BPNP Eighteenth Steering Group Meeting, 14thAugust 2012
Attendees; Chris Graham (Chair), David Coppinger, William Emmett, Robin Howard, Derek Mellor,Nick Pellew.
Apologies: Leo Walters,Steve Adams, Rod Ball, Sarah Ball, Duncan Johnston, Louise Shenston
- Action Recorder
It was agreed that action notes would be taken by Nick Pellew
- Minutes ofSeventeenth Steering Group Meeting
The minutes were agreed.
- Output fromChairman’s discussions with Members and Council Offices
Feedback on our second submission document is still not forthcoming despite promises otherwise and our link officer, Sarah Ball, has had her time prioritised onto the RB’s Local Plan. No firm date for a response has been given.
- Request to attend a site allocation meeting with the RBWM
The group discussed the merits or otherwise of attending. There was general condemnation of the way the meeting had been arranged and the timescale for response. However it was decided that although we had no general mandate from the Parish, this did fall within the remit of the Neighbourhood Plan and thus we should attend.
Action NP to circulate the assessment by the Housing Topic Group together with the Housing criteria
The 29th August from 5.30 to 7.30, was agreed for a preparation meeting and CG was to try to get the meeting with RBWM on the morning of the 31st
- The Prince’s Foundation Consultation Workshops.
NP stated that a draft specification document for the workshops had been produced with help from RH and SA and this had circulated to the Topic Group leaders and then to the Princes Foundation for their initial take on what we proposed.
The PF have agreed the concepts and agreed to facilitate. They have suggested the following structure althoughthe dates and locations were suggested at the SG meeting. All of this will need to be confirmed.
Workshop1. Date: Thursday 18th October. Time: Evening 6pm to 9.30 ish. Location: Council
Chamber. Action DC to confirm
Overview. Focussed at the Policy level , Parish wide
Broad Content: Background (Previous survey work etc)
Vision Statement
Broad Policies
Housing criteria
Targetted invitees. Key Stakeholders (still to be identified) but this will be open to the Public
Workshop 2. Date; Friday 19th October . Time; Evening 6-10pm. Locations. The 3 memorials Halls
in Bray , Holyport and Fifield (Braywood) ideally. Action CG to confirm
Overview. These will be focuessed on the specific areas of the Parish and issue based.
They will each have their own facilitator. The character of each will be different, driven by the different issues and the level of consensus on possible solutions already achieved. e.g The Community Plan for Fifield and Oakley Green will allow a number of clear options to some of the issues to be presented whereas in Holyport it will be much more free form.
2a) Bray and the A308
2b) Holyport
2c) Fifield and Oakley Green
Some initial issues have been identified and these need to be added to and key points behind each documented so that the facilitator either can present this or at least have it as an aide memoire to prompt discussion. One issue that will be common to all is ‘where should any new houses go’. This will encourage participation.
Action: NP will circulate the list of issues to Topic Group leaders to add to and document any key points behind each.
Targetted Invitees. Key stakeholders in that area and local residents
Feedback Session. Date : As shortly afterwards as possible
Feedback from PF to the Steering group / Sub group on how the workshops went and any clear direction. This may be done as a teleconference.
Workshop 3 Date: early November. Time: Evening 6pm to 9.30 ish. Location -Not discussed
Overview. This would aim to give feedback to the general public on the conclusions to the workshops and would thus be a mini consultation.
- Update on Vision Statement, Key Constraints and meeting protocol
NP, RH and Philip Hylton had a meeting with SA to discuss constraints and vision. SA agreed to consolidate the vision. The main constraints in relation to planning are documented in the Housing criteria paper which will follow shortly.
- AOB Land at Braywick – Request for Consultation by Angela Knight
It was agreed that CG should respond to this request by saying the Steering Group was not currently in a position to hold a consultation about any specific site but it may be appropriate in due course
There were no other matters raised under this item.
- Date of Next Meetings to be agreed:
A site allocation meeting is proposed for 29th August with a meeting with the council on the 31st
The next SG meeting is currently planned for Thursday 30th August to review overlap and feedback from RBWM
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