Emergency Solutions Grant Funds
Application for 2014 Funding
$450,000 is available to fund Emergency Shelters for shelter operations expenses and essential services restricted to non-personnel case management expenses.
Recommendations for funding awards will be made through the Prince of Peace Meeting, to be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at 2:00 PM at Interact for Health (3805 Edwards Road, 5th floor). Please register for the meeting at Tuesday, October 15 at 4:00 PM. Agencies that have received ESG funding in the prior year will be provided with a “Prince of Peace Starting Point Number” determined by data contained in VESTA®. Attendees should come with a request for funds and be prepared to discuss the request in detail and answer questions. Attendees should be authorized to make decisions for their agency in regards to budget changes should the amount of requested dollars exceed the funds available, be deemed inappropriate, or a lesser priority. Applicants who submit a written application but do not attend the Prince of Peace meeting will not be eligible for funding in 2014.
Signed applications are due by 4:00 P.M. Tuesday, October 15, 2013 to: Strategies to End Homelessness, Inc. c/o Jen Best 2368 Victory Parkway, Suite 600, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45206 or via email as a PDF document to .
- Meet the Emergency Shelter Program , Operation and Facility Accreditation Standards;
- Adhere to Federal, State, and City requirements;
- Conduct an annual audit of their financial records;
- Present certificate(s) of insurance, indemnifying Strategies to End Homelessness, Inc.; Insurance requirements are:
-Employer’s Liability Insurance with limits of $500,000 or any amount required by applicable law, whichever is greater
-Commercial General Liability Insurance (including contractual liability, bodily injury and property damage combined, and personal injury), at a minimum of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 (including umbrella coverage) in the aggregate
-Professional Liability Insurance (errors and omissions), at a minimum of $1,000,000 for each claim and $2,000,000 in aggregate. If such Professional Liability Insurance is written on a claims-made basis, such insurance shall have a retroactive date no later than the date on which Sub-recipient commences services under the Agreement;
-Automobile Insurance for owned or hired vehicles with minimum limits for public liability of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence of bodily injury, and $1,000,000 for any one accident, and property damage insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for each occurrence; provided, however, such insurance shall provide coverage not less than that of a Standard Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance policy.
-Excess/Umbrella Liability Insurance, with coverage for general liability and professional liability (errors and omissions), with minimum limits of liability of $2,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.
-Fidelity Insurance for all persons handling funds under this Agreement, in an amount not less than 10 percent of the amount of the application
- Have representation on the board of directors by a homeless or formerly homeless person;
- Participate in VESTA®, the community’s Homeless Management Information System
- Certify that eligible matching funds are available for ESG funds awarded at the Prince of Peace allocation meeting;
- Be able to pay for all expenses and receive payment on a reimbursement basis after submitting required documentation of the expenses and payment of the expenses;
- Attend the Prince of Peace allocation meeting on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at 2:00PM at Interact for Health
The above information is provided as an overview. It is not meant to include all information regarding a grant program’s guidelines or requirements. The final regulations for the Emergency Solutions Grant have not been released at this time; applicants may refer to the interim federal regulations for the ESG program (24CFR91 & 576). The link to the interim rule is provided here:
Application instructions:
- To complete an electronic version of this form just type your responses in the highlighted boxes below.
- Please do not change the form, rearrange the questions, or delete any sections.
- If you have questions please contact Jen Best at 513-263-2789 or by email at
Agency Legal Name:
Federal Tax Identification Number:
Address:Street/P.O. Box:
Suite/unit #:
Grant contact person name/title:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Executive Director Name:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Program requesting funds:
Program location address if different from above:
Number of beds in the Emergency Shelter:
Has the number of beds increased/decreased since last year? yes no
- If yes, please describe how the increase of these beds has been funded to date OR the reason for a decrease in the number of beds.
Please identify the homeless population you provide shelter for by checking as many of the boxes as are appropriate for your program:
Single men
Single women
Single female head of household families
Single male head of household families
Two parent families
Extended families
Unattended minor children
Please identify any/all of subpopulations your program provides services for:
Domestic Violence
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Physical, cognitive or sensory disabilities
Unattended youth, under age 18
In 2014, will your program provide case management services for all residents of your program?
yes no
If no, please detail how the homeless individual can access the support and services necessary to move into housing and economic self-sufficiency without case management services.
If no, please estimate the percentage of residents in your program who will receive case management services in 2014.
2014 ProjectionsTotal number of persons served
Total number of households served
2013 / 2014 (Estimated)
Total Agency Budget
Total Shelter Budget
Does your agency currently contribute to HMIS/VESTA? yes no
Do you agree to participate in the HMIS/VESTA system in 2014? yes no
If no, please explain why not.
If you have received ESG Shelter funding in the past 2 years, you do not have to complete this narrative. If you are a new applicant for ESG funding please compile the following information in a narrative format.
Profile of Organization
- Brief summary of organization’s history
- Brief statement of organization’s vision/mission
- Brief description of organization’s current program(s)/project(s) and activities
Program/Project Description & Methodology
- Description of emergency shelter program you are requesting funding for. Include:
a)Activities to accomplish this program/project (Is this new or ongoing activity?)
b)Timetable for implementation
c)Duration of program/project
d)Evidence of use of best practices (Is the program/project based on another program/project that has been shown to be effective in other settings? If so, describe and identify the model program by name.)
- Will the organization collaborate with other organizations for this particular program/project? (If so, with what organization(s) and how?)
- Why is your organization qualified and appropriate to address this need or benefit?
- How will success be defined and measured?
- How will the program be regularly evaluated?
- How will the people served be involved in the program/project evaluation?
- How will the results be used and disseminated?
The following documents must be submitted as part of this application. All items must be current, complete, and readable.
1. Emergency Shelter Grant Application
2. Fully completed Corporate Resolution form
3. Roster of Board of Directors (Federal regulations require at least one member must be homeless or formerly homeless – please document your compliance with this on your roster)
4. Most recent financial audit
5. Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Premium Payment
6. Current certificate of compliance with Shelter Standards
7. Insurance certificate(s)
If applicable, please submit the following information:
8. Fee schedule for program participants N/A
9. A copy of lease or letter of understanding (if requesting City money for year 2014 rent payments) N/A
New applicants only must submit:
10. Articles of Incorporation, including the Secretary of State’s certificate
11. IRS Tax Determination Letter (the agency must have 501(c) (3) tax exempt status)
I certify that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that a dollar-for-dollar match will be provided for the 2014 Emergency Solutions Grant Program should funding be allocated to my agency during the Prince of Peace process. Furthermore, I understand that my organization may not accept an award in excess of an amount for which a dollar-for-dollar match can be provided.
Signature of Agency Executive Director
______Printed Name
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