Minutes of May 31, 2017 SDAHA Conference Call
Those Present:
SDAHA Officers Present: President Randy Honkomp, Treasurer Jeff Scheel
Representatives from the following Associations: Oahe, Watertown, Fremont, Sioux Center, Rushmore, Yankton, Omaha, Aberdeen, Brookings, Huron, Mitchell, Sioux Falls, Fremont
Guests: Dan French
Absent: Vice President Tony Lief, Secretary Mike Hunter, and Representatives from Brandon Valley and Northern Hills.
Item #1: Hometown Rule Proposal presented by Oahe Hockey Association. The proposed language is as follows:
Home Town Rule - All players and parents must be residents of the community for which the player participates. In the event a community does not have an amateur hockey program or association, a player may participate in the hockey program of the nearest community with such a program. In the event a community has an amateur hockey program or association, a player residing in that community may participate in the hockey program of the nearest community upon request and approval of an exemption by the South Dakota Amateur Hockey Association Board of Directors. Such an exemption shall be explained in detail and made in writing to the SDAHA board President by August 1st and approved by a majority the SDAHA board members. Once approved, individual player exemption to the Home Town Rule shall remain in effect for the duration of that player’s participation in the SDAHA regardless of level. Players currently participating with teams outside of their home town at the time of passage of this rule shall be deemed to be pre-approved under the rule and not subject to formal SDAHA board approval.
Motion was made to accept the proposal as presented by Sioux Falls, Seconded by Sioux Center.
Votes in Favor of the Motion: Oahe, Brookings, Huron, Mitchell, Rushmore, Sioux Center, Aberdeen, Yankton, Watertown, Sioux Falls, SDAHA Treasurer.
Votes Against the Motion: None
Motion Passed by a vote of 11 to 0.
Item #2: 1A and 2B Proposal presented by Aberdeen Hockey Association. The proposed Language is as follows:
When an association has three teams at any one division, one of the following will apply:
- At the Varsity and Jr. Varsity level: One team will be rostered as a Varsity Team (Team #1), One will be rostered as Jr Varsity (Team #2) and Team #3 could be rostered either as a second Jr Varsity Team or a Team which plays in the Jr Gold division. Jr. Varsity Team #2 will be linked to the single Varsity (Team #1) to facilitate the dual rostering and floating of players between these teams. If the remaining team (#3) is rostered as a Jr. Varsity team and not a Jr Gold team, it would not allow any players to be dual rostered and would not allow players to float with the Varsity team. Under the situation where 2 Jr Varsity Teams are rostered by a single association, it will not be possible to evenly split the two teams because of the linking to the Varsity Team. This will be the only exception to the rule found in Section 4, Subsection I, Subsection IIII, of the SDAHA Playing Rules where 2 teams playing at the same level should be as evenly divided as possible.
- At all levels other than Varsity and Jr Varsity, one team shall be determined to play at the A level and the second and third team will play at the B level.
Motion was made by Watertown to accept the proposal as is, Seconded by Brookings.
Votes in Favor of the Motion: Brookings, Mitchell, Pierre, Rushmore, Watertown, Sioux Falls, Aberdeen, SDAHA Treasurer
Votes Against the Motion: Huron, Yankton, Sioux Center
Motion Passed by a vote of 8 to 3.
Item #3: Proposal for an SDAHA Executive Director presented by SDAHA President Randy Honkomp. With the upcoming needs of SDAHA going forwad and the upcoming retirement of Maxine Tronnes, it is felt it is appropriate to create the role of Executive Director for SDAHA. This will be a part time position and assume the duties currently completed by Maxine Tronnes plus other duties to be defined.
Motion made by Watertown to authorize the position, seconded by Sioux Falls.
Motion Passed by a Unanimous Vote.
Motion made to adjourn by Oahe, Seconded by Sioux Falls.
Motion Passed by a Unanimous Vote.