Wylie ISD Barn Contract
The F. Ovid Agricultural Facility is the property of Wylie ISD and is for the convenience of a student who has no place to keep a FFA project animal while being a paid FFA member at Wylie ISD. The stall assignment will be determined by the Ag. Science Teachers. All equipment and facilities are under the direct control of the Ag. Science Teachers and Wylie ISD. Before a student is allowed to place an animal in the facility, the rules and guidelines must be understood fully by the students and parents. After these rules handed out, the students and parents will sign this contract to signify they understand and will abide by these rules. If students and parents do not comply with these rules and upon receiving their third written barn warning the student will have to remove their animal within 24 hours.
- General Rules
- The Ag. Science Teachers have the ability to override this contract at anytime and have the authority to remove a student and/or parent from the barn immediately.
- All rules within the Wylie ISD Handbook are enforced at all times.
- Appropriate attire must be worn at all times; inappropriate clothing will result in a barn write-up
- Must wear closed toed shoes and backs at all times
- All students with an animal at the Ag. Facilities are responsible for all guests’ actions; including the parents of the student.
- No one is allowed at the Ag. Facility, without permission, between hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am.
- Parents are encouraged to accompany and help their children or to visit the Ag. Facility during the designated time as stated in # 4.
- Students come to the Ag. Facility to work their animals, therefore students should only be at the barn long enough to feed, water, exercise, and maintain their animal and pens. Loitering could also result in a citation.
- A spare key and/or combination, to any lock being used by a student at the project center, must be given to Ag Teacher to keep in their possession. Failure to provide Ag Teacher with access will result in lock being cut off.
- No domesticated pets: (Dogs, cats, etc)
- ZERO TOLERANCE: Automatic Removal of the Barn
- No HORSEPLAY in the barn. This includes ropes, fighting with show sticks, bike riding, etc or anything deemed horseplay by an Ag Teacher.
- All motor vehicles are to be kept on the road and parking areas. Any student or parent who violates responsible driving habits will be asked to leave the premises.
- No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, tobacco, and firearms are allowed at the Ag. Facility. This rule will be enforced for parents and students. No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed at the Ag. Facility. Anyone caught breaking this rule, will be removed from the Ag. Facility immediately and all rights will be terminated.
- Any negative public comments(Facebook, Twitter, etc.) may result in removal from the barn and or the program.
- Students assigned to DAEP will not be allowed to house their animal projects at the facility while enrolled in the alternative school.
- Animal Entry/Departure to Barn
- No animal will be allowed in the Ag. Facility until
- This contract between the student, parents, and the Ag. Science Teacher has been signed and/or
- A conference is held between first time animal owner, parent, and teacher.
- The animal has been approved by the Ag Science Teacher and deemed of quality to show.
- A bill of sale must be presented for ALL animals. Animals must be owned by the designated exhibitor. Leasing animals for show is prohibited.
- Only students that are paid Wylie FFA or Wylie East FFA members will be allowed to keep their animals in the Ag Facility. If space is available Jr. FFA members will be allowed to keep animals in the barn.
- In order to move an animal into the Wylie ISD Ag. Facility, you must first contact an Ag. Science Teacher and get approval. Any animals that have not been approved will not be able to get an assigned stall. There will be designated move in and move out dates for each species; failure to abide by these given dates will result in not being able to house at the barn.
- All students will be assigned a stall by the Ag. Science Teachers. Once an animal has been assigned a stall, the animal must remain in that stall except when the animal is being cared for or being exercised. When outside the pen or corral animals will be under control at all times.
- Any animal that leaves the premises for any reason without properly notifying the Ag Science Teacher is subject to automatic removal from barn.
- Wylie Ag Departments will provide students with a participation point system. In order to be eligible to participate in stock shows, students must meet the participation point requirements.
- Students are only allowed to have a maximum of 2 animals per species housed in the Ag Facility unless space allows for more. Ag Science teacher will determine if space allows for more.
- Animals/tack must be removed from the Ag barn by designated time issued by Ag Science Teacher. Failure to remove animals/tack by designated time will be considered a donation to the Wylie Ag Departments.
- Stall Expectations and Feeding Routines
- Stalls may not be changed or modified without the approval of the Ag. Science Teacher. All equipment or other items must be approved before they can be placed in the Ag Facility. All structures built in the barn must be approved be the Ag. Science Teachers and WISD Administration if necessary. All structures must be freestanding within the students stall. (Items within a stall are as follows: feed trough, water trough, hay trough, mineral blocks, and feeding ramp)
- Stalls will be cleaned daily with waste disposed of properly. Ex. Pig stall –keep shavings in pen at all times. Clean all manure out of pen. Ex. Heifer stall – scoop all manure and waste out of pen. All waste must be placed in wheelbarrows, which will then be dumped in manure spreader. If parents or family members are feeding for students, it is their responsibility to clean the pens.
