ESA 7 Summer Camp Agenda
Dear participants,
We are looking forward to working with you and your team at the Second Annual ESA 7 Summer Camp. The camp information is listed below:
When:June 9 and 10, 2008
Where:TIE Office, 1925 Plaza Blvd, Rapid City
Phone:TIE Office (394-1876); Pam’s Cell (641-9510)
Time:8:30 to 3:00 both days
Continental breakfast provided
Lunch on your own June 9; BBQ lunch provided June 10
One hour credit ($40.00) or Renewal credit available
The summer camp will focus on the following four areas:
- Developing an understanding of the new accreditation requirements for schools not currently listed in improvement versus schools currently listed in improvement.
- Critiquing, developing, and/or modifying a district-wide school improvement plan.
- Critiquing, developing, or modifying district’s professional development plan as it pertains to accreditation/school improvement needs.
- Working Afternoon: Teams will be given a full afternoon of work time, with ESA assistance.
To accomplish the above, please bring the following items:
- Laptop per team (or more)
- 2008-09 School Calendar
- Any School Improvement/School-wide/NCA/Accreditation Plan(s)
- Electronic/Paper Copy or both
- If you do not currently have a plan, please bring a copy of your district/school goals/strategies/interventions
- Professional Development Plan
- Electronic/Paper Copy or both
Please make sure your team members have a copy of the above information. Feel free to contact me at with any questions you may have. Enjoy your summer.
Technology and Innovation in Education
FREE ESA 7 Summer Camp
Do you have a school that has been placed on School Improvement?
Whether the answer is YES or NO . . . this camp is designed specifically for your school district!
ESA 7 is hosting the second annual “Summer Camp” to help districts get a jump-start on developing or making changes to school improvement plans. With the new state accreditation guidelines, ALL schools are required to submit a school improvement plan for the 2008-09 school year. So put together a team and plan to attend our summer camp. ESA 7 instructors – Pam Lange, Debbie O’Doan, Lisa Hafer, Lacey Bleess, and Barb Rowenhorst – plan to make this a fun and relaxing work time for all.
Come and enjoy summer treats, BBQ lunches, and summer fun while working on school improvement planning.
The summer camp will focus on four areas:
- Developing an understanding of the new accreditation requirements for schools not currently listed in improvement versus schools currently listed in improvement.
- Critiquing, developing, and/or modifying a district-wide school improvement plan.
- Critiquing, developing, or modifying your district’s professional development plan as it pertains to your school improvement needs.
- Discussing how a data retreat can meet your district’s needs.
- Working Afternoon: Teams will be given a full afternoon of work time, with our assistance, to finalize a district-wide school improvement plan.
When: June 9-10, 2008
Where: TIE Office – Rapid City
Time: 8:30 to 3:00 both days
Schools Currently Listed on School Improvement: For school districts who are currently listed on school improvement, this camp will give you time to modify your existing school improvement plan, critique or develop a professional development plan, and determine how your district will meet the new accreditation requirements set by the State Department.
Schools Not Currently on School Improvement: With the new requirements set by the Department of Education, all schools, whether on school improvement or not, are required to develop a district-wide school improvement plan. This camp will lead you through a process of developing a district-wide school improvement plan, give you time to begin developing the plan, and also determine how your professional development plan aligns to your district’s school improvement needs.
The most important part of this camp is that your team will be given time to work on making the
necessary changes to a school improvement plan, so when the 2008-09 school year begins,
very few additional changes to the plan will be necessary.
Space is limited, so if you are interested in bringing a team to this summer camp,
please contact Pam Lange at by April 30th.