
Gale Solomon-Henry



Nokha Dakroub


Edenwood Middle School

6770 Edenwood Drive

Mississauga, ON L5N 3B2

t 905.824.1020

f 905.824.9987


George Soultanidis


Raquel Walker

Office Manager/Assistant:

Carlene Charlton, Brenda Crowe

Re-organization day balances class sizes to support your child's success

September 23rd, 2016

Each year our school starts off with a certain number of classes and teachers. These numbers are based on estimates made the previous spring about how many students will be enrolled during the next school year. As you may be aware, the Ministry of Education has class size goals that all school Boards are required to meet. When the Peel District School Board organized its schools in the spring, they adhered to this ministry expectation.

Each September the Board reviews the enrolment and staffing needs through a re-organization process. During the process, administrators compare actual enrolment numbers to the numbers projected by the board in the spring. We have now completed this review, and some of our classes will need to be re-organized.

The changes affecting Edenwood are the following:

  • We are re-organizing our high enrolment classes in grade 7
  • There will be now six grade 7 English classes instead of five
  • There may be some students outside the grade 7 English classes moving in order to balance class compositions.
  • A new timetable will be given to all students on Monday, September 26th and students will begin to

follow that timetable on Wednesday, September 28th.

  • Some teaching assignments have changed which will be reflected on the new timetables.

You will be receiving a letter if your child is moving into a different homeroom or your child’s MST or LASS teacher is changing. Please be assured that these changes will not affect the quality of education that your child will receive. In fact, it may allow teachers to spend more time with individual students.

Please note, these changes will go into effect on Wednesday, September 28th. There is no school for students on Tuesday, September 27th as this is a board wide Professional Activity Day for all schools.

As always, we have worked closely with school staff to do what is in the best interest of students and families to ensure a smooth transition.

We very much appreciate all the support from families and staff as we go through this year’s re-organization.


George Soultanidis



School Council Meeting

Just a reminder that our fist school council meeting will be held on October 5th from 6:00 – 7:00(all are welcome to attend). I would like to thank the parents who volunteered their candidacy for an elected position on School Council. An election is not required at this time as we did not receive a slate of nominations for the required number of positions. If you are still interested in being part of the elected council please let the office know. School Council positions will be determined at the meeting by the parent representatives.

OPEN HOUSE October 6th 6:00pm-7:30pm

Dream, Believe – Be the Best You Can Be