- It is the students’ responsibility to clean the aisles outside of their stall. It is also their responsibility to clean the aisles and scales after each use.
- All animals must be fed and watered twice a day at proper intervals. Animals must be exercised daily.
- Students are not to enter the stalls of any other student’s animals, unless accompanied by the animal’s owner.
- Students and parents are not to feed any other animal for any reason unless you are feeding for someone who is going out of town. (You have permission from owner and teacher is notified of arrangement )
- All feeding, medication, grooming, hoof trimming, etc. will be done with the prior approval from an Ag teacher before any show entry cards will be signed.
- Tack will be limited to the following
- Lambs/Goats: All students are limited to one feed barrel or box. Barrels and boxes may be kept on the concrete only. No other storage containers may be kept at the barn.
- Cattle: All feed and hay should be in containers. You will have the front portion of the stall for your feed barrels and tack. Any additional material needs to be kept at home. Students are limited to two barrels or feed boxes. No other storage containers may be kept at the barn.
- Pigs: Feed barrels are to be kept in tack room; clearly marked whom they belong to. All students are limited to one feed barrel. No other storage containers may be kept at the barn.
- Chickens: All tack and feed need to be kept in containers and stored inside your stall.
- Trash- All full trash cans and any other trash should be taken to dumpster immediately. No trash will be left astray.
- Abuse: Animals and Property
- Students or parents will not abuse animals in any manner at the Ag. Facility or any place relative to FFA presentation. Abuse will be determined by the Ag. Science Teachers and will result in the immediate removal of that student’s animal from the Ag. Facility.
- Ag Teachers are allowed to enter any pen at any time to inspect any animal without the permission of the owner. Also, if any unethical treatment is suspected, the Ag Teacher may contact a professional to accompany them into the pen without permission.
- No abuse of equipment or facilities will be tolerated.
- If certain equipment is not provided and the student is in need of that equipment, the student will be responsible for providing it.
- Students are responsible for the animal/animals they own. If there is a problem with another student’s animal you need to:
- 1st contact the Ag Teacher
- 2nd contact the owner
- If an animal dies at the Ag. Facility, the student is required to positively identify the cause of death. If foul play is suspected an autopsy may be required. The student is responsible for the cost and the proper disposal of the animal.
- Any medication that is given to an animal must be recorded and submitted to Ag Science teacher before an animal is permitted to travel to a show.
- The Wylie ISD Animal Health Policy form must be signed and returned to Ag Science teacher prior to animals being brought onto the premises.
- Barn Clean Up Days & Pen Rent
- There will be no monthly rent on stalls at the Ag. Facility. The student is responsible for keeping the Ag. Facility clean, and in working order in exchange for pen rent.
- If a student is unable to do their duties at the Ag. Facility, it their responsibility to find someone to complete their duties.
- If a special work day is scheduled, the student is required to participate in these workdays.
- Days will be designated at the beginning of the school year; students need to make arrangements to be at the clean-up days.
- Breeding and Pasture Use
- The Ag Facility is not a breeding facility; therefore no animals will be allowed to deliver (calve, farrow, kid) their offspring inside the stalls of the Ag Facility.
- No mature breeding age male animals of any species will be allowed in the Ag Facility (Bulls, Rams, Billy’s, Boars)
- The Ag facility will not be a housing unit for animals that are not being shown. Once an animal is no longer able to be shown, the student must remove that animal from the Ag facility.
- Only breeding heifers (and their offspring) that were previously shown as show heifers by the student will be allowed in the Ag. Facility Pasture. Heifers in the pasture will be removed upon graduation or when the student is no longer a paid FFA member at Wylie ISD.
- All supplemental pasture feeding programs will be designed by the Ag. Science Teacher. There will be no individual or custom feeding of individuals animals placed on the Ag. Facility Pasture.
- Students will pay their share of the supplemental pasture feeding and care based on the number of head they have on the pasture. These costs can include but are not limited to: round bale hay, protein blocks and supplements, vitamin and mineral supplements, range cubes, pasture maintenance and improvement (weed control, fertilization, mowing, etc.) and health, vaccination products and supplies.
By signing this I understand and will abide by the rules for the Wylie ISD Agriculture Science Facilities. I understand this contract covers my animal projects for the current year Fall 2016-Spring 2017.
X ______
Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Ag Teacher SignatureDate
Principal SignatureDate