Teacher Professional Growth and Development Plan


Personal Details


Classification: EXR


Plan Period: 2008

Peer Facilitator: Marina Stergiou

Facilitation Team Meeting 1 – Setting of Goals: 19 February & 4 March

Facilitation Team Meeting 2 – Progress/Mid Cycle Review: 29 July

Facilitation Team Meeting 3 – Final Evaluation / Reflection: 28 October

Lyndale Secondary College - Professional Growth and Development Plan 2008 10 / 15


Highly effective teachers require a deep understanding of their subject discipline and of how students learn – they need to be discipline experts and learning experts. Highly effective teachers require a repertoire of teaching practices and assessment strategies that support and enhance student learning.

The Annual Professional Growth and Development Review process at Lyndale Secondary College will contribute to the ongoing professional learning of teachers and to the development of their expertise. It is based on the premise that teachers aim to progressively develop higher levels of expertise throughout their careers and that feedback, reflection and self-evaluation are essential elements in the professional learning process.

Within a culture of professional accountability, mutual exchange is critical to the success of the Professional Growth and Development Review process. It is expected that both the Peer Facilitator and Teacher will share responsibility for the success of the process and will ultimately learn from each other.

Element 3 of the Performance and Development Self Assessment Framework requires that teachers create plans based on:
·  individual development needs
·  improved student learning and
·  school priorities.
Element 4 requires that teachers participate in quality professional learning to meet these individual development needs.
A measure of the success of these plans is determined by the extent to which the resulting professional learning is:
1.  focused on improving student outcomes (not just individual teacher needs).
2.  focused on and embedded in teacher practice (not disconnected from the school).
3.  informed by the best available research on effective learning and teaching (not just limited to what they currently know).
4.  collaborative, involving reflection and feedback (not just individual inquiry).
5.  evidence based and data driven to guide improvement and to measure impact (not anecdotal).
6.  ongoing, supported and fully integrated into the culture and operations of the system – schools, networks, regions and the centre (not episodic and fragmented).
7.  both an individual responsibility and a collective responsibility at all levels of the system (not just the school level and not optional).
Reference: The Seven Principles of Highly Effective Professional Learning (OSE).


Roles and Responsibilities

Principal Class

Ø  Manage the Professional Growth and Development process for the Assistant Principals and Leading Teachers.

Ø  Oversee the operation and review of the process.


Ø  It is the responsibility of the teacher, with support, to initiate and manage the process.

Ø  In the first Facilitation Team meeting, each member of the team identifies target areas for each of the three defined Goals.

Ø  Sources of feedback that will be used as indicators of achievement or progress should be discussed during the first Facilitation Team meeting.

Ø  It is the responsibility of each teacher to complete the relevant documentation and to collate an evidence file or portfolio that will be used to inform the end of cycle professional meeting.

Ø  Each teacher should regard their Peer Facilitator and team members as critical friends, mentors or coaches, as appropriate.

Peer Facilitator

Ø  All Peer Facilitators will be Leading Teachers.

Ø  It is the responsibility of the Peer Facilitator and the team members to contribute to the management of the process.

Ø  The Peer Facilitator, with other members of the team, will take on the role of a critical friend and mentor or coach.

Ø  The Peer Facilitator will guide the professional meetings, focusing on analyzing independent feedback, self evaluation and reflection.

Ø  It is the responsibility of the Peer Facilitator to complete the relevant documentation and forward this to the Principal.

Ø  It is the responsibility of the Peer Facilitator to refer cases of non-participation in the process to the Principal.

Clarification of Terms

Facilitation Team Meetings:

Ø  recognize that professional growth and development is enhanced through an honest and open analysis of performance

Ø  support teachers in identifying multiple sources of independent feedback to generate evidence (refer to the Maturity Measures of Element 2 of the Self Assessment Framework)

Ø  use each teacher’s career aspirations to support the identification of target areas for development

Ø  focus on aligning personal professional learning to the plan of each team member’s target areas.

Target Areas:

Ø  Reflect the professional standards in general for the current classification level.

Ø  Enhance professional expertise and thus improve student learning.

Ø  Should be linked to the priorities outlined in the Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan.

Ø  Identify the specific focus for development and improvement.

Evidence file:

Is a selection of current cycle material that provides evidence of achievement or progress that:

Ø  could include independent feedback, teaching artefacts (curriculum documents, materials, resources, student output, etc) and the professional learning record.

Ø  uses at least two of the points in the Maturity Measures outlined in Element 2 of the Self Assessment Framework.

