgotten how to do the Codes that have only one position for a certain number of minutes. Should I do it the whole time at one stretch, or break it up into 30-second portions with a 5-second gap between?
Tom Costello: No, just maintain it for the entire length of time.
Participant: If my muscles don’t give out.
Tom Costello: That’s a very good point. Often times people new to The Healing Codes don’t recognize that it pays to get in the most physically comfortable position. I talk about sitting on the couch or recliner, or lying on the bed and propping your elbows up with pillows. That way you are not holding your arms up, but in fact your arms are resting on a support so that there is no use of muscular energy to do that.
You can recognize if you held your elbows away from your body and pointed your fingers at the bridge, in a matter of a minute or two minutes or something you would be thinking about your shoulders rather than anything else.
Participant: Adding new stress rather than getting rid of it. I have a second question. I’m doing Codes as I go through the 12 Days for both my wife and I. She’s not quite to the point of doing them herself. She is making signals in that direction. Is there a problem combining; doing them for the both of us at the same time?
Tom Costello: You’re doing a Code for two people? No, there is no problem. I would add her into the prayer request. I would put my attention on the ideal condition, that is the truth focus statement. I would include her in that scene. I would look to include her feeling the benefits of this new condition and, as her husband, I would to feel how pleased I am for her and for me. It’s really a very positive and tidy package.
Participant: Thanks, Tom.
Participant: (Bob) This is the second time I’ve been on this call. You may have already answered this question. I have a friend who has Multiple Sclerosis. I wonder what results anyone would have had with MS?
Tom Costello: There have been positive results with that. Multiple Sclerosis is considered to be an auto-immune disease in the same general area as Lou Gehrig’s disease or chronic fatigue or fibro-myalgia or a lot of different things in that direction. Often times medical professionals don’t have a great deal of certainty about what causes it, but everyone pretty much agrees that stress is in the picture. Of course, medical treatments include medication and so on.
The name of the game, just like the name of everything else as far as we are concerned is to deal with the underlying pictures of the heart. Those spiritual, energetic issues are the root cause of many things, in our opinion. That’s not just our opinion, but the opinion of many people. Those stressors, those perceived threats are reduced and that enables the body to shift gears and get back to what it would normally do. Once it is out of fight or flight, that typical stress situation, then the immune system is much more active and much more aggressive. It also positively affects higher cognitive thought, and so on.
Have you looked through the testimonials, Bob?
Participant: Yes, but not for a long time. I thought I’d just ask since I’m on the call.
Tom Costello: I can’t tell you the names. Frankly, I get some copies of the testimonials. They go to the web site people, the editors, to Alex and into a folder on my computer. I know it is happening. The individual specifics I don’t really tune in to. They are there.
Participant: Great, thank you.
Participant: (Jesus) Can you guide me here? It is my understanding that if you sense that you are having a healing response the recommendation is that you lay off, lay back and take it easy on the Codes until the condition goes away. That’s my first question, but can you guide me to knowing how to differentiate. This week I was challenged. I was having some symptoms and stuff. I was not sure whether it was a healing response which would indicate laying off, or an issue which would benefit from me working hard and heavy.
Tom Costello: If you were the owner of the Truth Technique that would enable you to test for yourself. Let me just clarify what you said.
For us, we see the healing response as the result of a body suddenly starting to change state. It is coming out of self-protect (the fight or flight situation). What that means on a cellular level is that cells that were closed, holding on to their contents: nourishment, water, oxygen, waste products, and are now safe to open up. They don’t have to hold on because there is no scarcity. It is those waste products emptying into the lymphatic or blood stream that tend to cause people to feel (particularly chronically ill people) headachy, sneezy, runny nose, flue symptoms. If you are drinking plenty of water, breathing deeply to oxygenate, resting and eating decent food that speeds the movement of that out of the body.
We wouldn’t say so much cut back on what you are doing, but instead, continue with the same Code, but change the focus to the symptoms you are experiencing. Let’s say you are working on subject A, whatever that happens to be. All of a sudden you start to feel this like cold symptoms. Put your attention on those cold symptoms. Just observe them. You don’t have to change them. You don’t have to work hard at it. Just do the Code and think of your nose running. Often times what will happen is earlier thoughts, earlier interpretations, earlier feelings about those types of experiences will pop up. You’ll recognize that it was an earlier similar situation that just got activated for you. Then those symptoms will start to disappear. When they start to disappear in those few minutes, or few hours, or the next day, simply change your focus back to the truth focus statement that is the ideal scene that you had before. That’s the way to approach that.
People who have experience with the emotional component of illness can really recognize when you tap into the underlying transaction, the underlying event, the underlying interpretation. All of a sudden you can get over a cold in a matter of seconds. I’ve done that as soon as I realized why I got the cold in the first place. A cold came on in a matter of an hour. I realized I had been really rude to a customer. (This is going back 15 years.) I started to get a cold on the way home from that appointment. I wondered, “Wow, where did that come from?” I realized how bad I felt, how rude I had been to him. I was apologetic and forgiving and it disappeared just like someone flipped the light switch. I think the same kind of thing can happen with these sorts of symptoms.
