March 18, 2013 – 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Ice Den – Warming Room


Name / 3/18/2013
Jeff Farr - AHSHA (Proxy for Bill Wright) / V Present
Tim Reckell – AHSHA / V Present
Brendan Shaw – CAHA / V Absent
Bob Platt – AHU / V Present
Bill Wright - Az Runners / V Absent
Joe Petruzzella – CAHA / V Absent
Tony Radke – CAHA (Proxy for Brendon Shaw and Joe Petruzella) / V Present
David Kenyon – DYHA / V Absent
James Emson – DYHA / V Present by phone
Mark Manone – FYHA / V Absent
Evan Gavrilles – Mission / V Present
Jim Rogers – VOSHA (proxy for James Goon) / V Present
James Goon -VOSHA / V Absent
Jon Brooks – President / V Present
Geoff Pashkowski - Director at Large / NV Present
Adam Mims - Adult Hockey / NV Absent
Donnalee Jerome – Associate Registrar / NV Present
Larry Gibson CEP / NV Absent
Paul Crane - Sled Hockey / NV Absent
Bryan Eisentraut – State Supv of Officials / NV Present
Herb Haley – State Safety Director / NV Present
Mike Swartz – Tucson / NV Absent
Bret Fera – Rubber Magazine / NV – Absent
Scott Swartz – CAHA / NV - Absent
Wayne Bonney / NV- Present
Michelle McBay / NV Present
Bruce Urban
Allison Vanderkieft
Vince Burke
Christian Stratton
Emily Stratton
Becky Taylor
Chuck Allen

Meeting Minutes

·  Call to Order and Verification of Quorum –

o 6:34 pm. MST meeting called to order.

o 9 voting team members present 4 Proxies

Acceptance of March Agenda

MOTION: Review and acceptance of March agenda

Presented by: Jim Rogers Second by: Evan Garvrilles Vote: All Favor

Review and Acceptance of February Board Meeting Minutes

MOTION: Approval of February 2013 BOD meeting minutes

Presented by: Evan Garvrilles Second by: Bob Platt Vote: All Favor

·  Treasurers Report: Review of balance sheet. Vicky Randle is retiring at the end of this year. She will be transitioning some of QuickBooks over to Michelle and a new accountant will be hired to handle AAHA as a 5013c.

MOTION: Approve Treasurer’s Report

Presented by: Tony Radke Second by: James Goon Vote: All Favor

·  Coaching Report: Reminder given that new clinics will start September 1st and end of December 31st. They will include new training for levels 1, 2 and 3.

·  Officiating Report: Good feedback was received on Arizona officials at the Tier 1 tournaments. Bryan reported that from the Summer Development Camp, he recommended 2 officials for the regional camp and 1 for the National Camp. Also discussed was the Rule change on 10 minute penalties and the impact on the high school Fair Play Points that is up for approval with USA hockey. As part of the new concussion education awareness program there is a mandatory 2 and 10 penalty for boarding and head contact. Officials will need to receive additional education on making the appropriate calls. Jon suggested providing clips to view as an education tool from both officials and parents.

·  Registrars Report: Distributed and reviewed USA Hockey Member Counts by Program. Report still shows 505 unclaimed players. Jon reiterated that unclaimed players need to be identified by May 1st.

·  Disciplinary Committee: The James Emson reported that over the last few weeks 12 Incident Reports have come in; however, none have needed the Discipline Committees review. James is working with Michelle to ensure there is a discipline representative/committee in place at each Association to receive Incident reports.

Old Business:

·  Update on State Player Development Camps set for March 15-6 at Oceanside and Invitation Camp march 29 & 30: Geoff Pashkowski reported on the Girls and Boys part 1 Player Development Camps. Each went well although the numbers were slightly down over last year. Sign up for Younger Boys PDC is going well and may reach limit.

·  Update on State Playdowns: Tier II Champions were U14 DYHA; U16 Union Knights; and U18 Mission Ice. Tier I Champions are U14 AZ Bobcats; U16 AZ Bobcats and U18 DYHA.

·  Update on Rocky Mountain District: Currently there are 12 girls; 4 of which are representing Arizona. Girls Showcase have had an opportunity to practice with the boys Showcase team. It was also reported that the $2,500 has been allocated to send a Team Manager and 1 coach to RMD. The Board was asked to approve Kenny McGinley to go as the Assistant Coach.

Motion: To approve Kenny McGinley as the Assistant Coach for the Girls Showcase Team.

Present: Evan Gavrilles Second: Jeff Farr All Favor

·  Update from Bryan on proposal to move to one statewide referee association: Bryan presented a PowerPoint showing results from the survey taken. Out of 163 officials 72 responded - a response rate of 44%. Results of the survey showed good representation of age groups with the majority of experience being a level 3 official. The overall survey showed that more than 50% of officials support one association and one scheduling system and said that they were dissatisfied with the current structure. Based on all other information presented, the survey supports moving forward with the Board of Director’s directive to form a single state-wide referee association. Bylaws and Application for Membership to the Affiliate were handed out and the Board was asked to review over the next month for approval at the next Board meeting.

·  Exemptions for Cross Ice Mite 8U after January 1: Review and discussion of any Associations wanting to submit exemptions.

Motion: To allow any Association for the State of Arizona to apply for an exemption to have full ice games for Mites up to a maximum of ten games + one tournament after January 1.

Presented: Tony Radke Second; James Goon All Favor

Motion: Each Association must apply to the State by October 10th.

Presented: Jim Rogers Second: Tony Radke All Favor

New Business

·  AAHA Administrator Update: Projects worked on this month included: coordinating the ordering of trophies and banners for the Tier 1 and Tier II Championship games; assisted with the Player Development Camps at the rinks; facilitated ongoing communication with Incident and discipline reports, unclaimed players list, and policy and procedures and girls showcase team.

·  Request for Laptop for Association Registrar: Donnalee reported that she is working with USA Hockey on getting a laptop.

·  Chuck Allen, Arizona Hockey Union Tournament Director attended Board meeting to express his thanks to all the Associations for their support of the Presidents Day Tournament. Mr. Allen discussed the positive financial impact on local businesses by bringing out of state teams to participate in tournaments here in Arizona.

·  Tier I Out of State Player Policy Change: Tony Radke discussed taking steps to develop policies that regulate Tier I hockey. One specific area includes the limitation of out of state players on Tier I rosters. Currently, rosters are being filled with primarily out of state players. As one of the missions of the State to grow hockey in Arizona, current policies do not support that effort.

Motion: Review proposed policy at the April Board meeting and put in place limits on out of state players

Brendan Shaw, Tony Radke, Tony Reckell

Presented: Tony Radke Second: Bob Platt 5 for 5 against

Motion did not pass. We will set up a committee to review the Tier 1 and Tier 2 guidelines we proposed last year and will resurrect the efforts

Motion: Suspend Dave Kenyon pending completion of Background check.

Presented: Evan Gavrilles Second: Jeff Farr All Favor

Motion: To suspend Union coach from all USA Hockey activities who was arrested in Colorado after inappropriate behavior.

Presented: Jeff Farr Second: Evan Gavrilles All Favor

Discussion of AHSHA coach suspended for altercation with player. Coach was suspended at the high school level. Incident was brought to Board for review at the State level.

Motion: To suspend from all USA Hockey activities for 60 days pending State hearing.

Presented: Jeff Farr Second: Evan Gavrilles All Favor

MOTION: Adjourn the AAHA Board of Director meeting on 1/13/12 at 9:50 pm.

Presented by: Jeff Farr Second by: Jon Vote: All Favor