The Society of Thoracic Surgeons of Thailand
30th Annual Meeting 2015
“Difficulties in Cardiothoracic Surgery”
14th-16th January, 2016
1st October 2015
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons of Thailand
30thAnnual Meeting 2015
“Difficulties in Cardiothoracic Surgery”
14th-16th January, 2016
Thursday, 14thJanuary 2016: Pre-Congress: Aortic Valve Surgery
Venue: Seminar Room 2-3, Royal Golden Jubilee building, SoiSoonvijai
08.00-08.30 Registration
08.15-08.30 Opening remark Lt Gen NopadolPenkitti
(Venue: Seminar room 4-6)
08.30-09.00 Applied surgical anatomy and physiologyZyamKacharoen
09.00-09.30 Imaging coalition with the aortic valve diseaseOraporn See
09.30-09.50 Bicuspid aortic valve: silent killerSurinWoragidpoonpol
09.50-10.20 Principle of surgical treatment for aortic valve disease ByungChulChang
10.20-10.40 Break
10.40-11.00 AV Surgery in Porcelain Aorta WeerachaiNawarawong
11.00-11.20 Aortic Root Abscess: What is the Best ChoiceChoosakKasemsarn
11.20-11.40 AVR in Small Aortic RootKriengchaiPrasongsukarn
11.40-12.00 Aortic valve repair: VDO sessionFaculty
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Hand-on Wet Lab Workshop: AVR mechanical and Faculty
14.30-15.00 Break
15.00-16.00 Hand-on Wet Lab Workshop: homograft and ContegraFaculty
16.00-16.30 Wrap up and adjourn
Faculty: SurinWoragidpoonpol, SuchartChaiyaroj, Seri Singhatanadgige,
PramotePorapakkham, ChanapongKitiyarak, ZyamKacharoen, ThitipongTepsuwan, PiyaSamankatiwat
Honorary consultant: ChalitCheanvechai
Supported by St. Jude Medical and Technomedical
1st October 2015
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons of Thailand
30th Annual Meeting 2015
“Difficulties in Cardiothoracic Surgery”
14th-16th January, 2016
Thursday, 14th January 2016:
Pre-Congress: Workshop for cardiac anesthetists, Perfusionist and CVT ICU Nurses
“Crisis management in Cardiothoracic Surgical Intensive Care”
Venue: Seminar Room 4-6, Royal Golden Jubilee building, SoiSoonvijai
08.15-08.30 Opening remarksLt Gen NopadolPenkitti
08.30-09.15 Introduction to intensive care and crisis managementSaw HuatSeong
09.15-09.40 Basic Components of Hemodynamic Pressure PiyaChernthanomwong
Monitoring Systems
Arterial Pressure Monitoring. (15 min.)
Central Venous Pressure Monitoring. (15 min.)
Pulmonary Artery Catheter. (15 min.)
