Yaxley Parish Council.
Minutes of the Meeting of Yaxley Parish Council held on 20th December 2017.
Councillor I LuffCouncillor A LuffCouncillor J Hawes
Councillor M FisherCouncillor K PawseyCouncillor C Wright
Councillor R HallCouncillor J MooreCouncillor B Feaver
District Councillor D Burn.
P Freeman Parish Clerk.
One member of the public.
- Apologies for Absence.
- County Councillor J Fleming.
- Councillor’s Declaration of Interests in Agenda Items.
- None.
- Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 15th November2017.
- The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
- Matters arising from the minutes:
Action Points:
Notes on the action are in red.
- Respond to email from Jessica Fleming about Highways matters. Action: The Clerk. Completed.
- Consultation letter and article in the Yaxley Messenger on the parking restrictions at T-junction. Action: The Clerk. Completed.
- Email Community Centre Committee about a meeting and request documents. Action: The Clerk. Completed.
- Respond to the planning application for a property on land adjacent to Arch Haven.Action: The Clerk. Completed.
- The Chairman will provide the Clerk with details of board for the slide and swing seats.Action: The Chairman and the Clerk. Completed.
- Notification of any urgent business.
- None.
Public Forum.
County Councillor Jessica Fleming, Hartismere Division, Suffolk
Tel: 07714-597980 twitter: @jesstfleming
School TransportConsultation–Changes to home-to-school transport are under review, the consultation began on 12th December running until 28th February. Views are sought on three options for pre-and post-16 age groups. Please refer to:
Option 1: Change the school travel policy so that it is in line with the legal requirements starting in September 2019. This would free travel to schools other than pupils nearest would cease in 2019.
Option 2: Introduce changes over time as a child joins or moves school commencing in 2019, all changes would be phased. This option would be more expensive to implement.
Option 3: Make no changes to the school travel policy but make savings from other services provided by Suffolk County Council.
Workshops relating to the consultation are planned in January 2018 as listed below.
Workshop Venue / Date / TimeKesgrave Conference Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich, IP5 1JF / 16 January / 7pm to 8:30pm
Eye Community Centre, Magdalen Street, Eye, IP23 7AJ / 17 January / 7pm to 8:30pm
River Stour Trust - the Visitor Education Centre, Dove House, Great Conard, Suffolk, CO10 0GF / 18 January / 7pm to 8:30pm
Beccles Public Hall, Smallgate, Beccles, NR34 9AD / 22 January / 7pm to 8:30pm
Lakenheath Pavilion, Eriswell Road, Lakenheath, IP27 9AF / 23 January / 7pm to 8:30pm
West Suffolk House,Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3SP / 26 January / 5 sessions between 2pm and 7:30pm
Have Your Say Venue / Date / Time
West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3SP / 30 January / 7pm to 10pm
Progress Power - Planning for Hedgerow Removal MSDC ApplicationDC/17/05880
Details are noted, as with comments from landowner (Hammonds) and consultees. I have discussed the proposal with SCC Landscape Officer Phil Watson who believes that the proposal is not in conflict with the DCO.
Other Planning – The proposed chicken processing facility off Castleton Way is also noted. I have reviewed this with SCC Highways which are aware of the potential for interaction with plans to upgrade the A140 in this area, they are working with the applicant to ensure no conflict results.
Footpath – a date in January needs to be confirmed for SCC Highways to present the Draft Feasibility Study to Parish Councillors for review and comment.
Highways. Reminder to report defects on:– for other highways matters refer to Please use the ‘escalation procedure’ if you have difficulties:
Simple escalation procedure
- Initial faults/repairs/reporting
The first point of contact for standard defects should be the Suffolk Highway reporting tool via or over the telephone on 0345 606 6171.
A log reference number will be given enabling reports to be tracked
- Follow up on a fault/repair/report
Please telephone 0345 606 6171 number with the log reference number to hand.
- If no resolution contact your county councillor.
Sign Replacement is limited to essential or mandatory signs as described in the Highway Maintenance Operational Plan, Matrix G
District Councillor David Burn:
- BaberghDistrict Council:
- Councillors were unhappy about the dissolution of the two Councils and it had been reported in the East Anglia Daily Times on the day of this meeting. The plan had been blocked by a motion.
- No money or members of staff could be used to work on the proposed merger without permission of the whole Council.
- Condition precedent:referendum votes to be counted separately but the referendum was not now mandatory.
- There was a motion at the meeting on the evening before this meeting and Babergh District Council could not go ahead without a referendum.This required the leader to be removed from office because she didnot agree to the plan for a referendum. There would be an impact on Mid Suffolk District Council. The County will be divided into Suffolk Coastal and Waveney, East Suffolk, Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury and West Suffolk. This will not now take place until 2019 and would coincide with the action from the Boundary Commission.