Ø  includes student achievement data such as VCE data service, VELs feedback, ‘Attitudes to School’ surveys or data which exemplifies adding value to student learning; inclusion of student feedback using recommended surveys such as the PoLT survey; documentation of peer observations (this could be observing a colleague or being observed by a colleague).

Staff will meet with a Leading Teacher (as their Peer Facilitator) in groups of 6 or 7, to establish and agree upon their target areas within the defined Professional Growth and Development Goals. These target areas will be aligned with the school goals and priorities, and reflect the Professional Standards of each teacher’s classification.
The full statements of the Professional Standards relating to Graduate, Accomplished, Expert and Leading teachers are located on the college Intranet and are summarised below.
Graduate Teachers
− know how students learn and how to teach them effectively.
− know the content they teach.
− know their students.
− plan and assess for effective learning.
− create and maintain safe and challenging learning environments.
− use a range of teaching practices and resources to engage students in effective learning.
− reflect on, evaluate and improve their professional knowledge and practice.
− are active members of their profession. / Accomplished Teachers
− demonstrate a high level of knowledge of relevant curriculum areas, student learning processes and resources, and can apply it in implementing programs that enhance student learning
− demonstrate high-quality classroom teaching skills and successfully employ flexible and adaptive approaches and constructive strategies to allow students to reach their full potential
− successfully apply assessment and reporting strategies that take account of relationships between teaching, learning and assessment
− respond effectively to emerging educational initiatives and priorities
− demonstrate high-level communication skills and professional behaviour when interacting with parents or guardians, students and colleagues
− successfully organise and manage aspects of the wider school program
− demonstrate improved teaching and performance skills through critically evaluating professional practices
− provide high-level professional assistance to other teachers in classroom related areas. / Expert Teachers
− demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of relevant curriculum areas
− demonstrate and model excellent teaching and learning skills
− demonstrate a productive contribution to the school program
− demonstrate a significant contribution to the development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum programs and policy, and respond to initiatives that enhance student learning
− demonstrate a high level of commitment to student welfare within the school
− demonstrate strong ongoing professional learning / Leading Teachers
− demonstrate exemplary teaching and learning performance
− demonstrate a strong commitment to personal leadership growth
− provide high-level educational leadership in the school community and beyond
− build and maintain effective teams and develop cooperative working relationships that promote excellence in teaching and learning within the educational and broader community
− initiate, plan and manage significant change in response to new educational directions, and manage the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum policy and programs
− demonstrate a high level of ability to articulate educational issues and perspectives in communication with colleagues and others.

Professional Growth and Development Plan


Week 4
19 February
Week 6
4 March / Facilitation Team Meeting 1 – Start of the Professional Growth & Development Cycle - Setting of Goals
At the first Facilitation Team meeting:
·  The PG&D process is explained and all team members are made familiar with the contents of this document.
·  Team members discuss the process of identifying target areas, implementation strategies and data collection in preparation for finalising their goals for the following week’s meeting.
·  Set Goals 1 and 2 which are to be aligned with College and DEECD priorities.
·  Set Goal 3 (the Personal Professional Learning plan) to assist in the achievement of the targets set in Goals 1 and 2.
The Facilitation Team will meet to finalise the documentation for the three goals of each member. At this meeting, each member will email a copy of the Professional Growth and Development Plan to their Peer Facilitator.
Following the meeting, the Peer Facilitator will forward a copy to the Performance and Development Coordinator.
13 May / Interim Meeting
·  Discussion of progress towards goals and collection of evidence.
29 July
30 July / Facilitation Team Meeting 2 – Mid Cycle/Progress Review
Teachers meet in Peer Facilitation teams:
·  to reflect on their progress
·  to review target areas and discuss progress to date
·  to complete the ‘Progress Reflection’ form (page 11)
·  consider any strategies or recommendations to address any areas of need.
Peer Facilitators will receive emailed copies of the ‘Progress Reflection’ page from their team members for the Peer Facilitators’ meeting the following week.
Peer Facilitators will meet to discuss progress of each team’s plans.
28 October
5 November / End of the Professional Growth & Development cycle – Final Evaluation
·  Peer Facilitation teams meet to reflect, review and evaluate evidence for each goal using the teacher’s self-evaluation, reflections and evidence file/portfolio and then complete the ‘Final Evaluation’ form (pages 12 and 13).
·  The Professional Growth & Development process is then completed. The documentation is signed off by the teacher and the Peer Facilitator.
Members of the team email their completed plan to the Peer Facilitator and retain a personal copy.
·  Peer Facilitators will submit the originals of the completed plans to the Principal.

