Year 8 Religious Education
Ash Wednesday and Lent Research Criteria.
Your task is to come up with and research 4 inquiry questions for you to research on Ash Wednesday and Lent. Example questions can include:
- What is Lent and Ash Wednesday?
- Who celebrates Lent and Ash Wednesday?
- How long does Lent last for?
- Where do the ashes for Ash Wednesday come from and why are they used?
You will also need to find out how another Christian Religion celebrates Lent. Examples include: Greek/Serbian/Ukrainian Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican etc.
Your final presentation needs to be in the form of an A4 poster which you will need to format on the computer. You could use Microsoft Publisher for this. You will be given 2 COMPUTER LESSONS in which to do your research and begin your presentation.
The final due date is ………………………………………. WEEK 9.
Middle School. Teacher Name: Miss OpieStudent Name: ______
CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Presentation: Layout, pictures, easy to read font etc.
/5 / The information is exceptionally well presented in terms of very professionally designed layout, easy to read font and relevant pictures used to add extra information and aesthetics. / The information is well presented in terms of professionally designed, layout, readable font and relevant pictures used to add some information and aesthetics. / The information is acceptably well presented though it may be a bit rushed. Font sizes aren’t consistent, but readable. Pictures add to aesthetics. / The information is messy or very poorly presented. It is not complete. Font is not easy to read or follow. There are no pictures to add aesthetics.
/10 / All questions have been written in excellent detail but without unnecessary detail. Each answer demonstrates their personal faith journey with excellent reference to how the information can be applied in their own lives. / Most questions have been written in some detail. Each answer demonstrates their personal faith journey and how the information can be applied in their own lives. / Some questions have been written in detail. Each answer demonstrates their personal faith journey with satisfactory reference to how the information can be applied in their own lives. / Few questions have been answered. There is minimal evidence of personal faith journey with little if not any reference to how the information can be applied in their own lives.
Meeting Deadline
/5 / The research task is completed early. / The research task is completed on the due date. / The research task is completed more than one day late. / The research task is completed after much prompting by the teacher.
Marks awarded / Page set up and Presentation / Content / Meeting deadlines