Mission Statement
The current mission of the IS Program is threefold:
1. to provide students with a critical understanding of the world, the diversity of regional cultures, and the variety of globalizing processes (both historical and contemporary) that have linked them – social, cultural, economic, political, military, technological, medical, and environmental;
2. to create a forum for interdisciplinary exchange among faculty and students in different departments at LSU and with other universities for discussing matters of international and global significance.
3. to organize public events such as lectures, conferences, colloquia, exhibitions, concerts and film festivals which stimulate interest in, and provide a critical perspective on, international and global issues, both current and historical.
Article 1 Name.
The name of the program is International Studies.
Article 2. Membership.
Membership in International Studies is granted upon application to and acceptance by the Coordinating Committee. The application shall consist of a curriculum vitae and statement of interest, which should demonstrate involvement in international studies (in the case of faculty, research and/or teaching). There are two categories of members:
Faculty, who have voting privileges;
Affiliates, individuals who do not have voting privileges. This includes student representatives, who are to be nominated by the IS student organization or faculty.
Article 3. Voting
A. All faculty, including instructors, are eligible for voting privileges, except on personnel matters, where the procedures outlined in PS-36 will hold.
B. The Director, Associate Director, and International Studies half-line faculty will have full voting privileges.
C. Voting (but not membership status) will be limited to those who attended, in person or by proxy, at least one of the previous semester’s meetings.
D. New International Studies faculty members (as deemed by the Coordinating Committee) will automatically have voting privileges during their first semester with the program.
E. Faculty members on leave or who have an unavoidable conflict with a given semester’s meeting time (i.e. teaching) can notify the general faculty at the beginning of the semester. Their voting status will be carried forward to the next semester.
F. A quorum consists of 40% of voting members present in person or by proxy.
Article 4. Faculty Meetings
A minimum of two faculty meetings will be held each semester.
Article 5. Committees
Section 1. Coordinating Committee.
The purpose of the Coordinating Committee is to define and recommend policy. It shall be headed by the Director. Members other than the Director and Associate Director will be voted in by a majority of the faculty. The Coordinating Committee will have 6 to 8 members, including the Director and Associate Director. Coordinating Committee members will serve for three years. Terms of office will be staggered. Half-line faculty may be selected as members of the Coordinating Committee but there is no presumption that they will have to serve.
Coordinating Committee elections will be held annually before the end of the spring semester. A list of Coordinating Committee positions and eligible faculty members will be sent to all voting members so that individuals can be nominated. Nominations will be compiled and ballots sent out to all voting members. Newly elected Coordinating Committee members begin their term of office at the start of the fall semester.
In the event that a Coordinating Committee member is temporarily unable to fulfill the duties of their office due to official university leave, the Coordinating Committee may appoint a temporary replacement for the member for a period not to exceed one academic year.
Section 2. Director and Associate Director
The Director represents the International Studies faculty to the administration and the community. He or she is responsible for fundraising and grant-writing. The Director administers finances and negotiates budget. He or she prepares annual and other reports for the unit as well as annual evaluation of members of the Coordinating Committee and others who choose to receive an International Studies evaluation. The Director coordinates activities and functions of the program.
Term of Office: The Director serves a three year term which is renewable for one term. The Director will be nominated and elected by a majority of the IS faculty.
The Associate Director is in charge of course offerings and advising, and will generally assist the director. The Associate Director will be appointed by the Director.
Term of Office: The Associate Director will serve a three year term which is renewable for one term.
Section 3. Standing Committees
The type and purpose of the committees may undergo change as needed by the program.
Individuals who are voting members of the International Studies faculty are eligible for membership on standing committees. Chairs of the standing committees will be drawn from the Coordinating Committee. Individuals will be solicited to serve on standing committees by the chairs. They will serve for a two-year term. Committee size may vary between 3 and 6 members.
1. Awards
Purpose: to administer faculty selection of nominees for Arts and Science teaching awards and any appropriate University awards. They will establish guidelines and requirements for an Outstanding Undergraduate IS Major award.
2. Community Outreach
Purpose: to develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between the IS Program and the community that are commensurate with the mission of the IS Program. The Community Outreach committee will promote awareness of IS and its programs in the wider Baton Rouge community.
3. Curriculum
Purpose: to organize course offerings in relation to the mission of the program. The Curriculum Committee will establish and review requirements for the minor and major. They will establish and administer procedures for approving new courses
4. Programs
Purpose: to arrange and organize programs, conferences, and activities to enhance the mission of International Studies.
5. Grants and Research
Purpose: to investigate avenues of funding for academic research related to IS. The Grants and Research Committee will seek internal and external resources to enhance the program for specific events such as speakers and general program development, and to research topics such as curriculum design in other programs.
6. Long - Range Planning
Purpose: To determine, through wide-scale faculty and associate participation, program goals and priorities.
Section 4: Ad Hoc Committees
Purpose: to perform specific organizational tasks as deemed necessary by the Coordinating Committee.
Article 6: Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by presenting a written amendment to the Director, who will distribute it to International Studies faculty and put the proposed amendment on the agenda for the next faculty meeting. The amendment will pass if it is agreed to by two-thirds of the voting members. If two-thirds of the membership is not present at the meeting, paper ballots will be sent to all voting members.
Article 7: Ratification
For ratification, this Constitution shall require a two-thirds vote of all International Studies faculty with voting status.