- This had not been helpful to the move to Endeavour House in Ipswich.
- Locality budget: the Emergency Plan would not qualify because items had already been purchased. The Council had received a quotation to connect a generator to the Community Hall at a cost between £650 and £850. There is a form that had to be completed.
- A member of the public reported that there had been a problem with a letter that had been sent to parishioners about the parking problem at the junction of Eye Road and The Street.
- Correspondence received.
Signed: ______Date: ______
20th December 2017.
Yaxley Parish Council.
- Various documents from SALC.
- Various emails from Suffolk Community Foundation.
- Town and Parish Council Newsletter.
- Various emails from the Highways Department Suffolk County Council.
- Clerks and Councils Direct.
- The Local Councillor.
- Letter from NAP Anglia LTD – Cherry Tree Close.
- Dog fouling.
- Bin Collection Schedule for 2018.
- Locality Award.
- A New Council at the Heart of Suffolk.
- SNT Newsletter.
- Rats on the Allotments.
Signed: ______Date: ______
20th December 2017.
Yaxley Parish Council.
- Yaxley Allotments:
- Update on allotment gardens and tenancy agreement.
- Report on the number of vacant plots: 12 potential tenants.
- The Parish Council agreed to a tenancy for Mr and Mrs Bannister once they move into Yaxley.
- Tenancy agreements for 2017/2018: 8 agreements had been returned.
- Unused plots: 18.
- Problem with rats: Mark Sano had reported that he had found 7 dead rats and the problem was partly caused by the compost heap.
- Highway matters:
- Meeting with Highways:
- Consultation about parking at the T-junction of the Street and Eye Road.
- Pedestrians, including young children, using Mellis Road at peak times.
- Jessica Fleming had proposed that there should be a meeting to discuss these two issues between herself and the Parish Council, it was agreed that District Councillors should be invited.
- Portable Speed Aware Device.
- The device was not working properly, and the Chairman had phoned the supplier it may have been a problem due to the battery or a faulty component which the parish council had received a letter about.
- Finances and financial report.
- Balances on Accounts: 28thNovember 2017.
- Current account: £4,609.80.
- Deposit account: £5,569.06
- The balances were noted.
- Financial report and bank reconciliation.
- Detailed accounts, had been given to Councillors, which recorded all items of income and expenditure, and compared them to the budget. The spreadsheet also showed both as a percentage of the budget.
- The accounts were to the date of this meeting.
- There were no questions from Councillors.
- To authorise cheques for signature:
N.B. Cheque signatories to initial cheque stub and invoice.
Payee / Details / Cheque Number / Amount / PowerP Freeman / Clerk’s Pay and Expenses / 101107 / £192.82 / LGA 1972 S112 (i)
HMRC / PAYE / 101108 / £48.00 / LGA 1972 S111
Mr Feaver / Material to repair slide on Play Area / 101109 / £20.97 / LGA 1972 S111
Signed: ______Date: ______
20th December 2017.
Yaxley Parish Council.
- It was unanimously agreed to pay the invoices listed above, proposed by CouncillorI Luff and seconded by Councillor Moore.
- Requests for financial support: none.
- Receipts: Allotment rents - £240.00.
- Dog fouling.
- A complaint had been received about dog fouling on footpaths and it was agreed that the Clerk should put a reminder, in the Yaxley Messenger, to use the dog waste bins. Action: The Clerk.
- Yaxley Community Centre:
- Meeting between the Parish Council and the Community Centre Committee.
- It was agreed that a premeeting should be arranged between the Parish Council and the Community Centre Committee. Action: The Clerk.
- Car Park and Security of the Community Centre.
- Nothing to report.
- Parish Council matters for publication in the Yaxley Messenger.
- Dog fouling.
- Planning:
- Applications:
- Application Number: DC/17/05666 Proposal:
Planning Application - Erection of a new processing facility, waste water treatment plant and gatehouse with associated car park and service yards, two vehicle access points, drainage swale and landscaping.
Location: Land to the South of Eye Airfield and East of the A140.
- The Parish Council agreed to object to the application, proposed by Councillor Fisher and seconded by Councillor I Luff for the following reasons:
- The traffic assessment does not take into account the following problems:
- The concentration of traffic on Castleton Way and on Eye Road, Yaxley from Hartismere High School, Mellis Primary School and the processing facility, at the beginning and end of the school day, as it tries to join the A140, in particular as it tries to turn right towards Norwich.
- The potential for heavy good vehicles (HGVs) to drive through Mellis and Yaxley, for twenty-four hours each day, from the A143 to the processing facility. The road is inadequate for this type of traffic, and in addition there would be noise and vibration which would affect the properties in the village. Any permission for the application to go ahead should require that HGVs use the A143 and A140 only.
