The President called the meeting to order at 7:23 pm on Monday the 24th August,2009.


The meeting was held at the Parish Hall of the Anglican Church ofThe Epiphany, Prince Charles Drive and Commonwealth Boulevard.


Ms. Delores Edwards opened the meeting in prayer.


The Honorable Brent SymonetteJP.MP. St Anne’s Constituency was in attendance. He serves as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Attorney General and Legal Affairs. Also, in attendance was Superintendent David Deveaux, Commanding Officer, Eastern Police Division, Elizabeth Estates, Royal Bahamas Police Force.


Mrs. Melanie S Griffin JP.MP. Yamacraw Constituency, was absent,but sent her written apologies to the President and stated that she would provide a progress report to the meeting on the concerns previously raised at the September Monthly meeting.


The following members were present:

(1)Mr. Leslie Bowleg, Eastern Estates

(2)Mr. Phillip Brown, Winton Meadows Estates

(3)Mrs. Donnalea Colebrooke ,Winton Meadows Estates

(4)Mr. Joseph R Curry, ColonyVillage Estates

(5)Ms. Delores Edwards, Nassau East

(6)Mrs. Arie Evans, Eastern Estates

(7)Mrs. Keva Hanna- Lawrence , Nassau East

(8)Mr. Joseph Harris, Winton Meadows Estates

(9)Mr. Joseph Henfield, Eastern Estates

(10) Mr. Eric Ingraham, St Andrew’s Beach Estates

(11)Mrs. MargueriteVerna Musgrove, Elizabeth Estates

(12) Mrs.Ancha Musgrove- Cleare- Elizabeth Estates

(13) Mr. John Robertson, PortNew Providence

(14) Mrs. Margaret Rodgers, YamacrawShores Estates

(15) Mr. Ernst Rumer, Winton Meadows Estates

(16) Mr. Keith Simms, Winton Meadows Estates

(17) Mr. Kenneth Strachan, ColonyVillage Estates

(18) Mr. John Antonas, Port New Providence

(19) Mrs. Gaynell Bullard, Eastern Estates

(20) Mr. Churchill Bethel, Nassau East

(21) Mr. Karl John Paul Nay Russell Spencer JP. , Winton Meadows Estates


The following was absent with apologies:

(1) Mr. Paul Cartwright, San Souci

(2) Mr. Gordon Wilde, Camperdon

(3) Mr. Ernest Bowe, Winton Meadows Estates

(4) Mr. Peter Albury, Camperdon

(5) Mrs. Alison Albury, Camperdon

(6) Mr. Adam Darville, Sans Souci

(7) Mr. Patrick Rollins, Sans Souci

(8) Mrs.Petrona Smith, Winton Meadows Estates

(9) Mr. Richard Cooke, Winton Meadows Estates

(10)Mr. Louis Mc Donald Major, YamacrawBeach Estates

(11) Mr. Alex Storr, Treasure Cove

(12) Mrs. Nadia Storr, Treasure Cove

(13) Pastor Drexel Gibson, Eastern Estates

(14) Mr. Kenneth Bethell, Sea Breezes Estates

(15) Mr. Nelson Brennen, YamacrawBeach Estates

(16) Mr. Prince Rahming, Winton Meadows Estates

(17) Mrs. Evangelist Carolie Wilson, Eastern Estates

(18) Mrs. Maud Adams, ColonyVillage


The President welcomed all to the meeting and particularly welcomed new attendees, namely Mr. John Antonas, Port New Providence, Mr. Churchill Bethel of Nassau East and Mrs. Gaynell Bullard of Eastern Estates and stated that he had expected many more new attendees, but due to other pressing commitments, they extended apologies at the eleventh hour.


The President called for the minutes of the previous meeting of the Association dated the 27th July 2009 and asked membership whether they had any alterations or additions to make to the minutes.

Mr. Eric Ingraham moved a motion that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Eastern Community Association dated the 27th July 2009 be accepted as presented. Mr. Ernst Rumer moved that the motion of Mr. Eric Ingraham be accepted as presented, if there are no objections. As there were none, the President ordered that they so be approved.



