HANA – Analysis of Changes to Prior

Appropriated Annual Funding – AP001600AD


The HANA-Analysis of Changes to Prior Appropriated Annual Funding report allows the user to view differences between fiscal year-end close availability and current amounts available in the corresponding expired fiscal year. This report calculates differences using multiple fiscal years, by displaying collections, estimated collections, and receivables. This report is set up for appropriated funding; therefore only fund AP001600AD should be used. In addition, the report has multiple tabs to view the data in different formats.


BOBJ and/or BOBJ HANA Reporting Role


1.  Locate the HANA – Analysis of Changes to Prior Appropriated Annual Funding in the Public Folders under the APHIS Spending Reports.

Note: For detailed instructions on locating APHIS Ad-Hoc reports see the “BOBJ/HANA BOBJ-Opening a Previously Created Ad-Hoc Report” document.

2.  There are four available prompts that are used to pull data; Fund (mandatory) (preset to AP001600AD), Fund Center, Funded Program, and Budget Period. Once you have defined your prompts <click> Run Query. For more information on choosing prompts go to the “BOBJ/HANA BOBJ-Report Basics” document.

3.  There are multiple reports created from the data; the different reports can be seen by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

a.  Total MBOC (Major BOC) is the first tab which summarizes the data by Fund AP001600AD, breaking out the data by Budget Period and Major BOC. The report totals the Fund Balance. This is a high level report which shows how the agency closed for that specific fund and budget period and shows the current balance. This report is specifically set up for annual funding only.

The columns are set up as follows:

·  Total PTD Allotted shows the amount allocated to that fund. It will show up in the MBOC as AL or for BOC as ALLT. It should also match the allocation update for that year.

·  Annual Close Amount is the total PTD Annual Close Amount for all the activity processed against GL Account 4610 that occurred in the Fiscal Year the Budget Period was open. For example Budget Period 1212 and Fiscal Year 2012, shows 1212 activity only.

·  Total End Balance consists of real time data. This contains GL account 4650.

o  A positive amount in the “Total End Balance” or “Annual Close Amount” column means that there is availability.

o  A negative amount in the “Total End Balance “or “Annual Close Amount” column means that the year was overspent.

·  The Difference between Close and End Amount shows the difference between what the agency availability was at close out and what the current amount is.

o  A positive amount means there is more expenditures now than at the time of annual close.

o  A negative amount means that are more expenditures at the time of annual close.

Note: You can use the input controls on the left to filter the report you are viewing. Remember input controls only work for the report you are currently working on. If you move to another report/tab, then you will need to use the input control to filter that tab individually.

b.  Total BOC breaks out the data by Major BOC, BOC, Fund and Budget Period. The report subtotals by Fund. This report allows you to see all activity that occurred by BOC.

c.  Total Analysis breaks out the data by the Budget Period (BP), Fund, and Functional Area (FA). The report subtotals by the Budget Period. This report allows you to see how each functional area closed the year. For example, Animal Welfare closed BFY 1212 at 4,420,765.04, as of today another 1,174,211.62 was spent since that time giving them an Total End Balance of 3,246,553.42.

d.  Total FA and Program - breaks out the data by the Fund, Budget Period (BP), Functional Area (FA), and Program. The report subtotals by the Fund, and Functional Area. This report allows you to see all the programs with activity for each Functional Area.

e.  Total by Program - breaks out the data by the Fund, Budget Period, and Program. The report subtotals by Budget Period and Grand Total. This report allows you to see all the programs with activity grouped by Budget Period.

f.  Total by MBOC – breaks out the data by the Fund, Budget Period, Program and MBOC. The report subtotals by Program, Budget Period, and Grand Total. This report allows you to see all the programs with activity grouped by Budget Period and MBOC.

g.  Total by BOC Program – breaks out the data by the Fund, Budget Period, Program, MBOC and BOC. The report subtotals by MBOC, Program, Budget Period, and Grand Total. This report allows you to see all the programs with activity by BOC broken out.

h.  Total by Sub Org – breaks out the data by the Fund, Budget Period, Program, Sub Org, and MBOC. The report subtotals by MBOC, Sub Org, Budget Period, and Grand Total. This report allows you to see all the Sub Orgs with activity by MBOC broken out.

4.  The final tab is the Prompt Summary which displays all the fields that were selected.

Last Updated: 6/5/2015 Page 6 of 7