List of Work Experience Module Specifications
- WM-01: Cargo forwarding processes, NQF Level 5; Credits 36 (Learning contract time 45 days)
- WM-02: Customs clearing processes, NQF Level 5; Credits 36 (Learning contract time 45 days)
- WM-03: Processes for storage in cargo facilities (warehouse), NQF Level 4; Credits 9 (Learning contract time 11.25 days)
- WM-04: Processes for removal of cargo from cargo facilities (warehouse), NQF Level 4; Credits 9 (Learning contract time 11.25 days))
Total Credits 90
Criteria for the Approval of Workplaces
Physical Requirements:
- Tools, equipment, systems, e.g.:
Tariff books, legislation,
Access to a computer, forwarding and clearing systems, documents, competition competitive policies
- Key processes, e.g.:
Forwarding and clearing systems
Human Resource Requirements:
- Maximum supervisor/worker ratio of 1: 5
Legal Requirements:
- None
- None
Additional Assignments to be Assessed Externally
An assignment in accordance with the YIFFA award
Module Title-WM-01 / Cargo forwarding processes, NQF Level 5; Credits 36 (Learning contract time 45 days)
Purpose / The focus of the work experience s on providing the learner an opportunity to:
Interpret and administer a shipment request.
The Learner will be required to successfully complete Work Experiences1 and 3 at least once and Work Experience 2 at least twice. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 45 days.
Work experiences / The learner will be required to:
1 Observe an experienced Forwarderprocessing and co-ordinating shipments over a period of 10 days
2 Process and co-ordinate shipments under direct guidance and supervisionover a period of 23 days
3 Independently process and co-ordinate shipments over a period of 12 days
WP knowledge
Work experience 1 / Observe an experienced Forwarder processing and co-ordinating shipments over a period of 10 days /
- Company procedures and requirements for opening a shipping file
- Standard Operating Procedures for receipt and handling of shipment and commercial documentation
- Company policies on internal and third parties communication
- Company policy on handling of commercial documentation
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Open shipping file/folder and complete checklist (electronic/manual) /
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Confirm INCO term in terms of the instruction
Map cargo route
Determine/confirm mode of transport
Determine forwarding cost
Prepare shipment documents
Determine insurance needs
Track shipment
Audit shipping file/folder
Work experience 2 / Process and co-ordinate shipments under direct guidance and supervision over a period of 23 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Open shipping file/folder and complete checklist (electronic/manual) /
- Copy of commercial invoice signed by experienced Forwarder and the learner
- Full set of document associated with the shipment
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Confirm INCO term in terms of the instruction
Map cargo route
Determine/confirm mode of transport
Determine forwarding cost
Prepare shipment documents
Determine insurance needs
Track shipment
Audit shipping file/folder
Work experience 3 / Independently process and co-ordinate shipments over a period of 12 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Open shipping file/folder and complete checklist (electronic/manual) /
- Copy of commercial invoice signed by the learner
- Full set of document associated with the shipment
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Confirm INCO term in terms of the instruction
Map cargo route
Determine/confirm mode of transport
Determine forwarding cost
Prepare shipment documents
Determine insurance needs
Track shipment
Audit shipping file/folder
Module Title
-WM-02 / Customs clearing processes, NQF Level 5; Credits 36 (Learning contract time 45 days)
Purpose / The focus of the work experience s on providing the learner an opportunity to:
Obtain and collate customs clearance supporting documentation and coordinate the process of obtaining the customs release notification documentation.
The learner will be required to successfully complete Work Experience 1 at least once and Work Experiences2 and 3 at least twice. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 45 days.
