Together, Glacier Bear’s have courage, strength, and respect…PRIDE!
Used with permission from Haines School District
Hallways and Commons / Playground and Gym / Lunchroom / Restroom / Office / Library / Bus / AssemblyI am respectful of others. /
- Respect others’ space and business.
- Use your inside voice and appropriate language.
- Be quiet if class is in session.
- Include others’ in play.
- Play nicely and solve problems appropriately.
- Share equipment.
- Follow the rules.
- Use your inside voice and appropriate language.
- Stay in your spot.
- Use good manners.
- Respect others’ personal space.
- Wait my turn patiently.
- Flush after using the toilet.
- Respect the privacy and
- Use my inside voice.
- Use appropriate and respectful language.
- Help others and wait your turn.
- Use appropriate and positive language.
- Use your inside voice.
- Respect others’ space.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Use appropriate and positive language.
- Speak at an appropriate level.
- Maintain personal
- Listen quietly,
- Participate as asked.
- Clap as appropriate.
I am responsible. /
- Clean up after yourself.
- Move with a purpose.
- Report problems to staff.
- Follow directions.
- Eat your own food.
- Listen to lunchroom staff.
- Put trash and compost in correct place.
- Wash my hands.
- Take care of business in a timely manner.
- Clean up after myself.
- Take responsibility for your actions.
- Follow staff instructions.
- Use computers and phone appropriately.
- Return your materials on time.
- Listen to the librarian.
- Stay in your seat.
- Listen to the bus driver.
- Follow directions
I am safe. /
- Walk on the right side.
- Allow clear passage.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Follow staff instruction.
- Use equipment appropriately.
- Stay in assigned areas.
- Wash your hands.
- Sit and move appropriately.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Wash my hands.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Report messes immediately.
- Walk calmly.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Walk.
- Stay seated.
- Keep the aisle clear.
- Have your whole body is inside the bus.
- Walk.
- Maintain respectful
I am respectful of property. /
- Take care and stow your belongings.
- Take care of our school building.
- Leave others’ property alone.
- Return items to their proper place & pick up trash.
- Put things away when you are done.
- Use equipment appropriately.
- Clean up after yourself and take your belongings with you.
- Use supplies appropriately.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Ask permission before using office space, supplies & equipment.
- Pick up after yourself.
- Take care of library materials, furniture and equipment.
- Keep the library clean.
- Keep the bus clean & do not litter.
- Clean up after yourself.
I am prepared. /
- Think ahead and take care of your business.
- Have permission if class is going on.
- Have appropriate clothing and footwear.
- Line up quickly.
- Know your number & food choices.
- Get everything the first time through the line.
- Have your lunch ready.
- Have permission during class time.
- Be in the office with a purpose.
- Know your number.
- Bring your supplies with you.
- Be on time.
- Know your stop.
- Have your things.
- Wait patiently.
- Take care of your