- The problem of vehicles stacking on the A140 as they try to enter the processing facility.
- There is no public transport locally that would reduce the traffic to the process facility.
- The processing facility will open before any road improvements are completed.
- Environmental considerations:
- The problem of odours from the processing facility. The Parish Council requires confirmation that the processing facility will meet the requirements of the regulations that would prevent this.
- Light pollution: this is a major problem which will be caused by a processing facility that will operate for 24 hours each day.
- Noise: this is a major problem which will be caused by a processing facility that will operate for 24 hours each day.The noise from lorries with refrigerated bodies running will cause a disturbance, especially at night.
- Flooding: the risk of flooding from the water course which will be on two sides of the processing facility.
- A buffer zone would be essential with planting that would limit the impact of the processing facility.
- Application: DC/17/05880 Proposal:
Full Planning Permission - Removal of hedgerows, trees and associated vegetation in association with Development Consent Order.
Location: Adjacent to and between Old Norwich Road and the A140 (Easting 612501, Northing 274839) and land adjacent to and West of Leys Lane, North of Yaxley and South of the Leys (Easting 611745, Northing 274963), Yaxley.
- The Parish Council agreed to object to the application, proposed by Councillor Moore and seconded by Councillor A Luff for the following reasons:
- The Parish Council received a copy of a letter from Mr P Butler which objected to the application. The Council fully endorses the points he made. It believes that the hedge is at least 300 years old and the loss of such habitat would be appalling.
- The Parish Council fully supports the objection to the removal of two oak trees that was made by Mr Hammond.
- The temporary access road from the A140, which will be used during construction:
- Any hedging should not be removed but cut to a height, which would provide visibility for the drivers of vehicles as they join the A140, but also allow the hedge to re-establish itself later.
- Application Number: DC/17/05749
Proposal: Householder Application - Erection of a single storey extension Location: 15 Maple Close, Yaxley, Eye, Suffolk IP23 8DQ
- The Parish Council supports this application, proposed by Councillor Hawes and seconded by Councillor Fisher.
- Application Number: DC/17/05882
Proposal: Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act for variation of Condition 3 relating to 3803/16 Materials)
Location: Land Adj Linden Lea, Mellis Road, Yaxley, IP23 8DA.
- The Parish Council supports this application, proposed by Councillor A Luff and seconded by Councillor Hall.
- Applications – no decisions to date:
- Application Number: DC/17/03920
Proposal: Erection of straw barn and biomass building.
Location Church Farm, Nicks Lane, Brome and Oakley.
- Application Number: DC/17/04605
Proposal: erection of 10 dwellings (including 6 affordable), 2 flats and one retail unit.
Location: Land off Cherry Tree Close, Yaxley.
- Planning decisions:
- Approved:
- Application Number:DC/17/04977
Proposal: Householder Planning Application -Erection of an annexe.
Location: Jappwood, Old Ipswich Road, Yaxley, Eye Suffolk IP23 8BP
- Application Number: DC/17/05082
Proposal: Erection of No. 1 dwelling with detached garage, alterations to access, parking and turning area and replacement agricultural access.
Location: Land adj. to Arch Haven, The Street, Yaxley, IP23 8BJ.
- Application Number: DC/17/04028
Proposal: outline planning application (access to be considered) –Erection of 2 No dwellings and garages.
Location: Conifers, Mellis Road, Yaxley IP23 8DB.
- Refused: none.
- Withdrawn: None.
- Appeal by: None.
- Dates of Meetings 2018:
The Parish Council agreed the following dates for meetings in 2018:
- 24 January 2018, 7 March 2018, 18 April 2018, 30 May 2018 and Annual Parish Meeting, 11 July 2018, 22 August 2018, 3 October 2018, 14 November 2018, 19 December 2018.
- Play area:
- To receive Play Area Inspection Report.
- All was in order. Councillor Wright offered to continue until the next meeting.
- The Chairman thanked Councillor Wright.
- Annual Play Inspection Report.
- Nothing to report.
- Yaxley Cemetery:
- To consider inspection report - Councillor J Hawes.
- All was tidy, and the memorials were safe and secure.
- To receive Councillor’s reports.
- Councillor Luff – EPR.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Councillor Moore - Yaxley Town Estates Fund.
- Nothing to report.
- AOB - Any items raised earlier but not for an extended discussion or decisions and items for inclusion at the meeting on24thJanuary 2018.
- There was no centre line on the bend by the Cherry Tree and there was a problem with a pothole on the railway bridge.
Meeting closed at 9:13 p.m.
Signed: ______Date: ______
20th December 2017.