Work experiences / The learner will be required to:
1 Observe an experienced Customs Clearing Clerkobtaining and collating customs clearance and release documentation over a period of 10 days
2 Obtain and collate customs clearance and release documentationunder direct guidance and supervision over a period of 23 days
3 Independently obtain and collate customs clearance and release documentationover a period of 12 days
WP knowledge
Work experience 1 / Observe an experienced Customs Clearing Clerk obtaining and collating customs clearance and release documentation over a period of 10 days /
- Company procedures and requirements for customs clearance processes
- Standard Operating Procedures and policy for processing Declarations
- Company policies on internal and third parties communication
- Company policy on handling of customs clearance documentation
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Determine and list supporting documentation required for customs clearance purposes /
- Worksheet signed by experienced Customs Clearing Clerk
Validate tariff heading
Obtain and collate supporting documentation
Calculate duties and taxes
Complete customs declaration
Forward customs release notification
Work experience 2 / Obtain and collate customs clearance and release documentation under direct guidance and supervision over a period of 23 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Determine and list supporting documentation required for customs clearance purposes /
- Full set of document associated with the customs clearing requirements
- Customs release notification
- Worksheet signed by experienced Customs Clearing Clerk
Validate tariff heading
Obtain and collate supporting documentation
Calculate duties and taxes
Complete customs declaration
Forward customs release notification
Work experience 3 / Independently obtain and collate customs clearance and release documentationover a period of 12 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Determine and list supporting documentation required for customs clearance purposes /
- Full set of document associated with the customs clearing requirements
- Customs release notification
- Worksheet signed by experienced Customs Clearing Clerk
Validate tariff heading
Obtain and collate supporting documentation
Calculate duties and taxes
Forward customs release notification
Module Title
WM-03 / Processes for storage in cargo facilities (warehouse), NQF Level 4; Credits 9 (Learning contract time 11.25 days)
Purpose / The focus of the work experience s on providing the learner an opportunity to:
Plan and arrange for the storage of cargo and prepare the required documentationfor the acceptance of cargo.
The learner will be required to successfully complete Work Experiences1 at least once and Work Experiences2 and 3 at least twice. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 45 days
Work experiences / The learner will be required to:
1 Observe an experienced Forwarder with the planning and arranging of cargo storage over a period of 1 days
2 Plan and arrange cargo storage under direct guidance and supervision over a period of 4 days
3 Independently plan and arrange cargo storageover a period of 4 days
WP knowledge
Work experience 1 / Observe an experienced Forwarder with the planning and arranging of cargo storage over a period of 1 days /
- Company procedures and requirements for storage in cargo facilities
- Standard Operating Procedures and policy for processing storage documentation
- Company policies on internal and third parties communication
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Determine type of cargo facility required /
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Arrange for acceptance of cargo
Check, identify and verify cargo as per documentation
Work experience 2 / Plan and arrange cargo storage under direct guidance and supervision over a period of 4 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Determine type of cargo facility required /
- Full set of document associated with the cargo storage requirements
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Arrange for acceptance of cargo
Check, identify and verify cargo as per documentation
Work experience 3 / Independently plan and arrange cargo storageover a period of 4 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Determine type of cargo facility required /
- Full set of document associated with the cargo storage requirements
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Arrange for acceptance of cargo
Check, identify and verify cargo as per documentation
Module Title
WM-04 / Processes for removal of cargo from cargo facilities (warehouse), NQF Level 4; Credits 9 (Learning contract time 11.25 days))
Purpose / The focus of the work experience s on providing the learner an opportunity to:
Plan and arrange for the release of cargo from a cargo facility and prepare the required documentation.
The learner will be required to successfully complete Work Experiences1 at least once and Work Experiences2 and 3 at least twice. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 45 days
Work experiences / The learner will be required to:
1 Observe an experienced Forwarder with the planning of the release of cargo from a cargo facility over a period of 1 days
2 Plan and arrange forthe release of cargo from a cargo facilityunder direct guidance and supervision over a period of 4 days
3 Independently plan and arrange for the release of cargo from a cargo facility over a period of 4 days
WP knowledge
Work experience 1 / Observe an experienced Forwarder with the planning of the release of cargo from a cargo facility over a period of 1 days /
- Company procedures and requirements for storage in cargo facilities
- Standard Operating Procedures and policy for processing storage documentation
- Company policies on internal and third parties communication
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Arrange for distribution /
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Prepare delivery note
Batch documents and issue to cargo facility for distribution
Work experience 2 / Plan and arrange for the release of cargo from a cargo facility under direct guidance and supervision over a period of 4 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Arrange for distribution /
- Full set of document associated with the cargo release requirements
- Signed delivery note
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Prepare delivery note
Batch documents and issue to cargo facility for distribution
Work experience 3 / Independently plan and arrange for the release of cargo from a cargo facility over a period of 4 days
Scope of WE / The person will be expected to engage in the following work activities:
Work activities / Supporting evidence
Arrange for distribution /
- Full set of document associated with the cargo release requirements
- Signed delivery note
- Worksheet signed by experienced Forwarder
Prepare delivery note
Batch documents and issue to cargo facility for distribution
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