KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NOTE HOME – April 13, 2017 page 1
Thursday, April 137:30 P.M. Holy Supper Service with Gospel readings. Usher/Setup: Roy Odhner
Friday, April 14Good Friday – NO SCHOOL
Saturday, April 15Cleanup at KCC if you feel like it. Not a church event. See below.
Sunday, April 1610:00 A.M. EASTER Family Service. Usher/Setup: Thaddeus Glenn
Monday, April 17Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, April 189:30 A.M. Class on Betrothal. Lawson’s office
7:30 P.M. Youth Group Conjugial Love class. At Paul and Nina Schorran’s
7:30 P.M.Arcana class. Nos. 8033-8070. At Joan and Sal Tuccio’s
Coming up:
Saturday, April 228:30 A.M. Men’s Breakfast. Society Room
Friday, April 286:30 P.M. Feast of Charityfollowed by…
7:45 P.M. Program – on the science of correspondences, with input from the KNCS juniors and seniors in relation to their chemistry course
We Here Record the Welcome Birth of Oliver Levi Cole, who was born to John and Alexandra Cole on Palm Sunday, April 9. Oliver joins three brothers, one sister, and six cousins-on-the-King-side, all together forming Bradley and Suzanne King’s 11 grandchildren. Congratulations and warmest best wishes to all. A brand new baby in the brand new house – delightful.
Adobe Acrobat: I am seeking someone who owns this program and would allow me to print a few things for the school. Thanks! Erika Brown (610-756-4042)
D.E.A.R at KNCS: April is D.E.A.R. – Drop Everything And Read – Month, “a national… celebration of reading designed to remind folks of all ages to make reading a priority activity in their lives. Because, what’s more fun(damental) than reading, really?” Yesterday, along with schools everywhere, KNCS found a time to stop in its tracks and read for 15 minutes. April was chosen for D.E.A.R. because it’s the birthday month of prolific children’s-book author Beverley Cleary, who turned 100 yesterday. Thank you, Beverley, for Ralph S. Mouse and all the others.
Would You Like to Save FRIDAY, JUNE 23 for Something Special? You can sign up for a day-long session at BrynAthynCollege – Therapeutic Storytelling in the Classroom. Presented byour own Kathy Schrock and Angela Rose (BAC Education Department and puppeteer). You do not have to be a teacher to enroll. 9:30 A.M. to 4:15 P.M. Only $75. Kathy is happy to answer any questions you might have. You can also contact Angela Rose for more information: . To register: “Join us for a day of exploring the therapeutic use of stories in the classroom. Presentations in the morning…Artistic workshops in the afternoon include watercolor painting with children, leading movement and singing games, and dry-felting wool figures for puppet shows.”
MapleLeafAcademy: A NewChurch Camp for Teenagers (must have completed at least one year of high school). Friday, June 30 to Thursday, July 6 at the Ecology Retreat Centre near Orangeville, Ontario. This year’s theme: Courage. “Be strong and courageous…for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deut. 31:6). Applications can be found on the church bulletin board. Contact Steph Kuhl (Jen McQueen’s sister), Director, with questions. 519-895-1891, , or . Also on Facebook. Financial assistance available to early appliers.
Sweet Artwork by Young Students is posted on the walls of the lower school. Feel free to come see it. Also fun are themath and reading bulletin boards at either end of the hall.
Calendar Correction: We said somewhere that the Senior Project presentations will be given on Friday, May 25, but the 25th is a Thursday. So make a note of Thursday, May 25 if you don’t want to miss them. 7:30 P.M. Society Room.
Thanks and an Invitation: The Kempton Community Center thanks the 7th and 8th Graders for the post-Spring Sale cleanup they did last Tuesday.Super job! Their work made a big difference and is much appreciated.We’ll be looking gorgeous for our upcoming events. Our work is not quite done, however, so everybody (not just students) are invited to ONE LAST DAY OF GROUNDS CLEAN-UP.The following plea is going out to the community: “With significant contributions of time and machinery from John Moriarty of Kempton Excavating, Roy Sousley of Roy’s Steiner Sales and Service, the litter-picking seventh and eighth graders from the Kempton New Church School, and other volunteers too numerous to mention, vast strides have been made in the clean-up of the KCC grounds. But we have one more day of work to make it perfect. Can you help this Saturday, April 15, from 9:00 a.m. ‘til noon?We’d love to see you there. FREE SOFT DRINKS FOR ALL HELPERS!”
- Tom Kerr, KCC Secretary
More KCC Fun and AnotherChance to Serve: For your calendars, the new and improved Kempton Fair will be happening June 15-17 (Thurs-Sat). Re-vamped and promising. Volunteers are invited to help out.
And Another!The Kempton Lions Club will be cleaning up the Lenhartsville I-78 interchange on Sunday, April 23, at 3:00 P.M. You are welcome to help out for even a short time. – Tom Kerr
News from the Stony Run Inn: More Live Music. It’s our great pleasure to feature more local musicians in April. Reservations are a must. Our tables fill up fast. Call 610-756-4433.
Out of the Orchard (Toby and Anni Powell), Friday, April 21 (6 – 8 P.M.)
Stephanie Eden (the Lovely and Talented), Friday, April 28 (6 – 8 P.M.)
Gabriel Youth Orchestra Spring Concert:Sunday, April 30, 3:00 P.M. at PottsvilleAreaMiddle School. Go to or call 570-943-2558 for details.
Gabriel Chamber Ensemble Concerts for Which to Save the Date: In 2017 – September 10 and November 5. In 2018 – February 25 and April 22.
Eggs are back! Our girls have started producing again, and thereare eggs in the fridge on our porch. $3/doz. Henriques
Repeat Notices:
KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NOTE HOME – April 6, 2017 page 1
Free-range eggs for sale. $4/ dozen. Chris and Heather Smith. 610-756-4050
Rachmaninoff’s All Night Vigil: Presented by the Reading Choral Society (Dandridge Cole participating). Sunday, April 23, 4:00 P.M., Sacred HeartChurch, West Reading. Try Dandridge, first, for tickets ($10/students, $15/advance, or $20/door) or try or 610-898-1939.