Nether Stowey Parish Council


HELD ON MONDAY 12th MARCH 2007 AT 7.00pm


Present: Parish Councillors Carol Parsons (Chairman)

Lyn Forsey

Rita Corbett

Alan Corkett

John Penn

Tony Rich

John Roberts

Teresa Youe

In attendance:

District Councillor Lillian Cartwright

District Councillor David Joslin

County Councillor John Edney

Parish Council Clerk Ainslie Ensor

2 Parishioners

3366 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr Connolly (business commitment).

Proposed by Cllr Forsey, seconded by Cllr Roberts the absence was approved.

Apologies were also received from District Councillor Dyer.

3367 Minutes of Previous Parish Council Meetings

(i) Proposed by Cllr Corbett, seconded by Cllr Rich the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 8 January were approved and signed by the Chairman.

(ii) Proposed by Cllr Forsey, seconded by Cllr Rich the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 12 February were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3368 Planning

Proposed by Cllr Forsey, seconded by Cllr Penn the following responses were approved.

(i) Application Ref: 36/07/00002

Address: Littles Grocers, 7 St Mary Street

Proposal: Display of one non-illuminated fascia sign and frosted vinyls to inside of shopfront windows

Response: Oppose – the word “premier” is too large, the obscured windows are not in keeping with the conservation area. The proposed colour scheme is, however, an improvement on the current window design

(ii) Application Ref: 36/07/00004

Address: 17 Five Lords

Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to West elevation

Response: Support - No objections to the proposal

(iii) Application Ref: 36/07/00005

Address: 25 Theillay Close

Proposal: Retention of three solar water heating collectors to roof (South elevation)

Response: Support - No objections does not harm the visual appearance of the area

(iv) Application Ref: 36/07/00006

Address: 24 Lime Street

Proposal: Fell one Cedar Tree

Response: Support – tree is now too large for location

(v) Application Ref: 36/07/00008

Address: Coleridge Cottage, 35 Lime Street

Proposal: Fell one Eucalyptus tree

Response: Support – tree is inappropriate for its location

3369 Stowey Millennium Wood

The Clerk reported that the question of the maintenance of the Millennium Wood had arisen on a number of occasions and in October 2004 the Parish Council agreed to make financial provision in the budget for the maintenance of the trees by Silvanus Services. In February 2000 a licence agreement was completed between Somerset County Council and “Stowey Millennium Wood Committee”, however, it appeared that this informal committee does not now exist. In the circumstances and in view of the fact that considerable effort was made by many people in the parish to establish the wood, it was considered that in order to secure its future it would be appropriate for the Parish Council to take formal responsibility for the Millennium Wood. There was no immediate financial implication for the Council as provision was already made in the budget for maintenance works to the trees. It was hoped that CANS would in future arrange volunteers to undertake non technical maintenance works.

Proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Youe it was agreed that the Parish Council enter into a licence agreement with Somerset County Council for the future operation of the Stowey Millennium Wood and that the Chairman and Clerk to the Parish Council were authorised to seal the necessary documents on behalf of the Parish Council.

3370 County and District Council Liaison

Cllr Edney reported that the government’s initial response to the County Council’s proposals for a single unitary authority was expected by the end of March. If the proposal went to the next stage it was important that Parish Councils have a debate and make representations about the proposals. If the proposal was approved it was understood that elections for the new unitary authority would take place in Spring 2008. Cllr Edney stated that for 2007/8 the County Councillor’s grant would be allocated between parishes on a pro-rata basis.

Cllr Cartwright stated that she would be retiring from Sedgemoor District Council at the forthcoming elections, having achieved 40 years in local government. She had enjoyed working with the Parish Council and wished it well for the future. The Chairman responded on behalf of the Council and thanked Cllr Cartwright for her service and wished her well in her retirement.

Cllr Joslin stated that the County Council’s proposals for a single unitary authority were opposed by the five District Councils in the County.

Cllr Youe declared a non prejudicial personal interest in the following item in that she was employed by the Library Service.

3371 CCTV Installation at Nether Stowey Library

The Clerk reported that Somerset County Council library service wished to install an internal CCTV camera in Nether Stowey library as part of a programme across all libraries for staff security and had requested that this camera be linked to the Parish Council CCTV recording system. The Parish Council system was capable of taking input from 16 cameras in its current configuration and at this time had three cameras installed. The proposed camera was compatible with the Parish Council system and would not have any adverse impact on the CCTV operation. The additional camera would be installed by the County Council’s contractor who would liaise with the Parish Council CCTV supplier as necessary. There would be no cost to the Parish Council.

Proposed by Cllr Penn, seconded by Cllr Corbett, the requested was agreed providing there was no cost to the Parish Council and that all future maintenance of the additional camera and associated wiring and connections was undertaken by the County Council at no cost to the Parish Council.

