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NHS Grampian
Policy Ref:NHSG/CED/POL/001
Controlled Document:This document shall not be copied in part or whole without the express permission of the author or the author’s representative.
Expiry Date:None, reviewed annually
Author:Janet Seaton/Jenny Ingram
Policy Application:This policy applies to all staff working within NHS Grampian, including agency, temporary staff, students, whose duties involve the management of medicines and use of the medication prescription sheets in hospitals.
Purpose:The purpose of this policy is to ensure NHS Grampian fulfils its obligation to minimise as far as reasonably practicable the risk to patients from medication error resulting from poor management of the medications prescription sheets.
Organisational:Management Teams and Chief Executives
Departmental:Heads of Service
AreaLine Managers
Policy Statement:It is the responsibility of all registered nursing and medical staff involved in the prescribing and administration of medicines to ensure that all medication prescription sheets for an individual patient are kept in a single location. This will assist in reducing the likelihood of medication errors, in particular those of duplication and omission.
Review:This policy will be reviewed annually.
Approved by:Date:
Policy for the Management of Medication Prescription Sheets in Hospitals
A recent (February 2003) Clinical Auditshowed that there were major variations in the location of the main prescription and additional prescription sheets. This raises concern about rotational and visiting staff being able to locate all the medication prescription information and was felt to contribute to duplication, omission or other medication incidents. The Records Standards Subcommittee also highlighted this issue during August 2003.
- All medication prescription sheets for an individual patient must be kept together in a single location
- This designated location must be in close vicinity to the patient to whom they belong, where this is practicable and clinically appropriate
- The designated location for the prescription sheets may vary according to individual ward policy
- Where possible the medication prescription sheets should be co-located with other patient information e.g. nursing notes
- All staff, including bank, agency and rotational staff must be made aware of the designated location for medication prescription sheets
Departmental / Line Managers are responsible for:
- Ensuring that all staff are aware of this policy.
- Ensuring that prescription sheets are located together as per policy.
- Ensuring that all staff, including bank and agency workers are aware of the designated location of prescription sheets within their clinical area.
- Monitoring the adherence to the policy.
All Staff are responsible for:
- Co-operating with this policy to minimise risks to patient safety.
- Informing senior staff of any problems with adherence to this policy.
Policy for the Management of the Medication Prescription Sheets in Hospitals