The President reminded members to bring their children out to see the Walt Disney movie “Hotel for Dog.” He further reminded members that the movie will be held at Sunglow People’s Park in ColonyVillage from 7: 00 pm to 9:00pm on Friday the 28th August, 2009 and that light refreshments will be provided and not on sale.


The President advised that meeting that Mr. Joseph Harris of Holly Road, Winton Meadows had now secured a petition in support of his request for speed bumps along Holly Road and sought the recommendations of membership.

Following brief discussion, the meeting unanimously recommendedthat they be so erected and requested the President to forward this request to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport for their attention and copied to the Parliamentary Representative for St. Anne’s Constituency for his support. The meeting also thanked the Honorable Brent Symonette MP. St Anne’s for his assistance in securing the much needed speed bumps for Knollwood Drive, Winton Meadows Estates.


The President informed the meeting that the Superintendent of Police of the Eastern Division of the Royal Bahamas Police Force intends to start a youth programme in September and eventually a marching band for the East and further that he would be willing to amalgamate and work together for one organization.

The President thought that an amalgamated approach appeared to be the best way forward as the Police would be in a better position to get the Police involvement in training that we require and this may well avoid the Association having to pay out significant sums for stipend. The meeting took note of the amalgamated approach and noted that the Association may have to purchase instruments should this approach become a reality.


The President informed that the meeting that in order for a festival to be successful it has to have a following and that the past festivals did not have a goodly following. Hence,the Council appointed a committee to affect a goodly following and the committee determined that the best way forward to attract a sizeable following was to establish and revive associations.

It is the hope of the committee that this strategy would result in drawing a larger following to future festivals and increase membership in the Eastern Community Association.


The meeting noted in that part proceeds derived from the 2009 festivals were to be earmarked for the further growth and development of the Eastern Community Band that the amount of $ 1,000 be earmarked from the proceeds specifically for the band, once the band gets re-started.


The meeting noted that the Chairman of the Grievance Committee is actively working on the concerns identified for attention and these concerns include inter alia the following:

(a)Street lights burning day and night in the communities of East New Providence and street lights not burning at night as well.

(b)Dilapidated building on Everglades Drive, Winton MeadowsEstates

(c) Constructionof duplexes and operation of mechanic businesses in contravention of the covenants of Winton Meadows Estates.

(d) Overgrown property on Orange Drive, Winton Meadows Estates and in Eastern Estates near the residence of Gaynell Bullard.


The meeting noted that the Parliamentary Representative for Yamacraw was absent with an apology, but that she is following up on the concerns previously identified and will present a progress status to membership at the September monthly meeting : These concerns include the following :

(a)Configuration of entrance from Star Estates into Prince Charles Drive

(b)SidewalksWorks- East Prince Charles Drive

(c)Utility bill Pay Counter-Elizabeth Estates Post Office

(d)Unit of the Road Traffic Department at the Elizabeth Police Station

(e)Improvement of verges and properties

(f)Erection of Traffic Lights at the juncture of Fox Hill Road , Joe Farrington Road and Yamacraw Hill Road


The meeting noted that the drainage well project in Winton Meadows remains complete and would kindly wish for the Parliamentary Representative for St Anne’s to cause it to be completed at the earliest.


The meeting noted the need for a traffic light at the intersection of See Breezes Lane and Bay Lilly Drive and would wish for the Parliamentary Representative for Elizabeth to give this matter his urgent attention.


The Deputy Treasurer on behalf of the Treasurer presented the Bank Reconciliation Statement for the period July 31- to the 24th August, 2009. This report showed a balance of $ 13,393.79, inclusive of $ 6,320.00 on account for the ECA Youth/ Community Marching and Concert Band.

Mr. John Robertson made a motion that the Bank Reconciliation Statement be accepted. Mr. Ernst Rumer seconded Mr. Robertson’s motion. The President inquired whether there were any objections.As there were none, the President ordered that it be so approved as presented.


The President invited the Commanding Officer of the Eastern Division of the Royal Bahamas Police Force to make a presentation on the status of crime in East New Providence and his plans to address crime during his term of office.

