Meeting 19th March 2018 @ 6.30pmPresent:
Parish Councillors;
Cllr M Morris
Cllr J Gregory
Cllr D Edwards
Cllr C Spencer
Cllr P Harraway
Cllr C Starr
Cllr K Watmore
Cllr R Broughall
Cllr J Austin
Cllr B Elliott- County Councillor
Belinda Kalka – Parish Clerk
Member of the public- Catherine Church
1. Apologies: Cllr L Milbourn, Cllr R Vincent, and Cllr H Greensmith- District Councillor
The Vice Chair, Cllr M Morris chaired the meeting again and welcomed everyone to the March meeting.
2. Minutes of the Meeting on Monday 19th February 18th & Matters Arising
The Welcome Pack-
It was noted during the February meeting that Cllr R Vincent has now obtained the proof for the “Welcome to Your New Home” cards. However, they have been re-done due to a printing fault with the original run.
The website and Facebook address details have now also been included on to the cards.
To be updated at the April meeting
Flooding – No report.
Cllr M Morris spoke briefly about the Trent River Trust meeting he attended in January.
Cllr J Gregory confirmed that there is another meeting scheduled in the Village Hall and would circulate details. However, it was again agreed, as a way forward, to invite a representative of the Trent River Trust to a future Parish Council meeting.
Cllr K Watmore and Cllr J Gregory would attend and would give a report at the April meeting.
It was also recorded, that GBC had maintained a great job in clearing the grills during the bad weather.
Speed Watch – See Road Safety
Insurance Claims – No Update
The Clerk will continue to circulate any further correspondence in relation to outstanding claims
Cllr C Starr proposed approval of the minutes of the February meeting and Seconded by Cllr C Spencer as a true record after the amendments.
This was agreed without dissent.
3. Cllr B Elliott & Cllr H Greensmith updates-
County Councillor Boyd Elliott spoke about the ongoing issues with the Village Hall/School pillars/gates.
A meeting is to take place with Paula Johnson on Monday 26th March 2018. Boyd suggested that a representative from the Parish Council should participate.
Cllr C Starr agreed and Boyd would liaise with Chris on the day with arrangements.
Cllr B Elliott has obtained the document (Map) which indicates all the ‘Rights of Way’ in Lambley.
Cllr K Watmore has the map and agreed she would provide copies for circulation at the April meeting
At the February meeting, District councillor Helen Greensmith agreed to make enquiries as to the whereabouts of the missing sign.
Helen has confirmed the whereabouts, and the Clerk would ask Helen to get the sign delivered back to Lambley so the damage could be assessed.
Cllr C Spencer agreed to store the sign at the farm shop
The quotation of £675.00 from Mr. Bonser to sandblast and undercoat was considered. Cllr K Watmore/Cllr P Harraway had previously agreed to paint with a suitable design.
This work was previously agreed to be carried out April/May 2018 by Mr Bonsor.
Cllr H Greensmith would confirm the amount she would be able to donate from her Councillor funds
To be updated at the April meeting.
4. Village Maintenance/Improvements –
Cllr M Morris confirmed that John Hutton has continued working hard maintaining the village, and circulated John Hutton’s maintenance invoice to all Councillors to review.
The following would be reported to John Hutton;
The Christmas lights on the Park Lane tree have been reported as hanging down.
Cllr J Gregory would liaise with John Hutton
The footpath on Spring Lane- has been reported as very muddy.
The Clerk would contact Bob Knowles at GBC
Councillors J Gregory and K Watmore would obtain a list of overgrown foliage signs and liaise with John Hutton
All Councillors to email any other maintenance issues that may arise during the month.
5. Church Maintenance/ Bridge update
The letter Cllr L Milbourn had written was posted to GBC on the 16th January, and the Clerk confirmed that there has been no response to date.
In addition, and with regard to the proposal to light up of the tower - This would be addressed in the future, as the PCC have started the legal procedure, which could be a lengthy process.
