World Trade
title of the event / 2012 Advanced Course on Trade and Environment (English)venue and dates / Geneva
16-27 April 2012
Course description / Implemented within the WTO progressive learning framework, the course represents the highest level of learning among WTO training activities. Due to its advanced nature, the course is targeted at participants who already possess a sound knowledge of the WTO system in general and in-depth knowledge of issues at the interface of trade and environment at national and international levels. It encourages active involvement of participants and will address key trade and environment issues.
This two week trade and environment advanced coursewill comprise a series of sessions, including lectures, interactive discussions and simulation exercises. Furthermore, participants will be invited to exchange experiences, for example on national coordination on trade and environment matters, and make presentations during the event.
Objectives / At the end of the course, participants are expected to have:
- consolidated knowledge on WTO discussions and work on trade and environment, including how relevant WTO rules apply to environmental policy measures;
- improved understanding ona number of key current trade and environment issues, including those related to the green economyand protectionism;
- strengthened ability to engage more actively in the CTE work, including the on-going trade and environment negotiations;
- established and/or strengthened a network of contacts with each other and trainers/experts.
Programme / See attached provisional programme
Organizing institution/body / WTO
Participants will be selectedamong nominated government officials responsible for trade and/or environment issues in their country. Preference will be given to candidates who have completed the WTO trade and environment on-line E-Learning course and have commensurate knowledge or professional experience in this field. Participants should also possess a good ability to communicate in English, orally and in writing. Participants will be selected on the basis of their response to a questionnaire. Written assignments will be provided in advance of the course to prepare active participation.
As part of the WTO procedures, a letter of invitation, along with a questionnaire and an application form, will be addressed to relevant government authorities from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Participants will be selected based on the conditions listed above. Twenty-five places will be made available, and only candidates officially nominated by their national authorities and who have responded sufficiently to the Secretariat's questionnaire will be considered.
The costs related to their participation (i.e. a return economy class ticket, lodging and daily subsistence allowance) will be borne by the WTO.