Superintendent David Deveaux gave a dominant message to fight crime and stated that based on the attendance, enthusiasm and interest shown at the recently held town area meeting as well as responses received thereafter, the town meeting can be described as a success.

Further, that it is his intention to call town area meetings at least once per quarter to keep the communities of East New Providence well informed and hear of their complaints as he fully realizes that together in partnership crime can be reduced and offenders can be brought to justice in a more timely manner. He stated that while there were two cases of robbery and one of rape reported during the period post August, there were no major crime reported thus far during the month of August. It is his intention as well to involve all in the fight against crime, including parents, teachers, community members and business and to use environment improvement as a deterrent to crime. He has increased patrols and has put in effect a plan which includes foot patrols by night in civilian clothing. He noted that nearly two hundred youngsters attended the recently held police summer youth programme and he intended to use that base to start a youth program in early September and that that base would be used to start a youth band based on his experience gained in starting a youth band on the Island of Exuma. He recommended that the Eastern Community Youth/ Community Marching and Concert Band amalgamate with his proposed band and suggested that the amalgamated name be the Eastern Community Pacesetters Youth Marching Band.

He further suggested that the venue of monthly meetings of the Eastern Community Association be rotated as opposed to a fixed venue as a means of increasing membership.

Following a question and answer period, the following was agreed to:

(a)That the Commanding Officer will arrange for more patrols in Yamacraw Shores Estates.

(b)That the Commanding Officer will arrange for supervision of traffic at the juncture of Fox Hill Road, Joe Farrington Road and Yamacraw Hill Road starting at 6:30 am as well as at the juncture of Sea Breezes Lane and Bay Lilly Drive on school days.

(c)That the Commanding Officer will arrange for motor vehicle patrols along Yamacraw Hill Road and Prince Charles Drive for the safety of walkers starting from 4:00 am daily.

(d)That the Commanding Officer will arrange for the discontinuation of loud noises coming from the weekly party at Yamacraw Beach just east of Port New Providence and also will police parties in the East New Providence communities to ensure that the music does not disturb the residents of those communities.

(e)That the Commanding Officer will seek to re-activate the Pacesetters and start a youth programme which will form the basis for a start of a band styled the Eastern Community Pacesetters Marching Band.

(f)The Commanding Officer will increase vehicular patrols during the day and will focus on foot patrols in civilian clothing at night.

(g)That the Commanding Officer will work in concert with the agency of the Department of Environmental Health, Elizabeth Estates, to rid the communities ofEast New Providenceof overgrowth as he fully appreciates that overgrown properties provide a haven for criminals.

(h)In short, the Commanding Officer stated that his plan calls for waging a most serious war on crime in East New Providence and working in close concert with all stakeholders, parents, guardians, teachers, churches, community leadership, youths, and the business and corporate community.

(i)At the conclusion of the Superintendent’s presentation, the President thanked the officer for his dominant presentation and assured him that his remarks did not fall on deaf ears and will be put his recommendations to the Council of the Eastern Community Association for their attention.


Mr. John Robertson thought that it was most appropriate that a letter of thanks and appreciation be sent to Ms. Royann Dean for her invaluable services to the Eastern Community Association (formerly the Yamacraw Community Development Association) as both a member and a Councilor. Mr. Kenneth Strachan seconded the suggestion and all agreed.

Mr. John Robertson then handed the President a gift for presentation to her before her departure to college in search of further academic achievement.


The President then invited the Parliamentary Representative for the St Anne’s Constituency, the Honorable Brent Symonette , to give an update. In response, he informed the meeting that much effort is on the ground to improve roads in the constituency as evidenced by the improvement now taking place on Prince Charles Drive and on the Eastern Road. Also, that there is much effort on the ground to improve parks as evidenced by lighting and provision of benches and much effort will be made to provide parks with benches and lighting where there is a need for the same. He specifically referred toNassau East (North) and SapphirePark.


At 8:47 pm, Mr. Kenneth Strachan made a motion that the meeting be adjourned to Monday the 28th September, 2009 at the same venue and time.

Mr. Ernst Rumer seconded Mr. Strachan’s motion and all agreed.


Mr. Phillip Brown closed the meeting in prayer.