Rancho Viejo Middle School
985 N. Cawston Avenue, Hemet, Ca 92545
(951) 765-6287 FAX (951) 925-5244Jonathon Workman, Principal
Jason Luna, Assistant Principal
Steven Mack, Assistant Principal
Zero Period Contract
1.When Is Zero Period?
Zero period classes are before school (Not on Tuesday) from 7:50 to 8:50 AM.
2.Are Zero Period Classes Mandatory for all students?
No. Zero period classes are offered only to those students who want to take a second elective and who fill out this application with parent approval.
3.Are The Courses Taken During Zero Period “Elective Courses”Or “Core Courses”?
The only course offered zero period is PE. This allows students to meet their PE \]requirements and have a chance to participate in multiple programs on campus
(i.e. AVID/ASB, BAND/AVID, etc…)
4.Does Hemet Unified School District Provide Transportation For Zero Period Students?
NO. HUSD does not provide transportation for zero period classes at this time. If students normally ride the bus, they will be required to find transportation to school in the morning for zero period. The HUSD transportation department will continue to provide transportation to all eligible students for the normal school day.
Zero Period Attendance/Behavior Policies
Enrollment in zero period is a privilege, granted only to students who demonstrate good attendance and behavior. Due to the limited number of slots (120 slots) in zero period, students are expected to abide by District/School Attendance policies as well as RVMS Discipline/STAR Expectations.
- In the case of excessive absences privileges may be revoked.
Academics - Students who are selected for the zero period class will be expected to perform at an
appropriate academic level. Zero period classes will result in credits, and therefore will require students
to complete satisfactory work to earn credit. Students will be required to complete coursework in a
timely manner and consistently engage with the subject matter.
Behavior - All students will be required to adhere to District/ School and STAR expectations. Violations
of the above policies, rules or expectations may result in removal from zero period. Excellent behavior is
expected at all times as zero period is a privilege.
Please sign reverse side….
I, ______and my parent, ______have read and understand the Zero Period Policies/ Declarations page and we agree to support/ abide by these policies. We agree to support the school by consistently attending zero period, behaving well and completing work.
Student Signature______Date ______
Parent/ Guardian Signature______Date______
I understand that Transportation is not provided for zero period (please check box)
CIRCLE elective you’re CURRENTLY enrolled in:2nd CHOICE ELECTIVE (Choose 1st)
ASB_____Computers-1 (6th Grade Only)
BAND (ALL LEVELS)_____Computers-2 (7th Grade Only)
DRAMA 1/2_____Band
CREATIVE WRITING 6/7/8_____Choir 1/2
YEARBOOK_____Creative Writing
CHOIR 1/2_____Yearbook (application only)
ELD_____Aide(Circle One: Campus/ Office/ Library)
RDG. 180 _____Drama
ENG. 3D_____T.A., Campus or Office Aide (please circle)
TA_____Cross-Age Tutor (AVID)
MAV. TV_____PLUS Leadership Class