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DEPARTMENT/SECTION / Physics and Astronomy
LOCATION(s) / F10a/b
PERSONS covered
by the risk assessment / CMMP Permit Holders
Consider, in turn, each Hazard (white on black). If NO Hazard exists answer NO and move to next Hazard section.
If a Hazard does exist answer YES and assess the Risks that could arise from that Hazard in the Risk Assessment box.
Where Risks are identified that are not adequately controlled they must be brought to the attention of your Departmental Management who should put temporary control measures in place or stop the work. Detail such risks in the final section.
ENVIRONMENT / The working environment always represents a safety Hazard. Use the space below to assess any
Risks associated with this Hazard.
e.g. problems arising from lighting, flooring,
ventilation, space, trailing wires, noise. / Examples of Risk: Ill health, slips, trips and falls. Is the risk high / medium / low ? Low
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental Arrangement for identifying, reporting and rectifying problems & faults is followed
procedures are in place to ensure good housekeeping
adequate space is allocated for storage
equipment has been assessed for adverse effects on the office environment
escape routes are regularly checked
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
Display screen equipment (DSE) / Is DSE used? / YesNo / If No move to next Hazard
If Yes use space below to identify and assess any Risks
e.g. equipment with screen & keyboard and Users working for more than one hour continuously. / Examples of Risk: excessive and incorrect use of DSE can result in musculo-skeletal problems and fatigue.
Is the risk high / medium / low ? Low
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental written Arrangement for the use of DSE is followed
all workstation equipment, furniture etc. has been assessed as suitable for use
all users have been advised of correct use and the need to take regular breaks
all workstations have been assessed by a competent person and where specific problems have been identified, a special risk
assessment has been carried out and controls implemented, a copy supplied to the User
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
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lone / out of / Do people work alone or / YesNo / If No move to next Hazard
hours working / out of hours? / If Yes use space below to identify and assess any Risks
e.g. evenings, holidays,
in isolation. / Examples of Risk: delay in summoning help in the event of disabling ill health or intruders. Is the risk high / medium / low ? Low
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental written Arrangement for lone/out of hours working is followed
workers are fully familiar with emergency procedures
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
MANUAL HANDLING / Do MH activities take / YesNo / If No move to next Hazard
(MH) / place? / If Yes use space below to identify and assess any Risks
e.g. lifting and carrying bulky or heavy loads, boxes of paper, moving heavy equipment, storage of objects at height. Is the person physically suited to the task? / Examples of Risk: strains, cuts, broken bones. Is the risk high / medium / low? Low
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental written Arrangement for MH is followed
all MH tasks are within reasonable limits
persons physically unsuited to the MH task are prohibited from such activities
equipment will be used to reduce the risk e.g. trolleys, steps and kick stools
any MH task outside the competence of staff will be done by outside specialists e.g. porters, suppliers or contractors
one off and unusual work is done according to a specific risk assessment
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
use of equipment / Is office or studio / YesNo / If No move to next Hazard
equipment used? / If Yes use space below to identify and assess any Risks
please note equipment that represents a greaterrisk e.g. guillotine, shredder, scalpels / Examples of Risk: cuts, burns and personal injury. Is the risk high / medium / low ? Low
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental written Arrangement for the use of equipment is followed
the equipment is used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
only workers who are adequately trained are allowed to use the equipment
a system of fault reporting is in place
equipment awaiting repair or disposal is taken out of use
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
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Electrical equipment / Is electrical equipment used? / YesNo / If No move to next Hazard
If Yes use space below to identify and assess any Risks
e.g. hardwired or fitted with a plug. / Examples of Risk: electrocution, burns, fire. Is the risk high / medium / low ? Low
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental written Arrangement for electrical equipment is followed
all portable electrical equipment brought into the unit must be approved by the Supervisor and carry BS/CE standard marking
there is a system of informal visual checks, casing, cables, plugs
a system of fault reporting is in place
equipment awaiting repair or disposal is taken out of use
low level repairs (e.g. changing fuses) are only carried out by named competent staff
an electrical maintenance program is in place
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
CHEMICALS / Are chemicals used? / YesNo / If No move to next Hazard
If Yes use space below to identify and assess any Risks
e.g. products with a
hazard warning label. / Examples of Risk: irritation of skin or eyes, fire, corrosion. Is the risk high / medium / low ?
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental written Arrangement for use of chemicals is followed
only proprietary products approved by the Supervisor are used in the Department
only substances assessed as low risk are used in the Department and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
medium and high risk substances have been assessed for the purposes of COSHH and used accordingly
the worker is supplied with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) i.e. gloves, overalls, eye protection etc.
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
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DISPOSAL OF Waste / Waste disposal always represents a Hazard. Use the space below to identify and assess any Risks
, / associated with this hazard.
e.g. broken glass, sharps large or heavy items. / Examples of Risk: cuts or MH injury to yourself or others. Is the risk high/ medium / low ?
CONTROL MEASURES / From the list below, use 'X' to indicate which procedures are in place to control the identified risk
the departmental written Arrangement for waste disposal is followed
waste is packaged and disposed of in accordance with Domestic Services guidelines
bulky items are disposed of by arrangement with Domestic Services or an approved contractor
hazardous waste is disposed of by arrangement with the Safety Office, Hazardous Waste Service
waste awaiting disposal is stored safely
other control measures: please specify any other control measures you have implemented:
OTHER HAZARDS / Have you identified any / YesNo / If No move to next Section
other Hazards? / If Yes use space below to identify and assess any Risks
i.e. any other hazards that you identify must be noted here and / Hazard/s:
assessed in the risk assessment space provided. / Risks:
Is the Risk high/ medium / low ?:
CONTROL MEASURES / Give details of control measures you have put in place to control the identified risks
OTHER HAZARDS / Have you identified any risks that / YesNo / If No move to Declaration
are not adequately controlled? / If Yes use space below to identify the Risk and what action was taken
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I, the undersigned, have assessed the activity and the associated risksand (delete as applicable) declare that there is no significant risk/the risk will be controlled by the method(s) listed above. Those participating in the work have read the assessment. The work will be reassessed whenever there is significant change and at least annually.
NAME OF SUPERVISOR NT Skipper DATE: 1 October 2015
SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISORreview date: 1 Oct 2016