Revised 1 December 2014

SECNAVINST 5100.13E: Applies to all DON military and civilian personnel, including appropriated and non-appropriated fund employees as well as family members, visitors, volunteers, or contractors, while in
DON spaces.
BUMEDINST 6200.12A: This instruction applies to all Navy Medicine regions, medical treatment facilities (MTFs), and dental treatment facilities (DTFs) ashore and afloat. This instruction does not take precedence over other instructions where tobacco use is controlled because of the potential for fire or explosion, health hazards, or other specific health and safety considerations. This instruction does not override provisions of existing civilian collective bargaining agreements until their expiration. / Command POC:


Reference / Standard / Yes / No / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Comments/Notes
BUMEDINST 6200.12A (Sec. 5.a.) / Is the Navy Medicine Command tobacco free? /  /  /  / 
BUMEDINST 6110.13A (Sec. 6.g.) / Does the MTF submit Tobacco Metrics to NMCPHC twice per year as directed? /  /  /  / 
BUMEDINST 6200.12A (Sec. 6.a.) / Do the MTF and Branch Health Clinics have an appointed Tobacco Cessation (TC) Champion? /  /  /  / 
Encl (4) 5. a-l / Does the HP team shall provide population and evidence-based tobacco programming? /  /  /  / 
SECNAVINST 5100.13E / Are the following items covered at Command Orientation:
Nicotine addiction and its negative impact on readiness.
Health Risks of tobacco use.
Health risks posed by involuntary inhalation of ETS.
Health risks of smokeless tobacco and the unhealthy practice of swallowing its residue.
Availability of assistance to quit tobacco use. /  /  /  / 
(Sec. 6.c. (1)) / Are TC medications easily available and not restricted? /  /  /  / 
SECNAVINST 5100.13E 6 b-d and 11c (4)
BUMEDINST 6200.12A (Sec. 5.a-d.; 6 b.) / Does the Command enforce/monitor non-compliance of the following:
1. Tobacco use when walking from point to point while in uniform?
2. That tobacco useis only occurring in designated tobacco use areas?
3. That tobacco use (while onduty) is occurring only during approved break periods that are designated by supervisors based on staffing and per Federallaw, personnel policy, and union contracts?
4. That smokeless tobacco is only permitted in designatedtobacco use areas and that tobacco spit is held in containers with sealing lids toprevent odor and accidental spills?
5. Prohibit military personnel from using tobaccoproducts while in the presence of patients or while in uniformwhen representing Navy Medicine?
6. The sale of tobacco products within BUMED controlled facilities is prohibited? /  /  /  / 
SECNAVINST 5100.13E (6 e.)
BUMEDINST 6200.12A (Sec. 5 e.) / Do all designated tobacco use areasprominently display tobacco use warnings and availabilityof tobacco cessation programs? /  /  /  / 
SECNAVINST 5100.13E 11 c (5)
BUMEDINST 6200.12A (Sec. 6 d.- e.) / Do health care providers/dentists:
1. Apply tobacco use cessation clinical practiceguidelines (CPGs)?
2. Inquire about the patient’s tobacco use(including smokeless tobacco products) during routine physicalor dental examinations and advise tobacco users of the risksassociated with tobacco use, of the health benefits of quitting,and where to obtain assistance in doing so?
3. Advise all pregnant tobacco users of the healthrisks to the fetus and where to obtain assistance to stop using tobacco? /  /  /  / 

Additional Comments: