1 Use Your Manners

Writers Workshop Daily Plan

1. Mini-Lesson Focus:

ELACC.1.L.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Use Your Manners! This mini lesson will help students understand the importance of editing for correct mechanics. Tell the students that correct punctuation, capitalization, etc. are the good manners of writing. They make it easier for the reader to understand your writing. In this lesson, the focus will simply be on capitals, periods, spelling, and making sure each sentence makes sense. You will model this by using an overhead of a piece that you have written and the attached editing checklist. The key to this editing process is to read the piece aloud once to look for each convention. (Since we are looking for capitals, periods, spelling, and making sense, we will read it four times, looking for each convention one at a time.) Use a pair of binoculars, oversized glasses, or a special editing visor as a prop to engage the students. You may even want to have some props on hand for the kids to use. After you model, students will edit the piece they are currently working on. You may want to concentrate on one area at a time. Maybe the first time you teach this lesson just look for capital letters at the beginning of sentences. The next day look for punctuation marks, etc.

2. Status of Class

3. Student Writing/Teacher Conferring

4. Author Share: Student Teacher

Call students back to meeting area. Teacher chooses one or two students to share the editing they did on their pieces. Celebrate with a marshmallow clap!

Editing Steps

Check each box as you follow the steps!

When I edit I….

1.  Go when I see a “green light”:

Circle the first letter of every sentence in the writing piece green.

2.  Stop when I see a “red light”:

Circle all punctuation marks (.?!) in red at the end of every sentence.

3.  Dot and Say:

Put a black dot under each word as you read your written piece.

4.  Read bottom to top:

Circle in blue words you think are not spelled correctly.

Troup County Schools 2012

1st Grade Language Arts