This form should only be used to amend existing topics (a list of existing topics is available at: http://stusyswww.flinders.edu.au/topic.taf). New topics should be submitted on the New Topic Proposal Form.

If you only want to make changes to the Teaching Mode/Location or to Topic Coordinator then you do not need to complete this form. Instead please email the details to .

If you only want to make changes to the Topic Requisites/Assumed Knowledge, please seek approval from the Topic Coordinator and email the details to .

If you want to make changes to topic availabilities please contact your school Administrative Officer as there is a separate process for these request.

For all other changes please complete this form by placing an X in the relevant box(s) (double click on the box and select “Checked” as the default value) and then answer the subsequent questions.

Topics must be developed according to the: Course and Topic Development, Approval and Management policy; and the Evaluation, Monitoring and Review of Academic Programs and Teaching policy.

1. / Current Topic Code and Title:
2. / The reason for the change is:
3. / The change is to take effect from: / Year: Semester:
4. / Discontinue the topic
(This will remove the topic entirely from the system and as a result it can never be offered again)
5. / Change the title of the current topic:
(New Version Required)
New Title (150 characters max):
NB: to ensure the topic name is updated in the relevant course rules, please complete a Minor Change to an Existing Course form available at: http://www.flinders.edu.au/ehl/ehl/for-staff/course-and-topic-approval.cfm
6. / Change the Field of Education Code to :
(New Version Required)
Before submitting a change to the Field of Education Code please contact the Faculty General Manager, Mr Simon MacDonald ()
7. / Change Result Type (grade) to: University (normal grading eg HD, DN, CR, P, F)
Non-Grade Pass Only
8. / Change the topic unit value: Current Unit Value:
(New Version Required)
New Unit Value (eg 4.5, 9 or 18 units):
If unit value is greater than 4.5 units, provide an explanation for the increased topic weighting being necessary for the academic purposes of topic:
9. / Change Topic Coordinator/Convenor:
(If this is the only change to be made to the topic, then you do not need to complete this form. Please email the name of the new Topic Coordinator to ).
New Topic Coordinator/Convenor:
10. / Change Department(s) teaching the topic and/or percentage taught by each:
New Department(s) and/or percentage:
11. / Change Activity Duration and/or Frequency:
Tuition Pattern
Please refer to the university Standard Student Workload policy under Appendix B, Clause 2:
For guidance - in terms of student contact and face-to-face teaching, in first level a maximum of three (3) hours teaching for 4.5 unit topics, and in general no more than two (2) hours for an upper-level topic, with a maximum of three (3) hours as more independent learning should be required on the part of the student. Again where there are legitimate reasons for different time commitments, approval will be given when a case is made.
Current details:
(e.g. Lecture) / Duration
(e.g. 1hr, (60 mins)) / Frequency
(e.g. 3 times per week) / Requires timetabling
New details (choose only from the following activities to complete the table):
Lecture Language Laboratory Computer Laboratory
Tutorial Project Work Clinical Placement
Seminar Supervised Study Clinical Orientation
Workshop Independent Study Excursion
Intensive Workshop Film Screening Laboratory
Field Placement On-Line Exercises Practical
Field Trip On-Line Tutorials Negotiated Program
Industry Placement On-Line Lecture
(e.g. Lecture) / Duration
(e.g. 1hr, (60 mins)) / Frequency
(e.g. 3 times per week) / Requires timetabling
12. / Change Availability of Topic
(i.e. change when the topic is being offered or the availability’s location) / Please contact your school Administrative Officer as there is a separate process for these requests
13. / Change the Topic Requisites and/or Assumed Knowledge:
(If this is the only change to be made to the topic, then you do not need to complete this form. Please seek approval and email the details to ).
Degree restrictions Anti-Requisites / Equivalent Topics
Prerequisites Assumed Knowledge
Current details (copy and paste from the website http://stusyswww.flinders.edu.au/topic.taf):
New details:
14. / Change the Syllabus:
Current Syllabus: (copy and paste from the website http://stusyswww.flinders.edu.au/topic.taf)
New Syllabus:
15. / Change the Educational Aims:
Current Aims: (copy and paste from the website http://stusyswww.flinders.edu.au/topic.taf):
New Aims:
16. / Change the Expected Learning Outcomes:
Current Expected Learning Outcomes:
(copy and paste from the website http://stusyswww.flinders.edu.au/topic.taf):
New Expected Learning Outcomes:
(Please refer to guidelines at end of form. Please choose one of the examples below to use as a lead statement for the expected learning outcomes)
[On completion of this topic students will be able to:]
[It is expected that as a result of work in this topic, students will:]
[It is expected that on completion of this topic students will have:]
[For successful completion of this topic students will:]
17. / Change the Innovation and Enterprise content:
Does the change of syllabus/aims/outcomes result in the topic becoming an ‘innovation and enterprise topic’?
Yes No
(Pursuant to the University’s association with the Fox School of Business, an ‘innovation and enterprise topic’ is defined as a topic where a Fox-linked module contributes to at least 40% of the topic content.
18. / Change the Assessment Methods (these are only published for 1st year topics):
(All assessment must be of a kind appearing on this list. There is a University expectation that a variety of assessment methods will be available to students and that no topic should be assessed by a single method carrying a 100% weighting. Please provide the weighting only for exams. The weighting for an exam can be a range e.g. 40-60%).
Add Delete
Examination(s) (% weighting = )
Laboratory exercise(s)
Laboratory participation
Library exercise
Practical work
Tutorial participation
Tutorial presentation
19. / Will the proposed changes impact on the extent to which this topic contributes towards the acquisition of each of the Graduate Qualities (for undergraduate topics only)?
Yes* (please complete the box below)
No (please go to item 20.)
* The School Teaching and Learning Committee (or equivalent) must confirm, by signing the Approval section below, that the course(s) in which this topic is offered will continue to meet the Graduate Qualities.
Please indicate the extent to which the amended topic contributes towards the acquisition of each of the Graduate Qualities. Mark with a “√”.
Graduates: / Limited contribution
(implicit component of topic curriculum) / Contributes
(explicit discussion) / Significant contribution
(explicit component of assessment) / Not applicable (N/A) /
§  who are knowledgeable
§  who can apply their knowledge
§  who communicate effectively
§  who can work independently
§  who are collaborative
§  who value ethical behaviour
§  who can connect across boundaries