Clarification of Terms

In finding a suitable language to allow for goal setting, the following table is offered.

In P&DC terms … / might be equivalent to the ‘Science’ terms / or the ‘Technology’ terms
Goal description / Aim / Investigation
Implementation / Method / Design
Data / Results / Production
Reflection / Conclusion / Evaluation

The Teacher Professional Growth and Development Plan reflects the contribution of each teacher to support the achievement of the College Strategic plan. The Strategic Plan is a formal plan required by the Department of Education to allow the college to set its goals for a four-year period.

Each year, the college must submit an Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) which sets the school’s priorities for action in that specific year. The Professional Learning Teams (PLT) should reflect the directions of the AIP and additionally, the individual teacher’s Professional Growth and Development Plan should draw from the AIP for direction.

Goal 1 – Teaching and Learning - Your classroom focus

Description: (Why is this activity important to me? What is the current situation? What outcome/target is desired?)
Implementation: (How might I go about this? What strategies might I use?)
Data: (Which sources of data will I use to assist me to reflect on the achievement of this goal? Refer to the Maturity Measures of Element 2 of the Self Assessment Framework)

Goal 2 – Your Role in the Implementation of the School Strategic Intent

Description: (Why is this activity important to me? What is the current situation? What outcome/target is desired?)
Implementation: (How might I go about this? What strategies might I use?)
Data: (Which sources of data will I use to assist me to reflect on the achievement of this goal? Refer to the Maturity Measures of Element 2 of the Self Assessment Framework)

Goal 3 – Personal Professional Learning Plan[(]

ICT has again been mandated for all staff during 2008. Indicate which area(s) of ICT would support your professional learning goals. You should choose one other Professional Learning area that supports your previous two Teaching and Learning goals.
Description: (Why is each activity important to me? What outcome is desired?)
1. ICT (6 hours of in-school or approved external professional learning are required)
2. Other area (a minimum of 10 hours is required) - specify
Implementation: (How do I intend to transfer or apply my knowledge/skills resulting from this professional learning to my classroom? How will I share the outcomes with others? Who will I share them with?)
1. ICT
Data: (What evidence will I use to assist me to reflect on the outcomes of these activities?)

Facilitation Meeting 2 – Progress/Mid Cycle Review

The second meeting is an opportunity for self evaluation and guided reflection with the team. Initial sources of feedback should be used to focus the meeting and to evaluate progress. It can also be used as an opportunity to refocus goals where this is necessary due to changes in circumstances.

Progress Reflection
This section is to be completed by the Teacher and should include reference to feedback.
GOAL 1 - Teaching and Learning - Your classroom focus (What has been achieved so far?)
The following projects have been developed and implemented :
Yr 10 – Systems; All Terrain vehicle including student work book and marking rubric.
Yr 10 – Timber; Hallway Table including student work book and marking rubric.
Yr 9 – Systems; Solar car project further developed to include basic data acquisition component and renewable energy project.
; Resistor colour code card game developed and implemented in class.
Yr 9 – Resistant materials; Water rocket project support material including “Mix match swap” activity implemented and plastics assessment task implemented.
Yr 8 – Technology Studies; Skill Tester project developed and trialled in class (GN and FE.) Work still to done to finalise documentation.
Yr 7 – Technology Studies; Weather station project (NN) developed and implemented in classes.
; Electrical light circuit project (GN) trialled in class and documentation in draft form.
Resistant materials to GSCE in use in yr 7.
What evidence/independent feedback has been collected so far?
Samples of work books and student work available for all projects available.
GOAL 2 – Your role in the Implementation of the School Strategic Intent (What has been achieved so far?)
Proposal for D&T refurbishment about to commence.
Investigated and purchased new equipment for D&T area with emphasis on new technologies.
Investigated new work benches for D&T area with emphasis on flexibility and creating multi function work areas.
Two Dust extraction systems on order for A3 & A2
Plasma screens ordered for class rooms.
What evidence/independent feedback has been collected so far?
Most work is in progress.
Equipment currently being delivered as it becomes available
Catalogues and price lists available for work shop benches and Laptop garage.
GOAL 3 - Personal Professional Learning (What will I do differently as a result of these activities? What might I recommend to others? How will I have changed or improved my teaching practice?)
Attended DATTA Vic conference.
Not yet commenced Cad work with SE
What evidence/independent feedback has been collected so far?
Attendance certificate.
Teacher’s signature: / Peer Facilitator’s signature: / Date:

Professional Meeting 3 – Final Evaluation (Part A)