Current practice and applications
09.40-10.00 Low cardiac output JuleNamchaisiri
10.00-10.30 Break
10.30-11.00 Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Management of ChartaroonHemodynamics. Rimsukcharoenchai
(Managing preload, contractility and afterload)
11.00-11.20 Management of abnormal blood gasWanchaiWongkornrat
11.20-11.40 Management of postoperative respiratory failureChanapongKitiyarak
11.40-12.00 Low urine outputTeeraSimapattanapong
12.00-13.00 Lunch
Workshop and interactive session
13.00-13.30 Management of postoperative deadly arrhythmiaPakornJandanamatta
13.30-14.45 Simulation workshop (i) and problem solvingJuleNamchaisiri and team
14.45-15.00 Afternoon refreshment
15.00-16.00 Simulation workshop (ii) on CS-ALSPunnarerkTongcharoen
and team
16.00-16.30 Wrap up and adjourn
Faculty: Crisis management: Saw HuatSeong, JuleNamchaisiri, PiyaChernthanomwong, ChartaroonRimsukcharoenchai, TeeraSimapattanapong,
Cardiac surgery life support: PunnarerkTongcharoen,
Supported by Edwards Lifesciences
1st October 2015
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons of Thailand
30th Annual Meeting 2015
“Difficulties in Cardiothoracic Surgery”
14th-16th January, 2016
Friday, 15th January 2016: Main-Congress:
Venue: Infinity Room, Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel, Rangnam Road, Bangkok
08.20-08.30 Opening remarksLt Gen NopadolPenkitti
08.30-09.30 STST 2015 Honorary Member Award Ceremony
08.30-08.35 Honorary Member Citation TaweesakChotivatanapong
08.35-08.40 Award Presentation by the President of STSTLt Gen NopadolPenkitti
08.40-09.30 Honorary Member Lecture:Nguyen VanPhan
"The Challenges of Valve Repair in Asia"
09.30-10.40Lecture by Legend Session:(25 min each)
Valve Repair at The Sixth Decade: ChallengesGilles Dreyfus
Evaluation of Surgery: Update of Current AdvancesRalph Damiano
Q&A. 10 min
10.40-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 SamarnMuntarbhorn Memorial LectureDr Ammar Siamwalla
11.00-11.05In memory of Professor SamarnMuntarbhornPat Ongcharit
11.05-11.10Introduction of SamarnMuntarbhorn Lecturer
11.10-11.40Health Care Policy and Patient's Care: How toDr Ammar Siamwalla
Balance Efficacy & Effectiveness(นโยบายบริการสุขภาพ
และประสิทธิผล – บรรยายภาษาไทย)
11.40-12.00Q&A (20 min)
12.00- 13.00 Lunch Lecture: S.Chareon
13.00-14.10 Symposium1:Valvular & AF Surgery: The Latest Update(15 min each)
1.Complex MV Repair Gilles Dreyfus
2.The Ultimate AF Approach. Ralph Damiano
3.Repairing Rheumatic Stenotic MV. TaweesakChotivatanapong
4. Tricuspid Valve Repair Seri Singhatanadgige
Q&A (10 min)
14.10-14.30Afternoon break
14.30-16.00Resident paper contest presentationFaculty
16.00-18.00Annual general meeting 2015
1st October 2015
Saturday, 16th January 2016: Main-Congress:
Venue: Infinity Room, Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel, Rangnam Road, Bangkok
08.30-10.00Symposium 2: Congenital Cardiac Surgery
Moderator: JuleNamchaisiri
08.30-08.50Unifocalization for PA/VSD with MAPCAsSomchaiSriyoschati
08.50-09.10Surgical treatment of LVOT obstruction. Victor Tsang
09.10-10.00Re-operation after previous Ross procedure:
UK experienceVictor Tsang
Thai experiencePirapatMokarapong
10.00-10.40Plenary: Management of complex CHD in adultVictor Tsang
Moderator: PiyaSamankatiwat
10.40-11.00Coffee break
11.00-12.15Free paper and Video presentation
12.15-13.15LunchSymposium 2Endovstec
Moderator: TBA
13.15-14.35Symposium 3: Thoracic surgery
Moderator: NoppornPornpattanarak
13.15-13.35Pancoast’s tumor SompopPrathanee
13.35-13.55Pulmonary resection in fungal-infected lung SomcharoenSaeteng
13.55-14.15Single VS multiple ports in lung surgeryPunnarerkTongcharoen
14.15-14.35Resection of giant mediastinal tumorTeeravitPhanchaipetch
14.45-15.00Coffee Break
15.00-16.10Symposium 4: Aortic Surgery
Moderator: ParinyaLeelayana
15.00-15.20Current Role of Aortic Arch SurgeryKittichaiLuengtaviboon
15.20-15.40Management of complication after TEVAR WorawongSlisatkorn
15.40-16.00Advanced treatment for type A aortic dissectionAttapoomSusupaus
16.10-16.20Closing remark and adjourn
1st October 2015