Term 2.1 2018
We had a fantastic Christmas and it was lovely to hear about everyone celebrated. The children have settled back in brilliantly and are established in their routines. This half term we will be focusing on our STEM project which we will focus on scientific enquiry about Space.
Thanks for all your support!
This terms core value is Challenge
So what is challenge?
A challenge is something new and can be difficult but can be accomplished through hard work and determination.
Exploring role play -
similarities and differences?
This half term we will be using the role play area to explore our text …
The children will have the opportunity to design and create new things in our role play area – labeling, listing etc as they go. They will also explore the PSED elements within the texts that we study to investigate similarities and differences between ourselves, family members, friends and within other cultures.
Other people
- What am I like?
- What do I enjoy doing?
- How am I different to my friends?
- Why does this make us good friends?
- How do our lives differ from others?(Christmas celebrations)
“Everyday mattersandeverylessoncounts> At RudstonPrimarySchoolwe aim‘todevelop
a of learning,enablingallchildrentoreach theirfullpotential.’
In orderforustodothis,we needtoaimfor outstandingattendance of98%+.
We will be looking at how time works (hour, minute, seconds) using different ways to record activities i.e. use a stopwatch to count how many seconds it takes to do 20 star jumps.
3D Shapes
Numbers to 20
UnderstandingtheWorld Similarities and differences between me,myfamilyand my
Use ICTtosupport learning.
Physical Development
Uses a pencil and holds it effectively to form recognisable letters – funky fingers, dough disco, threading.
The ‘Getting on and Falling out’ topic lends itself well to our class text. We will explore reasons for disagreements but also ways to reconcile differences.
Understandingthat own actions affects other people, for example becomes upset or tries to comfort another child when they realise they have upset them.
Takeaccountof others ideasandlearnto workcollaboratively.
Expressive Arts andDesign Explore arange ofmedia and materials tomake variations of self portraits.Makingbirthday cakes and cards in different ways.
Communication and language. Sharing family experiences (celebrations)
Discussing friendships and why our friends are good friends.