Academic Advisor’s Recommendation Letter for
Curricular Practical Training
(must be printed on department letterhead and signed)
RE: Recommendation for Curricular Practical Training
Dear International Student and Scholar Services,
This letter is to verify thatI recommend Student’s Name (UID)for Curricular Practical Training. Student’s Nameis a full-time undergraduate/graduatestudent in good standing at Illinois State University pursuing a Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctoral degree in Program of Study. The student has not yet satisfied all requirements for the degree and is expected to complete the program on MM/DD/YYYY(Please Note: Student’s visa document will be shortened to reflect this date).
Student’s Name has presented me with an official job offer letter detailing the following information.
Job TitleJob Title
Employer/Company Name
Employer/Company Name
Employer Address
Work Location Address Line 1
Work Location Address Line 2
Work Location CityStateZip Code
Work Location / This should be the physical address where the student goes to work
(If different from Employer Address) / Work Location Address Line 1
Work Location Address Line 2
Work Location CityStateZip Code
Employment Start Date
Employment End Date
Number Hours/Week
Number of Hours/Week
I believe the position is directly related to the student’s field of study. I have discussed this opportunity with Student’s Name, including his/her course load and other commitments (including any on campus jobs they will hold simultaneously) and believe the student capable of handling all of these commitments and maintaining normal progress towards degree completion.
NOTE: If the job offer letter does not give a specific end date, the Academic Advisor must also include the following language (otherwise please omit this section):
The job offer letter does not list a specific end date for the position, however, I am in approval of the work performed up until MM/DD/YYYY to be considered as Curricular Practical Training.
I consider this experience to be an integral part of the student’s academic program. The student will be enrolled in Course Name and Number during SemesterYYYY and will receive numbercredit(s) for this work experience.
NOTE: If the course listed above does not specifically require employment, the Academic Advisor must attach a copy of the Independent Study Plan (if applicable) or include the following additional information (otherwise please omit this section):
- Specific course objectives
- How the work will allow the student to meet those objectives
- How you will evaluate the student’s performance
This experience will be used to fulfill the internship/practicum experience that is required by all students in the program as outlined in the attached course catalog excerpt.
This experience is necessary for the student to collect data that will significantly contribute to his/her thesis/dissertation. The student will be enrolled in number of thesis credit(s) during SemesterYYYY.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at email address or at (309) 438-xxxx.
Academic Advisor Name
Department Name