- A mineral is a ______element or compound of inorganic origin found in nature. Inorganic means from ______material, organic means from ______material. An element is made up of _____ kind of atom. Example is ______or ______. A compound is made up of ______or more kinds of atoms chemically combined. Example is the mineral Galena is made up of ______and ______. Pyrite or “Fools Gold” is made up of ______and ______.
- Minerals may form beautiful crystals. These crystals have regular geometric shapes. An example is the mineral salt which forms ______crystals. The mineral quartz forms a six-sided prism (______shape).
Quartz Amethyst hexagonal crystalSalt Crystal
- Minerals have a definite chemical composition. Example: Quartz is made up of 1 atom of silicon and 2 atoms of ______(SiO2). Salt is made up of 1 sodium atom and 1 ______atom (NaCl).
- Minerals have chemical and physical properties that help ______the mineral. Example: A diamond is the hardest mineral. Each mineral has its own ______. Different minerals will break in special ways. Chert breaks in a shell like fracture.Mica splits in tiny sheets and is flexible. Magnetite is ______.
Rocks are made up of many types of minerals and/or organic (once living) material.
IGNEOUS – Igneous rocks are formed by the ______and hardening of hot molten rock called ______(1,100 – 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit) from within the earth or ______. ______is called ______when it reaches the surface. Volcanic activity produces igneous rocks. When igneous rocks are formed deep inside the Earth they will form very large ______because they cool ______. These types of igneous rocks that form deep inside the Earth are called ______igneous rocks. The atoms that make up the rock have time to arrange themselves into crystal shapes. It takes less ______for the atoms to arrange themselves into the geometric shape. When igneous rocks form on or near the earth's surface they form very ______crystals or none at all because they cool very ______. These types of igneous rocks that form on the surface of the Earth are called ______igneous rocks.
The most common intrusive igneous rock in the continental crust is______and the most common intrusive igneous rock in the oceanic crust is ______. Granite usually is made up of the minerals mica, quartz and feldspar plus other minerals.When lava is thrown out of volcanoes and ______is trapped inside the cooling lava it forms the common extrusive igneous rock ______. When ______cools on the Earth’s surface the extrusive igneous rock called obsidian is formed.
TYPES OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS – The process by which sediments come together to form a sedimentary rock is called lithification. Below are the three methods of lithification.
- CLASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS –Are formed from such fragments of other rocks as clay, sand, and gravel. Clastic sedimentary rocks may be regarded as falling along a scale of grain size, with ______being the finest with particles less than 0.004 mm, silt being intermediate with particles between 0.004 to 0.06 mm, and ______being coarser still with grains 0.06 to2 mm, and ______being the coarsest with grains 2 to 256 mm.The sedimentary rock ______is formed from clay particles, siltstone from silt particles, ______from sand particles, and ______(rounded particles) and breccia(sharp angular particles) from gravel size particles. How they form is when deposits of sediments of clay, sand or gavel accumulate and become hundreds of feet thick, the pressure of the over laying rock with natural ______like iron, calcite and silica harden the material into a rock. The ______of over lying rock compacts the sediment into a smaller size with very small spaces in between.
- CHEMICAL SEDIMENTARY ROCKS - Are formed when minerals dissolved in seas, lakes, swamps, or underground waters are deposited by ______(when a liquid changes to a gas) or chemical action. The water ______into the air and leaves behind a ______material that was dissolved in the water. Example Salt dissolves in water. Also in large bodies of water the water can only dissolve so much material. When the large body of water cannot hold the material it falls out of the water as a solid and sinks to the bottom. The process of water releasing the extra material as a solid into the water is called precipitation. The common rock in South Florida called limestone can be formed this way. Another way is when chemicals like ______dissolve the rock and/or minerals. When the acidic water evaporates a solid is left behind. Stalagmites and stalactites in ______are formed by this method.
A detailed explanation of how did the majority of limestone rock form in South Florida?
In lakes and oceans carbon dioxide and calcium can combined chemically in a chemical reaction to form______. Calcium carbonate is the compound that forms ______rock. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is dissolved in the oceans as a gas. In the simplest terms, uplift of mountains exposes Ca-bearing rocks (rocks that contain calcium – fifth most abundant element on Earth by mass) to chemical weathering and releases calcium into surface______. This calcium eventually is transported to the ocean where it reacts with dissolved CO2 to form ______.
Ca2+ + 2HCO3 → CaCO3 (limestone) + CO2 + H2O
Limestone will dissolve in ______just like salt dissolves in water. There is a limit to how much calcium carbonate water will dissolve or hold. After the water reaches that limit the extra calcium carbonate will fall out of the water as a ______to the bottom of the ocean or lake This process of having the dissolved ______falling out as a solid is called precipitation. If this process keeps going the lake or ocean floor will have layers of calcium carbonate rock called ______. The name for the chemically formed limestone in Florida is called Oolitic Limestone
- ORGANIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS – Are formed by the accumulation of the remains of once-______animals and plants. Example is ______, which is formed from the decay (rotting of animal and plant material) of ferns, mosses, twigs, and even trees, buried in swamp waters and accumulate in great thickness. Again pressure of overlying rock compacts the organic material into coal.Other organic sedimentary rocks includecoquina from St. Augustine Florida which is made up of mostly cemented ______and petrified wood.
METAMORPHIC ROCKS – Are defined as rocks formed from existing layers of ______by the action of very great ______and ______, and chemicals inside the earth. ______
can be caused by the weight of overlaying rocks, up to a depth of 6 miles or the movements of the earth’s crust during mountain building (plate tectonics). ______can be caused by hot ______deep inside the earth or by friction caused during mountain building (movement of the earth’s crust).
These changes occur as the great ______and ______cause changes to the way the molecules and atoms in the rock are locked together.Frequently they will cause the metamorphic rock to have a banded appearance. Examples are:
The sedimentary rock sandstone or the mineral quartz can be changed to the metamorphic rock______.
The sedimentary rock limestone or the mineral calcite can be changed to the metamorphic rock ______.
The sedimentary rock shale can be changed to the metamorphic rock slate.
The sedimentary rock bituminous ______can be changed to the metamorphic rock anthracite ______.
The igneous rock granite can be changed to the metamorphic rock ______.
The igneous rock shale can be changed to the metamorphic rock schist.
Metamorphic rocks can be changed to other______rocks by increasing ______and ______on the original rocks. By increasing heat and pressure Slate can be changed into schist which then can be changed into gneiss.
The Rock Cycle
Rocks are never actually destroyed; they are broken down and "recycled" in the rock cycle
Igneous rock can be changed to a new type of ______rock, ______rock, or ______rock.
Sedimentary rock can be changed to a new type of ______rock, ______rock, or ______rock.
Metamorphic rock can be changed to a new type of ______rock, ______rock, or ______rock.