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Standardization Bureau /
Geneva, 26 April 2007
Ref: / TSB Collective letter 7/16Tel:
E-mail: / +41 22 730 6805
+41 22 730 5853
/ To Administrations of Member States of the Union, to ITU-T Sector Members and to ITU-T Associates participating in the work of Study Group 16
Subject: / Meeting of Study Group 16
Geneva, 26 June – 6 July 2007
Dear Sir/Madam,
1 In accordance with the schedule of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector meetings for 2007 (see TSB Circular 105 of 28 July 2006), I should like to inform you that Study Group 16 (Multimedia Terminals, Systems and Applications) is to meet at ITU headquarters, Geneva, from 26 June to 6 July 2007 inclusive.
The meeting will open at 0930 hours on the first day. Participant registration will begin at 0830 hours. Please note that all participants must register via the Montbrillant entrance. Detailed information concerning the meeting rooms will be displayed on screens at the entrances to ITU headquarters.
2 An interpretation service will be provided for the meeting in accordance with the relevant provisions in force.
3 The draft agenda, as prepared by agreement with the Chairman of Study Group 16, is set out in Annex1 hereto.
4 The draft timetable, as prepared by agreement with the Chairman of Study Group 16, is set out in Annex2 hereto. The draft work programme for the meeting is found in Annex 3 hereto.
5 Pursuant to the provisions of Recommendation A.1 (2006), contributions to the work of the study group are to be submitted to the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB). Contributions received by TSB at least ten calendar days before the date set for the opening of the meeting will be published on the Study Group 16 website. Such contributions must therefore be received by TSB not later than 15 June 2007. Contributions received at least two months before the start of the meeting may be translated, if required, according to the provisions in force.
Participants are encouraged to submit contributions using the web-based submission form available on the Study Group 16 homepage, or by electronic mail to the following address:
. Detailed instructions can be found on the ITU-T website.
We would strongly encourage you to use the set of templates that has been created to harmonize the appearance of ITU-T documents while making their production easier and hence more efficient. The templates are accessible from each ITU-T study group web page, under “Guides, Tools and Templates” (http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/templates).
With a view to settling any questions that might arise concerning contributions, the name, fax and telephone numbers and e-mail address of the person to be contacted should be indicated on contributions. Accordingly, please include those details on the cover page of all documents.
6 To enable TSB to make the necessary arrangements concerning the documentation for, and organization of, the meeting, Ishould be grateful if you would send me, by letter, fax (+41227305853) or e-mail (), as soon as possible but not later than 25 May 2007, the list of people who will be representing your Administration, Sector Member, Associate, regional and/or international organization or other entity. Administrations are requested also to indicate the name of their head of delegation (and deputy head, if applicable). The registration form in Annex5, duly completed (one per participant), should be attached to the above-mentioned list.
7 Participants actually present at the meeting and having requested paper copies in advance by means of the registration form will receive only those documents posted on the ITU-T website as from three days prior to the meeting (23 June 2007) and up to the end of the meeting.
With a view to rationalizing document distribution during meetings, working party members are reminded that they will receive only the documents which concern them. You are therefore requested to specify clearly, on the registration form, the various working parties you wish to attend.
8 For sessions that are scheduled to be held with interpretation, please note that interpretation will actually be provided only where Member States so request, by means of the registration form, or a special notice to TSB, and at least one month before the start of the sessions in question. It is imperative that the deadline indicated on the registration form be respected in order for TSB to make the necessary arrangements for interpretation.
9 Wireless LAN facilities are available for use by delegates in the ITU main conference room areas and in the CICG (Geneva International Conference Centre) building. Wired network access continues to be available in the ITU Montbrillant building. Detailed information is available on the ITU-T website (http://itu.int/ITU-T/edh/faqs-support.html).
10 For your convenience, a hotel confirmation form is enclosed as Annex4 (see http://itu.int/travel/ for the list of hotels).
11 We would remind you that citizens of some countries are required to obtain a visa in order to enter and spend time in Switzerland. Where this is the case, the visa must be requested and obtained from the office (embassy or consulate) representing Switzerland in your country or, if there is no such office in your country, from the one that is closest to the country of departure. If problems are encountered, the Union can, at the official request of the administration or company you represent, approach the competent Swiss authorities in order to facilitate delivery of the visa. Visa requests should in such cases be made by official letter from the administration or company you represent. This letter must specify your name, function and date of birth, as well as the number and dates of issue and expiry of your passport. It must be accompanied by a photocopy of the personal details pages of your passport and by the completed registration form, and must be sent to TSB by fax (+41 22 730 5853) or e-mail message () bearing the words “visa request”. Please note that the Union needs at least one week to process the various documents required for the delivery of a visa.
