EDLD 5326 / PEDG 5388 School Community Relations Gina Kenner
Week 3 Assignment
You have gathered data and outlined the components of either a new or improved school-community partnership. In this week’s assignment, you will develop a plan for the proposed partnership that specifies a realistic timeline, the required tasks, and the persons responsible for each task, and you will describe the evaluation process that you propose for the partnership.
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 3 Assignment.
Tasksê / Accomplished
The evidence suggests that this work is a “Habit of Mind.” The educator is ready to mentor others in this area. / Proficient
The evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator. / Needs Improvement
The evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task.
Project Timeline and Evaluation / Student clearly describes all or all but one of the components of the partnership, including measurable goals, impact on student achievement, stakeholders, steps to approval and implementation, funding sources, required resources, marketing strategy, timeline, persons responsible, and evaluation process. / Student clearly describes all but two aspects of the project in terms of measurable goals, impact on student achievement, stakeholders, steps to approval and implementation, funding sources, required resources, marketing strategy, timeline, persons responsible, and evaluation process. / Student inadequately describes aspects of the project in terms of measurable goals, impact on student achievement, stakeholders, steps to approval and implementation, funding sources, required resources, marketing strategy, and evaluation process.
Assignment Mechanics / Responses are relevant to course content; no errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. / Responses are relevant to course content; few errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. / Responses do not reflect knowledge of course content, lack clarity and depth, and/or include multiple errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, including APA errors.
Week 3 Assignment, Part 1: Establishing a Project Timeline
What is a realistic timeline for your project? What are the required tasks? Who will make sure the timeline is followed and that the tasks are completed? Create a task list for your project, as well as a timeline for the completion of each task, using the chart below.
Task / Who? / What? / When?Decide the goals and visions of a parent-community group. Funding / Campus Improvement Team / Have a meeting to discuss the goal and vision of increasing parent-community involvement. Discuss funding: fundraisers, donations, and grants / 2 hours
Need out a needs assessment / Members of CIT and school / Conduct a needs assessment by surveying parents, students, teachers, community members, and businesses. Surveys will be provided by sending the survey home with the students, allowing on survey through the school's website, delivering survey to businesses, and use the school's and town's marquee sign, and newspaper to promote participation. / 2 weeks
Send home the first day of school so parents are more likely to fill it out.
Evaluation of needs assessment / CIT members / Evaluate the needs assessment. Find out the weakness, suggestions, and people that are willing to help. / 1 week
Decide activities that could help increase the parent-community involvement based on the needs assessment. / CIT members and grade level team leaders / Develop a schedule of activities that will be conducted throughout the school year. / 2 hours
Deliver and communicate results of needs assessment / Principal / Post results in newspaper, website, and newsletters / Send home with progress reports the 3rd week of school.
Share goals and vision with community and parents, form Soaring Eagles (PTA group-team) / CIT members and principal / Make a contact with those willing to volunteer and have a meeting to share goals and vision. Provide the community and parents to become a member of the Soaring Eagles (PTA group-team) / Contacts will start after the results of the needs assessment. Meeting will be held the 4th week of school.
Discuss activities with Soaring Eagles group-team, start developing leaders of the group, start planning the 1st activity Open House. / CIT, principal, and Soaring Eagles / Discuss and revise activities, start nominations for leaders: president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and etc. / 5th week of school
Develop Open House plans and activities, assign roles and responsibilities, and marketing of open house. / CIT, school, and Soaring Eagles / Elect roles of Soaring Eagles, plan open house and promoting open house. / Week 5 and 6
Open House / CIT, faculty, and Soaring Eagles / Have open house, provide information for joining Soaring Eagles and ways parent-community can help. / Week 7 (Students will be able to show off some of there work for the 1st six weeks, meet teachers, and pick up report cards.)
Evaluate success of Open House / CIT, faculty, and Soaring Eagles / Evaluation survey of parents, community, and teachers / Week 8
Follow procedures for planning Open House with other activities. / CIT and Soaring Eagles / Implementation of activities throughout the school year. / Entire year
Evaluation of involvement and correlation of increasing student achievement / CIT and Soaring Eagles / Survey parents, teachers and community about participation and success. Also evaluate student data, test scores, and achievement to determine if the program was successful for student achievement. Determine if the increase parent-community involvement coincides with increased student achievement. / End of year
Funding / Principal and Soaring Eagle Leaders / Allocate Title 1 and NCLB funding; Research funding options, apply for grants, implement fundraisers, and develop relationship with businesses for funding. / Ongoing throughout the entire year.
Week 3 Assignment, Part 2: Establishing an Evaluation Process
The ultimate goal of the family-school-community partnership that you are advocating is increased student achievement. You have established measurable goals for the proposed partnership. How will you know that the partnership has met those goals?
Describe the evaluation process that you will use to assess the outcomes of the proposed family-school-community partnership.Evaluation of the family-school-community partnership will be an accumulation of surveys, student achievement, family-school-community involvement, evaluation of meeting goals and visions decide at the start.
Measuring Family-school-community success http://dpi.wi.gov/fscp/pdf/fchklst.pdf
What are the measurable goals that you have established for the proposed family-school-community partnership? What criteria will you use to determine if the partnership has met those goals?
1. Positive behavior, attitude, relationships
2. Parent-community involvement
3. Student's grades, test scores, and success
The criteria to determine if the partnership has met the goals is majority related to the facts. Did we see an increase in student achievement? Was there a positive relationship with parent-community-family? Did we see an increase in participation from the parent-community-family? Has the communities attitude toward the school improve?
How do you envision using the data that will be generated from the evaluation process?
I will use the data gather by ongoing participation, surveys, and student achievement to determine if the goals and visions where met. The data will also help the following year to make even better decisions. I would also share the results with the parent-community-family.