FR.007 Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan FormRev G / Date 18.02.2015
NOTE TO COMPILER ABOUT THIS FORM:This Form should be used in conjunction with SSDM/PR Procedure PC.032. It is one component of a Quality Plan, for which Form FR.005 serves as the Cover Sheet. Form FR.005 should be updated each time this Form (or any other Quality Plan component) is updated. All components must be included under Form FR.005 when submitting an amended Quality Plan for Approval – irrespective of whether or not they themselves have changed.
This Form is currently protected but can be unprotected in order to add additional rows to Tables and the like. To unprotect the Form go Review > Restrict Editing > Stop Protection > Password: FR.007 (case sensitive). Having amended the Form then – in order to complete it – it must be re-protected. In order to do so go Review > Restrict Editing > Yes, Start Enforcing Protection > Password: FR.007 (case sensitive). In order to force any automated references or heading numbers to update you may need to enter and exit a print preview.
Section 1Project/Group Information
This Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan applies to the following Group/Project.
- [Select]Project ReferenceGroup Reference
- [Select]Project NameGroup Name
NOTE TO COMPILER:The information entered here should be the same as on the Quality Plan Cover Sheet (Form FR.005). It is used merely to associate the different Quality Plan component documents together.
Section 2Monitoring Indicators
NOTE TO COMPILER: This Section is used to confirm information about the proposed Monitoring Indicators for the Group or Project. The Objectives that are explained in the Part 1 Design Brief (Form FR.006) must be cross-referenced to these. However, it is not its place to explain how the data collected for Monitoring Indicators will be used and interpreted for the purposes of demonstrating success against Objectives. This is explained in the Part 1 Design Brief instead.
Amongst other information, the type of each Monitoring Indicator must be stated. This may be
-Behavioural – relating to things that describe how people behave, such as the speed they drive at or percentage of people that walk rather than drive or cycle
-Attitudinal – relating to peoples views or opinions
-Environmental – relating to non-spatial measurements of the environment or things that individuals cannot directly influence themselves. This could include measurements like air quality, urban temperatures or even journey times. However, it might also include more subjective judgements about the environment that are reached via some professional assessment methodology (e.g. Level of Service Assessments for pedestrians or cyclists)
-Spatial – relating to things that can be measured from drawings or very simply projected from these, such as the number of formal crossing points or the effective width of footways.
Spatial Indicators should generally be avoided. However, the Highway Authority may accept these on a discretionary basis if it is satisfied that other types of Indicators are impractical for the Objective in question.
The Table on the following page(s) explains the agreed Monitoring Indicators.
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FR.007 Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan FormRev G / Date 18.02.2015
Information about Data Assessment(see Note 1) / Monitoring Indicators
M/IN 1M/IN 2M/IN 3M/IN 4M/IN 5M/IN 6M/IN 7M/IN 8M/IN 9M/IN 10M/IN 11M/IN 12M/IN 13M/IN 14M/IN 15M/IN 16M/IN 17M/IN 18 / M/IN 1M/IN 2M/IN 3M/IN 4M/IN 5M/IN 6M/IN 7M/IN 8M/IN 9M/IN 10M/IN 11M/IN 12M/IN 13M/IN 14M/IN 15M/IN 16M/IN 17M/IN 18 / M/IN 1M/IN 2M/IN 3M/IN 4M/IN 5M/IN 6M/IN 7M/IN 8M/IN 9M/IN 10M/IN 11M/IN 12M/IN 13M/IN 14M/IN 15M/IN 16M/IN 17M/IN 18 / M/IN 1M/IN 2M/IN 3M/IN 4M/IN 5M/IN 6M/IN 7M/IN 8M/IN 9M/IN 10M/IN 11M/IN 12M/IN 13M/IN 14M/IN 15M/IN 16M/IN 17M/IN 18 / M/IN 1M/IN 2M/IN 3M/IN 4M/IN 5M/IN 6M/IN 7M/IN 8M/IN 9M/IN 10M/IN 11M/IN 12M/IN 13M/IN 14M/IN 15M/IN 16M/IN 17M/IN 18 / M/IN 1M/IN 2M/IN 3M/IN 4M/IN 5M/IN 6M/IN 7M/IN 8M/IN 9M/IN 10M/IN 11M/IN 12M/IN 13M/IN 14M/IN 15M/IN 16M/IN 17M/IN 18
[Insert a brief name for this Indicator] / [Insert a brief name for this Indicator] / [Insert a brief name for this Indicator] / [Insert a brief name for this Indicator] / [Insert a brief name for this Indicator] / [Insert a brief name for this Indicator]
Type / BehaviouralAttitudinalEnvironmentalSpatial / BehaviouralAttitudinalEnvironmentalSpatial / BehaviouralAttitudinalEnvironmentalSpatial / BehaviouralAttitudinalEnvironmentalSpatial / BehaviouralAttitudinalEnvironmentalSpatial / BehaviouralAttitudinalEnvironmentalSpatial
(and scale increments where relevant)
(if relevant)
Sample size/composition
(if relevant)
Please check relevant boxes below to confirm when Data Assessments for each individual Indicator will be undertaken
Before commencing the improvement works (to be provided within Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D1/Entry)
At first opening of the constructed improvement works
(to be provided within Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D2/Entry)
12/18 months after opening the constructed improvement works
(to be provided within Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E1/Entry)
36 months after opening the constructed improvement works
(to be provided within Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E1/Entry)
Any additional Requirements
(see Note 2)
1)Please state the type of data assessment, measure, unit, periods, location and sample size and composition that will be used for each Monitoring Indicator.
2)Please explain any additional requirements for how the data for this Indicator should be presented in a subsequent Monitoring Report. Bear in mind that you may want it to be presented differently from the output format used in any informing Survey (for which see Section 3). These instructions may be provided in a referenced Appendix if you prefer.