Cllr C Starr has obtained a quote to light up the Church tower at Christmas – SA Davies £2856.61 plus VAT. This was proposed and agreed at the October meeting.
To be reviewed
Church Bridge
Cllr R Vincent confirmed by email that he has now received the two like for like quotations, which are;
Andy Stanley £1035.00 plus VAT
Lewis £775.00 plus VAT
Cllr C Starr reiterated that before any work is carried out, the following Health & Safety documents must be received and in place;
Risk & Method statements, Coshh assessments and public liability insurance
It was agreed, on receipt of these documents to proceed with the quotation from Lewis at £775.00 plus VAT with no contingency money
To be updated at the April meeting.
Multi Sports Area-
Cllr D Edwards confirmed that she will be writing an article for the village magazine.
Regarding the community use, The Head teacher is still in the process of forming a committee to handle the bookings.
7. Planning Applications –
2018/0175 24 Main Street, Lambley- No objections
2018/0197 Land north of the Lambley, Catfoot Lane - No objections
2018/0229 296 Spring Lane, Lambley- No objections
2018/0215 144 Spring Lane, Lambley- No objections
2018/0217 The Folly, Park Lane, Lambley- Lambley Parish Council objects to this application- there is ahistory of retrospective planning at this property, andthe proposed extension is not to be used as a separate dwelling.
2018/0122 Woodsend, Nottingham Road- No objections
The Chairman invited Catherine Church to address the meeting;
Catherine spoke about a planning application for the Folly- see above. Catherine spoke briefly giving a background into the application.
The Clerk would circulate all future planning applications by email and Dropbox
The Clerk would then forward the observations to GBC
8. Finance
SA Davies / Replacement Cheque-001663 / 001668 / £26,667.11NCC / Replacement Cheque-001664 / 001669 / £19,190.76
BB Kalka / Payroll for March 18 / 001670 / £330.40
Ulyett Landscapes Ltd / Monthly Grounds Maintenance-Feb 18 / 001671 / £337.76
Mick Conroy / Maintenance / 001672 / £94.50
Water Plus / Cemetery Water Charges / 001673 / £9.05
John Hutton / Monthly Maintenance / 001674 / £178.50
Nottinghamshire County Council £19,190.76 and S A Davies £26,667.11
are replacement cheques due to the original not having the four signatures required.
All the payments were circulated around the members and agreed.
Current Balance Current - £4,645.69 Reserve Account £9,559.33 30-03-2018Statements
9. Road Safety –
Cllr M Morris agreed to organise the next session, planned to take place on Main Street during the afternoon.
10. Correspondence – Correspondence was placed on the table for all members to take anything of interest and is circulated by email between meetings
11. AOB
Cllr K Watmore and Cllr R Broughall confirmed that they would be arranging for the carpark to have a tidy when the weather improves. - to be updated
Cllr P Harraway confirmed that the posters advertising the comedy night for the 14th April are around the village and that the deposit for Funhouse Comedy Ltd has been paid, the balance of £640.00 will be payable in cash on the night,
An invoice for this would be required for the accounts.
Cllr K Watmore confirmed the next litter pick would be organised for the 22nd April 2018.
Cllr L Milbourn had previously said he would write an article for the Parish Magazine regarding left dog Poo bags that are not being disposed of in the allocated dog bins around the village.
Park Lane – Bottom of the cemetery drive- Broken slabs.
The Clerk would report again to NCC.
Items for Cllr L Milbourn from previous minutes-
1. Joint use agreement to be discussed further
2. With regards Last year’s bonfire event – profits;
Cllr L Milbourn had previously agreed that he would make some enquiries with the school.
3. Cllr L Milbourn had previously confirmed that he has written to the Brewery regarding the railings/posts at the Robin Hood
All to be updated
MONDAY 19th March 2018 @ 6.30pm
Meeting closed at 8.10pm
March 2018
Belinda Kalka Parish Clerk