Guide for SSC Assessors
1. Code of Assessment
To comply with university regulations it is necessary to assess all work produced by students using Schedule A of the University of Glasgow code of assessment. This involves using a primary A to G grading system which employs descriptors of student performance (see overleaf) based on learning outcomes – in effect the learning objectives of the module. Within each grade you should decide on the secondary band. For each relevant assessment please award a grade with sub-banding (e.g. A3, C2 etc).
These will be summed subsequently by VALE to calculate the overall grade awarded. Any student awarded Eto G grades should be offered the opportunity of remediation, unless the reason for failure relates to non-submission of work. Students are expected to submit their work by the end of the SSC block but may ask their SSC Supervisor for an extension to a maximum of 3 working days from the end of the block if there is a minor problem with submission. If there is a major problem with submission, students may apply to the SSC Director or Deputy for a longer extension, but must submit appropriate documentary evidence to the SSC Office in advance.Failure to submit work by the deadline will result in deduction of two sub-bands per day.
Once all the students’ work has been assessed, they should be informed about the grades awarded or at minimum whether they have passed. Grades awarded are provisional until approved by the External Examiners. Assessments should be completed on line via the SSC website, but if internet access is not available then a hard copy of the assessment proforma should be returned to the SSC Office, Room 332 Wolfson Medical School Building, Glasgow University, G12 8QQ within 30 days of receipt of the students’ work.
2. Student Feedback
A document management system is now in place that requires students to submit their written work to a secure server. Apart from “date stamping”, this will provide an electronic copy of their work. You can access this via the website, but students are asked to submit a hard copy to their SSC Supervisor. This now offers the opportunity to provide students with feedback by returning their annotated written work after assessment. However, if an E, F or G grade has been awarded, the original written work should be forwarded to the SSC Office and a photocopy given to the student. Students should be told if they have passed or failed the SSC and must be given the opportunity for remediation if an E, F or G grade has been awarded.
Students should also be offered feedback about their performance during the module using the Comments section. All fail grades will be seen by the External Examiners, along with a selection of other pass grades.
3. Honours, Commendation and Graduation
In addition to passing all the professional examinations, students must pass 4 out 5SSC blocks in order to graduate.For students entering the course from session 2008-09 onwards, ALL SSCs must be passed. The SSC grades will be used, in proportion to their contribution to the curriculum as a whole, for the award of Honours and Commendation, along with the “core” assessments from Final and other years of the course. To comply with the Data Protection Act, students’ written work (electronic or otherwise) will be kept for 6 months after publication of the SSC grades for that block and thereafter destroyed, these grades being immutable thereafter. SSC grades are also used for banding students into quartiles as the academic component in the competition for Foundation Year placements.
University Code of Assessment
PrimaryGrade / Description / Secondary
Band / Primary verbal descriptors for attainment of Intended Learning Outcomes
A / Excellent / A1
A5 / Exemplary range and depth of attainment of intended learning outcomes, secured by discriminating command of a comprehensive range of relevant materials and analyses, and by deployment of considered judgement relating to key issues, concepts and procedures.
B / Very Good / B1
B3 / Conclusive attainment of virtually all intended learning outcomes, clearly grounded on a close familiarity with a wide range of supporting evidence, constructively utilised to reveal appreciable depth of understanding.
C / Good / C1
C3 / Clear attainment of most of the intended learning outcomes, some more securely grasped than others, resting on a circumscribed range of evidence and displaying a variable depth of understanding.
D / Satisfactory / D1
D3 / Acceptable attainment of intended learning outcomes, displaying a qualified familiarity with a minimally sufficient range of relevant materials, and a grasp of the analytical issues and concepts which is generally reasonable, albeit insecure.
E / Borderline Fail / E1
E3 / Attainment deficient in respect of specific intended learning outcomes, with mixed evidence as to the depth of knowledge and weak deployment of arguments or deficient manipulations.
F / Clear Fail / F1
F3 / Attainment of intended learning outcomes appreciably deficient in critical respects, lacking secure basis in relevant factual and analytical dimensions.
G / Fail / G1
G2 / Attainment of intended learning outcomesmarkedly deficient in respect of nearly allintended learning outcomes, with irrelevantuse of materials and incomplete and flawedexplanation.
H / Fail / No work submitted for assessment.
Note:Senate rules indicate that the middle secondary band should normally be awarded unless there is justification for departing from this.
Additional Guidance for assessment of written work
A / Excellent presentation totally focused on the topic. Shows wide knowledge, insight and originality.Student’s opinion should be evident and logically argued when appropriate. Integration of material from different sources. Logical and concise presentation; well structured. Relevant references included with appropriate choice of examples. Contains only unimportant (trivial) factual and/or grammatical errors
B / Good comprehensive presentation notable for content and synthesis rather than originality. Must be based on more than a single piece of literature and must show real understanding of the topic. Good presentation.
C / Based largely on a single piece of literature. Must be accurate and relevant but may be poorly organized and may omit some important material.
D / Significant omissions and inclusion of irrelevant material. Must still contain the elements of a logical approach. Poor presentation and inaccuracy are to be expected.
E / Some relevant material presented and some effort made to construct a report.
F / Largely (but not completely) irrelevant material presented.
G / No relevant material presented.
Student Name:Matric no:
SSC Module ID:SSC dates:
Supervisor Name:e-mail:tel:
Please enter a grade for each relevant assessment.
“Subjective” components:
Supervisor’s assessmentOral presentation
“Objective” components:
Report/essay/dissertationCase Reports
Laboratory reports
Written examination
Other (please specify)
Please provide feedback to student on performance during the SSC
Confidential Comments for SSC Director