Participant: So I was wrong in assuming that if you feel strong symptoms you need to lay back.
Tom Costello: If you mean don’t do them, that would be an incorrect approach.
Participant: You said if you have the Truth Technique you could test. I do have that. How do I test?
Tom Costello: You’d simply make the statement: The physical symptoms I am feeling are a healing response. Then: The symptoms I am experiencing are a result of something else. You will be able to test those statements provided you have practiced the testing technique before that.
Participant: Okay. Thank you.
***Participant: (Marian) I just wanted to tell you and other people that I continue to be so grateful. I’m recently having new results with the Codes. That is that I’m having such great nights of sleep. This has been over 25 years of not being a good sleeper. It is part of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibro myalgia and post traumatic stress syndrome which I’ve been told I have. Now that I’m sleeping, I don’t even feel like the same person. No, I feel like a person now. I still can’t get over it. My whole day is so different with sleep. It just makes sense that as this stress I’ve been carrying all my life dissolves I can relax and go to sleep. If I find I cannot sleep because I’m prone to anxiety, I just wake up fully and do my Codes and I’m asleep before I even know it. I used to have to get up and read or go do something or take an herb. If nothing else changes, Tom, this has been so worth my efforts and my money. I have all kinds of things changing and all kinds of things to continue to change. It is incredible.
I pass that on to people who.. I’ve been doing this since March or April. It takes a little time, but with all those years, what’s a few months? I want to say too that I’m doing The Success Codes. I’m in a financial situation where I really need some answers and I’m not getting them yet. Being prone to anxiety, a few months ago this situation was making me really nutty. The situation looks as if I really need answers sooner now than I thought then, but my anxiety level is so low! When I have some anxiety I do the Block Breaker and I use the Truth Technique to figure out what category. Ninety percent of the time I have a positive attitude. I’m expectant of the answer that is going to be coming. It is really remarkable. It is only from the Codes. There is nothing in the concrete world that tells me I should feel this way. It’s really amazing. I’m excited because it’s so clear to me that I cannot get answers to this dilemma if I’m full of stress about it. It’s such a gift to me to have this resource to set me free. Then I can be free to receive the answer. I just thank you and all of you Code people.
Tom Costello: Good for you Marian and thanks for that.
You bring up one of the most important of all elements. If you guys Googled on it, “sleep deprivation” or “exhaustion” or “tiredness”, you would recognize that in the United States this is an incredibly huge problem. About a month or 6 weeks ago there was an article that said, “People who don’t get as much sleep (specifically a research group of women), all things being equal, the women who got the most sleep lost more weight than the women who didn’t get enough sleep.” That’s counter intuitive. You would think if they are awake they would be burning calories and stuff. Not so. The body couldn’t do what it needed to do because it was disadvantaged by lack of rest. It is that putting the body in a place where it can rest and rebuild and not be devoting its energy to moving from point A to B to C, but doing maintenance. That is just so important. It is overlooked by so many people.
Participant: With those particular labels of problems: chronic fatigue, etc. part of those imbalances is that your body is so mixed up, toxic and out of balance that added to the fatigue is that you can’t get proper sleep. I have known for years that I was not going to recover if I could not get proper sleep. Sleep is essential for regeneration and healing. It’s like a Catch 22, you keep treating all your symptoms but not sleeping well. I never wanted to take those heavy drugs for sleep because of the possible toll. Now that the sleep is in order, I think these things are just going to fly. They are healing. The sleep in itself is regenerating, then add the Codes and watch out world.
Tom Costello: Particularly with the positive expectancy. I’ve been in Orlando all week at a conference. I just got home a few minutes ago actually. I was driving through the thunderstorms and on and on. The only concern was to be on time. The choice to be happy while I was having those experiences was so obvious to me. I could be gripping the steering wheel, fretting and stewing and whining and complaining about the drive. When it became clear that I was going to arrive on time there was no anxiety at all. I didn’t want to leave you guys hanging. The idea that everyone on this call has the ability to choose happiness. A lot of people are going, “It’s easier to choose happiness if happy things are happening.” I think, really, as we become more skillful, we literally choose to be happy. We make those decisions. Every one of us has 24 hours in every single day. The number of seconds in the day that we say that we broadcast to ourselves that we are happy… The person who is able to do that has such a leg up, such a great competitive advantage, such a great healing effect on themselves. No to mention, it feels better and you’re happier so everything is a lot more enjoyable.
I was looking at something. I’m particularly interested in living to 120 and being healthy. That’s a business I’ve started, 120 and Healthy. When you look at people around the planet who are 120 and healthy, it is not a function of money. It is not a function of rat-race type careers. It is the ability to be happy from moment to moment to moment to moment. When it comes time to continue living, ie. tomorrow, they say, “That was fun today. It was pleasant and enjoyable. Beautiful sunset, whatever, whatever.” They don’t have a need to die. It was enjoyable. It was pleasant. They have other components, relationships and so on in their lives. The connection to spiritual power and so on and meaning in their lives. They have habituated being happy. That positive expectancy is a great step in that direction.