3)If you require more than 6 Monitoring Indicators then you should create a second copy of the Table for M/IN 7 onwards (see page 1 for details of how to unprotect and re-protect the Form to do this).
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FR.007 Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan FormRev G / Date 18.02.2015
Section 3Surveys
The information required in this Section must be confirmed by SSDM Gateway C2/Exit but may be omitted until then if wished. It may often be the case that a single Survey provides data for multiple Monitoring Indicators (for instance, a street user questionnaire Survey that asks multiple questions, with each relating to a separate Monitoring Indicator).
NOTE TO COMPILER: This Section is used to confirm information about the Survey(s) that will be commissioned and undertaken to provide the data for each Monitoring Indicator as Section 2 that is Behavioural, Attitudinal or Environmental in Type. This information does not need to be confirmed for Monitoring Indicators that are Spatial in Type since, by definition, these canbe measured from a plan or similar by Approving Officers.
Additional pages should be added as necessary if more than three Surveys will be undertaken (see page 1 for details of how to unprotect and re-protect the Form to do this).
SV. A[Insert a brief name for this Survey]- Please describe briefly in the box below what type of Survey this is and how the data will be collected
(e.g. a qualitative attitudinal street user survey that will be conducted using questionnaires administered in the street). Save the details for below.
- Please confirm in the box below which of the Monitoring Indicators from Section 2 this Survey will provide data for by stating their references (e.g. M/IN 1)
- Please describe in detail in the box below all further standard requirements for this Survey. The information provided should be sufficient to serve as a brief for whoever will be carrying it out, covering all aspects of the methodology and required output format. This may be achieved by making reference to a separate agreed standard methodology/output format document where a suitable one exists. Alternatively, the necessary information can be provided separately in a referenced Appendix if you prefer.
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FR.007 Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan FormRev G / Date 18.02.2015
- Please complete the Table below to confirm detailed commission, delivery and other information for this Survey.
Version of Survey
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D1/Entry) / After
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D2/Entry) / 12/18 Month
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E1/Entry) / 36 Month
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E2/Entry)
Will this version be produced? / YesNo
/ YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
If Yes / please state the name and organisation of the party responsible for commissioning and delivering it at that point / Name
please state the dates (dd.MM.yyyy) by when... / the Survey will be commissioned
the data will be collected
the completed Survey will be submitted for Document Check (or other appropriate Approval)
If necessary, use the space opposite to confirm any other minor provisions or variations for different versions compared with the standard requirements explained in ‘ii’. If you prefer you can provide this separately in a referenced Appendix
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FR.007 Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan FormRev G / Date 18.02.2015
SV. B[Insert a brief name for this Survey]- Please describe briefly in the box below what type of Survey this is and how the data will be collected
(e.g. a qualitative attitudinal street user survey that will be conducted using questionnaires administered in the street). Save the details for below.
- Please confirm in the box below which of the Monitoring Indicators from Section 2 this Survey will provide data for by stating their references (e.g. M/IN 1)
- Please describe in detail in the box below all further standard requirements for this Survey. The information provided should be sufficient to serve as a brief for whoever will be carrying it out, covering all aspects of the methodology and required output format. This may be achieved by making reference to a separate agreed standard methodology/output format document where a suitable one exists. Alternatively, the necessary information can be provided separately in a referenced Appendix if you prefer.
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FR.007 Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan FormRev G / Date 18.02.2015
- Please complete the Table below to confirm detailed commission, delivery and other information for this Survey.
Version of Survey
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D1/Entry) / After
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D2/Entry) / 12/18 Month
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E1/Entry) / 36 Month
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E2/Entry)
Will this version be produced? / YesNo
/ YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
If Yes / please state the name and organisation of the party responsible for commissioning and delivering it at that point / Name
please state the dates (dd.MM.yyyy) by when... / the Survey will be commissioned
the data will be collected
the completed Survey will be submitted for Document Check (or other appropriate Approval)
If necessary, use the space opposite to confirm any other minor provisions or variations for different versions compared with the standard requirements explained in ‘ii’. If you prefer you can provide this separately in a referenced Appendix
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FR.007 Quality Plan (Part 2) Monitoring Plan FormRev G / Date 18.02.2015
SV. C[Insert a brief name for this Survey]- Please describe briefly in the box below what type of Survey this is and how the data will be collected
(e.g. a qualitative attitudinal street user survey that will be conducted using questionnaires administered in the street). Save the details for below.
- Please confirm in the box below which of the Monitoring Indicators from Section 2 this Survey will provide data for by stating their references (e.g. M/IN 1)
- Please describe in detail in the box below all further standard requirements for this Survey. The information provided should be sufficient to serve as a brief for whoever will be carrying it out, covering all aspects of the methodology and required output format. This may be achieved by making reference to a separate agreed standard methodology/output format document where a suitable one exists. Alternatively, the necessary information can be provided separately in a referenced Appendix if you prefer.
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- Please complete the Table below to confirm detailed commission, delivery and other information for this Survey.
Version of Survey
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D1/Entry) / After
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway D2/Entry) / 12/18 Month
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E1/Entry) / 36 Month
(to go into Monitoring Report for SSDM Gateway E2/Entry)
Will this version be produced? / YesNo
/ YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
If Yes / please state the name and organisation of the party responsible for commissioning and delivering it at that point / Name
please state the dates (dd.MM.yyyy) by when... / the Survey will be commissioned
the data will be collected
the completed Survey will be submitted for Document Check (or other appropriate Approval)
If necessary, use the space opposite to confirm any other minor provisions or variations for different versions compared with the standard requirements explained in ‘ii’. If you prefer you can provide this separately in a referenced Appendix
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