- Investigate objects & materials by using all senses
- Ask relevant questions about why things happen & how things work
- Explore materials to test their ideas about cause & effect
- Ask different types of question & decide how to find answers
- Use techniques to collect & organise information
- Ask & answer questions, select & record relevant information
- Use a range of data gathering techniques
- Plan the steps & strategies for an enquiry
- Draw conclusions & evaluate outcomes
- Understand the concept of cause & effect
- Apply prior learning to a problem
- Recognise & talk about a problem
- Consider a range of possible solutions
- Ask questions & select & record information relevant to the problem
- Plan the steps & strategies they will use
- Predict possible effects of different solutions or modifications
- Respond to a problem or task using trial & error
- Use a cycle of trial, error & improvement
- Review what has been done & recognise the outcome
- Generate imaginative ideas in response to stimuli
- Discover & make connections through play & experimentation
- Explore & experiment with resources & materials
- Ask “why”, “how”, “what if” or unusual questions
- Try alternatives or different approaches
- Respond to ideas, tasks & problems in surprising ways
- Apply imaginative thinking to achieve an objective
- Make connections & see relationships
- Reflect critically on ideas, actions & outcomes
- Use first-hand experiences & simple information sources to answer questions
- Know where to find information
- Understand what is relevant information & locate this within sources
- Use strategies such as scanning, skimming & using an index to locate information
- Sort & classify information using a given structure
- Talk about & recognise patterns, similarities, differences & time sequences
- Summarise information
- Record information using a given format
- Record information using formats they have devised
- Predict & anticipate events
- Communicate about actions & their consequences based on practical activities & experiences
- Explain what they have done & why & the conclusions they have reached as a result
- Use the language of sequence
- Use the language of similarity & difference
- Use the language of cause & effect
- Recognise that conclusions can be tentative or definitive & that judgements reflect this
- Offer evidence to support reasoning
- Recognise that conclusions can draw on explicit & implicit evidence
- Recognise & challenge assumptions
- Express their own views, opinions & preferences
- Justify their own views, opinions & preferences
- Use given criteria to make judgements
- Develop their own criteria & use them to make judgements
- Support judgements with their own evidence
- Draw on a range of evidence sources to support evaluation
- Use more than one criterion when making judgements
- Evaluate the quality of an outcome
- Develop criteria to evaluate the quality of an outcome or support an argument
- (see objectives in the “National Literacy Strategy Framework for teaching”, “Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage”, “Speaking, listening, learning: working with children in Key Stages 1 & 2” & “Planning teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties”)
Skills Self Evaluation Document