SheldonIndependentSchool District
11411 C. E. King Parkway
Houston, TX77044
Sheldon’s salary schedule is competitive with other Harris county school districts.
1.Beginning teacher salary:
2.Bilingual stipend for certified bilingual teachers grades PK-5:
3.ESL stipend for certified ESL teachers:
Elementary PK-5 $750
Secondary 6-12 $ 1,500
What Else Should I Know?
Apply on line at
Attach your resume.
Also email a copy of your resume to
Bonnie Salinas
Coordinator Bilingual/ESL Dept.
11411 C.E. King Parkway
Houston, TX 77044
Shereen James
Principal/Early ChildhoodAcademy
Brenda Emanuel
Principal/Monahan Elementary
JR Webster
Principal/Royalwood Elementary
Christi Gates
Principal/Sheldon Elementary
Bryan Applegate
Principal/Sheldon 6
Donna Ullrich
Principal/King Middle School
Cynthia Worley
Principal/King High School
Martha Perez
Angelica Cruz
Ana Maria Nieto
District Translator/Parent Liaison/Admin
SheldonIndependent School District
Second LAnguage Programs
We believe that all children can learn and that our mission is to provide the environment, resources, personnel, and specific curricular materials for each area to see that all students acquire the skills, knowledge, and concepts necessary to live happily and productively in our society.
We further believe that our mission is to exert every effort to see that each child and youth performs at his/her maximum potential. We expect students, parents, and educators to contribute to the achievement of excellence.
Our mission will be characterized by quality, equity, accountability, and renewal as we seek to fulfill the ideas of effective schools for achieving students.
Creemos que todos los niños pueden aprender y que nuestra misión es proporcionar el ambiente, los recursos, el personal y los materiales del plan de estudios específicos para cada área a fin de que todos los estudiantes adquieran las habilidades, el conocimiento y los conceptos necesarios para vivir feliz y productivamente en muestra sociedad.
También creemos que nuestra misión es esforzarnos para que cada niño/a y joven alcance su máxima capacidad. Esperamos que los estudiantes, padres y educadores contribuyan al logro de excelencia.
Nuestra misión estará caracterizada por la calidad, equidad, responsabilidad y renovación de cómo buscamos satisfacer las ideas de las escuelas efectivas para estudiantes exitosos.
To have every classroom staffed with a highly- qualified teachers.
That our teachers be life long learners who constantly perfect their craft, have the students’ best interests at heart, and are collaborative.
Tener en todos los salonesmaestros altamente calificados
Que nuestros maestros sean aprendices de por vida que constantemente perfeccionen su profesión, den prioridad a los intereses de sus alumnos y que sean colaboradores.
Bilingual Program
The Bilingual Program in Sheldon ISD is a Late Exit model. Spanish as a 1st language is strongly supported in the content areas through 3rd grade. Students are transitioned to English based on their level of proficiency. The goal is to have students meetexit criteria by 5th grade. Each elementary campus has a bilingual strand.
Students qualifying for ESL on elementary campuses are served within mixed classes with ESL certified teachers. 2nd language strategies and accommodations are made in English
Students in grades 6-12 take ESL or ESOL in place of Language Arts. The students attend regular content area classes. Sheltered classes are available.
Dual LAnguage Program
Our Dual Language is in grade K-5. It is a two way 50/50 model. The Kinder class is at CravensAcademy. Grades 1-5 are at Sheldon Elementary.