Yours faithfully,
Malcolm Johnson
Director of the Telecommunication
Standardization Bureau
Annexes: 5
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(to TSB Collective letter 7/16)
Draft agenda for the fifth meeting of Study Group 16
(Geneva, 26 June-6 July 2007)
2. / Approval of previous SG 16 meeting reports
3. / Feedback and status reports on interim activities
4. / Status of texts consented, agreed, deleted
5. / Workshops of interest to SG 16
6. / Objectives for this meeting
7. / SG 16 organization
8. / SG 16 structure for the next study period
9. / Guidelines for the meeting of Working Parties, Q20 and Q26
10. / Review and approval of meeting results
11. / Future work
12. / Updating of SG 16 work programme
13. / Date and place of the next meeting of SG 16
14. / Miscellaneous
15. / Closing of the meeting
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(to TSB Collective letter 7/16)
Draft timetable for the fifth meeting of ITU-T Study Group 16
(Geneva, 26 June – 6 July 2007)
For schedule updates, please see: http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com16.
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(to TSB Collective letter 7/16)
Draft work programme for Working Parties and Questions
The following is a preliminary list of topics expected to be treated during this Study Group 16 meeting. This list is not exhaustive, and other topics may be addressed based on proposals received at the meeting and on discussions held. Generally foreseen activities include coordination with other groups and preliminary review of text of Study Group 16 Questions towards the next study period.
Plenary QuestionsQuestions / Title
20/16 / Mediacom
- Coordination on NGN, Networked ID, Home Networking, IPTV, TDR/EW, and coordination with other ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D Study Groups, ICG-Sat, IETF, ISO/IEC, etc
- Update the Mediacom Project description
- Update existing action plans (TDR/EW, DC/CED)
26/16 / Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services
- Coordinate with other SDOs, Questions, or Study Groups
- Discussion of miscellaneous and new work items
Working Party 1/16 - Modem, fax, and equipment transmission
Question / Title
11/16 / Voiceband Modems and Protocols: Specification and Performance Evaluation
- Progress the work on, the enhancements to the V.15x series of Recommendations
- Complete new Annex to V.151 to provide support of RFC 4301 at this meeting
- Progress new work item on V.IP2IP-VxF on VBD to Relay IWF
- Coordinate with other Questions, in particular Q.14 and Q.26
14/16 / Facsimile terminals (Group 3 and Group 4): Specification and Performance Evaluation
- Progress work on V.152-to-T.38 interworking
15/16 / Circuit multiplication equipment and systems
- Progress work on drafting new Recommendation I.733 (VAME) aiming for Consent in 2008
- Progress work on Recommendation G.769 (IP-CME) for future expansion
16/16 / Speech enhancement in signal processing network equipment
- Continue development of new Recommendation G.160 (voice enhancement devices) aiming for Consent in 2008
- Progress work on revised Recommendation G.168 (2008) (echo cancellers)
- Start development of new Recommendation G.EEC (embedded echo cancellers)
- Progress work on revised Recommendation G.169 (automatic level control devices)
17/16 / Voice gateway equipment
- Progress work on new Recommendation G.IP2IP
- Progress work on revised Recommendation G.799.1/Y.1451.1
18/16 / Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment
- Progress work on new Recommendation G.UCPSPNE “SPNE mechanisms/auxiliary functions” aiming for the Consent at this meeting
- Progress work on new Recommendation G.mdcspne “Mechanism for dynamic coordination of SPNE” in preparation for Consent in 2008
- Progress work on revised Recommendation G.161 “Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment” in preparation for Consent in 2008
- Progress work on new Recommendation G.SPNE “Signal Processing Network Equipment” in preparation for Consent in 2008
Working Party 2/16 - Multimedia systems and terminals
Question / Title
1/16 / Multimedia systems, terminals and data conferencing
- Incorporate results from interim meeting accordingly
- Progress of H.324 topics relative to Annex K
- Review of final text of H.324 Annex L (text conversation), H.324 Amd. 2 and H.222.0 Amd. 2
- Review of final text of revised T.120-series
- Review of the items relative to H.320, H.324, T.120, H.310, etc
2/16 / Real-Time Audio, Video, and Data Communication over Packet-Switched Networks
- Review items proposed for the H.323-series Implementors' Guide
- Progress work on: H.245v14, H.323 Annex I, H.460.geo, H.presence, H.460.tm
- Discussion of miscellaneous and new work items
3/16 / Multimedia Gateway Control Architectures and Protocols
- Prepare for Consent: H.248.8 Revised, H.248.9 Amendment 1, H.248.12 Amendment 2, H.248.19 Amendment 2, H.248.29 Corrigenda 1, H.248.37 Amendment 1, H.248.43 (ex. H.248.GM), H.248.47 Amendment 1, H.248.48 (ex. H.248.QHR), H.248.49 (ex. H.248.SDPVER), H.248.50 (ex. H.248.NATTT), H.248.51 (ex. H.248.TCM), H.248.52 (ex. H.248.QoS), H.248.53 (ex. H.248.TMAN), H.248.54 (ex. H.248.MPLS), H.248.55 (ex. H.248.PLM), H.248.56 (ex. H.248.VPN)
- Progress work on H.248.RTCP, H.248.ETN, H.248.RTPAD, H.248.Statistics
- Prepare revised Implementors' Guides for H.248 Sub Series and H.248.1v2
- Revised and new H Series Supplements: 2, 7, H.Supp-H248sync
- Consider new materials
4/16 / Advanced multimedia communication service features on top of the ITU-T defined multimedia system platforms
- Progress work on H.350.8 aiming at Consent in 2007-07
- Enhancements to H.350 Sub-series
- Possible new service features
5/16 / Control of NAT and Firewall Traversal for H.300-Series Multimedia Systems
- Complete work on H.proxy (aiming for Consent at this meeting)
- Progress work on TP.HNFT
- Discussion of miscellaneous and new work items
21/16 / Multimedia Architecture
- "H.325" Next generation multimedia terminals and systems
- Progress work on H.saarch, H.vsreqs (video surveillance), H.ghna (Home network architecture), H.MID (NID triggered multimedia information delivery system architecture), H.VSarch (Visual surveillance architecture) & IPTV
22/16 / Multimedia applications and services
- Progress work for F.VSreqs (Requirements and services description for visual surveillance) and F.MID (Requirements and services description for NID triggered multimedia contents retrieval and delivery services)
- Progress IPTV related subjects concerning definitions, requirements and scenarios (in the context of multimedia communications)
24/16 / Quality of service and end-to-end performance in multimedia systems
- Progress work on Annexes A, B, C of H.361 (ex H.mmqos)
- Progress work on H.trans.control
- Discussion of miscellaneous and new work items on end-to-end QoS
25/16 / Multimedia security in next-generation networks (NGN-MM-SEC)
- Incorporate relevant results from interim meeting
- Progress study of NGN-MM-SEC issues
- Review of the items relative to H.235-series, H.460.22, etc
28/16 / Multimedia framework for e-health applications
- Review feedback on the first version of Technical Paper on the telemedicine Standardization Roadmap
- Present activities carried out within the eHSCG and HTTF group
- Discuss a possible structure for the Recommendation on a 'Framework for e-health applications in emergency situations'
- Discuss working arrangements for future meetings
29/16 / Mobility for multimedia systems and services
- Progress TP.mmsm (Service Mobility for new Multimedia Service Architecture)
- Presence in H.3xx based systems
- In-car multimedia support
Working Party 3/16 – Media coding
Question / Title
6/16 / Visual coding
- Progress work on revision of H.264 for scalable video coding, supplemental enhancement information, and 3-D / multi-view video coding
- Maintenance and new proposals for H.26x and H.271
- Proposals and organizational work toward eventual development of an "H.265"
- Collection of non-normative content to aid in the study and implementation of H.264
- Study and coordination relating to use of video coding in systems
- Progress work on still image coding
8/16 / Generic voice activity detection
- Approval of ToR for GSAD
- Approval of qualification test and processing plan
- Plan subsequent actions
9/16 / Variable Bit Rate Coding of Speech Signals
- Review the progress of the EV-VBR codec Collaboration and Optimization Phase
- Define time schedule for the Superwideband extensions
- Finalize the Test Conditions for the Optimization/Characterization Phase I for the WB/NB and the SWB/Stereo Modes
10/16 / Software tools for signal processing standardization activities and maintenance and extension of existing voice coding standards
- Review the deliverables of the ITU-T G.711 wideband extension qualification phase and start the organization of the next phase
- Review the deliverables of the ITU-T G.722.1 fullband extension qualification phase and start the organization of the next phase
- Preparation of the G.729.1 DTX/CNG qualification phase
- Finalization and Approval the ToRs and Time schedule of G.729.1 super wideband extension and preparation of the qualification phase
- Progress the work on software tool library update
- Review the results of the correspondence works and any contribution on possible extension of ITU-T existing voice coding standards (G.711 series, G.72x series and G.19x series)
23/16 / Media coding
- Progress high-level definition of requirements for NGN speech/audio codec
- Update Multimedia Coding Summary Database (MCSD) as necessary
- Progress work on character coding