Join the Treasure Coast Parrot Head Club!
We meet the 1st Wednesday of every month
5:30 p.m. until the party is over!!!!
Check the club website for location:
Treasure Coast Parrot Heads love Jimmy Buffett Music, the Beach, Dancing, Margaritas, Coronas, Landsharks, Goombay Punch, Cheeseburgers, laughing, getting together for concerts, parties and a good time, raising money for local charities, environmental causes and disaster relief! Got any ideas for our club? Want to be on our mailing list? Call, or better yet, email:
Jan Pendagast- Membership Director
- 772-337-6499
Thomas Edwards, President
Club website
Treasure Coast Parrot Head Club Inc. is a Florida Non Profit Corporation and federal tax-exempt 501(c)7 social organization. TCPHC is a chapter club member of Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc., the international organization of Jimmy Buffett fan clubs.
Membership does not give members the license to use Margaritaville or Jimmy Buffett’s song titles, lyrics, names of businesses or other copyrighted or reserved material owned by Margaritaville or Jimmy Buffett. This contribution is not deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal Income Tax purposes.
Want to join?? Fill out the information below, pay your dues and you will be a full-pheathered member of the Treasure Coast Parrot Head Club!!
Birthday: ______(mo)/______(day)
Address: ______
Phone: (h)______Cell ______
Keets: Name(s): ______Birthday(s):______
(children under 18)
Keets: Name(s): ______Birthday(s):______
Treasure Coast Parrot Head Club Inc. is a Florida Non Profit Corporation and federal 501(c)7 social organization. TCPHC is a chapter club member of Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc., the international organization of Jimmy Buffett fan clubs.
Membership does not give members the license to use Margaritaville or Jimmy Buffett’s song titles, lyrics, names of businesses or other copyrighted or reserved material owned by Margaritaville or Jimmy Buffett. This contribution is not deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal Income Tax purposes.
I agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and Bylaws of the Treasure Coast Parrot Head Club Inc., posted on the club’s website:
Signature: ______
Annual Membership $25.00 Per Person (Keets included up to age 18!)
Members joining from October 1 to November 30 will not be charged again for membership renewals due that December. All other members renew each December.
We accept PayPal or you may mail a check to the address below: Make checks payable to: TCPHC
Mail to: TCPHC –
P.O. Box 925
Jensen Beach, FL 34986
Please check payment form.