Resource Requirements

20. / Will additional staff resources be required to support the topic changes? If yes, please specify. / No
Yes. Please specify:
21. / Will the changes impact on any other resource requirements? If yes, please specify.
(e.g. library, ICT, support for flexible delivery, equipment, physical resources) / No
Yes. Please specify:
22. / Have these resource requirements been approved by your School Dean? / Yes No
Topic Coordinator: / Name:
Approval of School Teaching and Learning Committee
(or equivalent) / Name:
Approval of Executive Dean (or delegate) / Name:

Once approved by the School Teaching and Learning Committee, please submit an electronic copy in Word and a signed PDF copy of the form to Olga Pinto () in the Faculty Office.

Updated February 2017

Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law

Guidelines for Expected Learning Outcomes

The University has undertaken a compliance review of all of its coursework degrees to ensure that course learning outcomes are at the appropriate level of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF). In order to ensure course level learning outcomes can be met the topic level learning outcomes also need to be at an appropriate level, noting that courses may, and would often have a progression of topic levels within a program of study. However postgraduate and Honours courses cannot include topics coded at levels 1000 - 6000.

The AQF places Honours, Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas at Level 8. Topics coded 7000 and 8000 may appear interchangeably in those awards, and consequently in Masters degrees. However, as a minimum at least 18 units in a coursework Masters must be coded at 9000.

Further information on AQF level learning outcomes is available at: http://www.aqf.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/AQF-2nd-Edition-January-2013.pdf

The learning outcomes stated on the topic proposal form will be reproduced on the University Web and accessible to students via WebCT.

Learning outcomes are derived from aims – they represent the translation of aims into specific, tangible, attainable terms. Learning outcomes convey to students what they will learn by describing what students will be able to do or accomplish.

Examples of the sort of lead statements that can precede a list of learning outcomes are:

• On completing this topic students will be able to:

• It is expected that as a result of work in this topic, students will:

• It is expected that on completion of this topic students will have:

• For successful completion of this topic students will:

Each outcome should then complete the sentence thus begun. The rest of the sentence will relate in some way to a skill, knowledge or attribute you expect students to develop.

Bloom's Taxonomy of Education Objectives (revised version) contains some useful words for stating expected learning outcomes, such as remember, apply, analyse, evaluate and create. (See Krathwol, David; Anderson, Lorin; et. al. (2000). A taxonomy of learning for teaching: A revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. NY: Addison-Wesley-Longman.

Ideally a topic should have outcomes at a range of levels on this scale. It is helpful if you can keep each outcome fairly simple; try to avoid mixing up different skills or aspects of the subject-matter in one outcome. This is particularly important if different skills or aspects are to be assessed via different methods.

Outcomes should be concrete, so words that describe a process, like 'examine', are more appropriate in descriptions of aims than in statements of expected learning outcomes. Outcomes should indicate what you will be looking for when you are assessing students. Some good words to use are found at http://www.flinders.edu.au/Teaching_and_Learning_Files/Documents/useful%20verbs%20for%20ILOs.pdf. Avoid using comparatives such as “increase”; “more”; “further”, etc, as these words imply a need to diagnose where students are at the outset of the topic before being able to evaluate whether they achieved the outcomes intended for them in the topic concerned.

Because the link between outcomes and assessment is essential, it is very helpful to think about your assessment strategies and criteria when framing your expected learning outcomes.

For BEd topics there is potential for confusion in referring to Flinders students and school students. For consistency, it is suggested that Flinders BEd students be referred to as pre-service teachers.