3372 Amenity Land End of Old Farm Road

The Clerk reported that the amenity land at the end of Old Farm Road known as Plot 173 or The Orchard was currently owned and maintained by Sedgemoor District Council. The area was gradually becoming overgrown with brambles and has been subject to unauthorised dumping of garden refuse. The area has a bench owned by the Parish Council (at one time there were apparently two benches but one had “disappeared”). It had been suggested that the area could be tidied up, the entrance made more open and accessible, and used as a community garden and a possible location for an additional youth shelter. At the recent CANS meeting there was support for this approach on the basis that the works would be undertaken by volunteers. It may also be possible to attract grant aid for a community environmental project of this nature. The Clerk had held informal discussions with officers at Sedgemoor District Council who had indicated that they felt it would be possible for the District Council to lease the area to the Parish Council to facilitate such a project.

Proposed by Cllr Corbett, seconded by Cllr Rich it was agreed that the Parish Council approach Sedgemoor District Council to lease Plot 173 for a period of 99 years for one peppercorn for use as a community garden and a location for youth shelter (subject to any necessary planning permission). The project to be undertaken by Community Action for Nether Stowey.

3373 Finance

Expenditure incurred since the Parish Council meeting of 12 February 2007

Payee / Amount / Detail
A E Ensor / 676.00 / Salary February
Chanin & Thomas / 150.00 / Office Rent March
Talk Talk Business Ltd / 122.89 / Telephone & Broadband
Sedgemoor Community Transport / 81.90 / Mini Bus Hire February
Silvanus Services Ltd / 146.88 / Millennium Wood Maintenance
Harris Bros and Collard Ltd / 2,450.74 / Clock Tower Works
Somerset Association of Local Councils / 286.76 / Subscription 2007/08
NALC / 13.50 / Local Council Review Subscription 2007/8
A Ensor / 179.75 / Salary Feb £0.02, Internet £25.49, Stationery £11.99, Parish Plan £142.25
HM Revenue & Customs / 277.61 / PAYE/NI contributions
A Ensor / 676.01 / Salary March
Total / £5,062.04

Proposed by Cllr Corbett, seconded by Cllr Youe, the above expenditure was approved.

3374 Committee Minutes

The Minutes of the following committee meeting ere noted.

·  Community Action for Nether Stowey 9th February 2007

A copy of the minutes is appended to these minutes.

3375 Highways

The following items were noted.

·  The condition of the Cross

·  Obstruction to pathway bottom of Castle Street

·  Location of bus stops in the village centre

·  Dumping of garden refuse on highway verge Jackson’s Lane, Butchers Lane area

3376 Reports

Quantock Cluster Meeting Cllr Forsey reported on the recent Cluster meeting held in Nether Stowey. The issue of planning enforcement had been raised, where decisions may be made by officers, in conflict with parish council views but there was no procedure to refer to a committee as with planning applications. The question of control of dog faeces in open countryside had been raised.

Quantock Food Festival Cllr Rich reported that it was proposed that there be a mini food fare on the Cross May Bank holiday weekend. The Clerk would investigate supply of power for stalls.

3377 Action List

Minute / Subject / Action / Who / Status
3114 / Cycle Racks / Application to AONB for grant – arrange installation / Clerk / Open
3133/3164 / Footpaths / Liaison with County ROW Team / Clerk / Open
3172 / On Street Parking / Give details of yellow / white lines requested to Highways / Clerk / Open
3186 / A39 / Monitor position re St Mary Street junction / Clerk / Open
3196 / Insurance Review / Buildings valuation & report / Clerk / Open
3243 / Highways / Request no cycling signs Pooles Close/Audley Close FP & Palmers Path / Clerk / Open
3278 / Village Event / Clerk to investigate costs / viability / Clerk / Open
3278 / Welcome Pack / Clerk to prepare cards / Clerk / Open
3327 / The Cross / Arrange meeting conservation officers etc / Clerk / Open
3354 / Castle Street Toilets / Arrange for lease with SDC / Clerk / Open

3378 Correspondence

The Clerk reported on a letter from Somerset County Council regarding priorities for the Area Working Panel. Cllrs indicated that they felt the priorities should be in the areas of sports development, highways and parking.

Other correspondence received included:

Audit Commission / Re Appointment Of Moore Stephens As External Auditors
British Energy / Letter Re Financial Results
British Nuclear Group / Re Change Of Name
Clerks And Councils / March Edition
NALC / Local Council Review
Nether Stowey Village Hall / Notice Of Increase In Charges
Over Stowey Pc / Minutes 15 January
Sedgemoor District Council / Carnival Leaflet
Sedgemoor District Council / Sedgemoor Services Directory
Somerset County Council / Bus Service Timetable
Somerset County Council / Sedgemoor Area Working Panel
Somerset County Council / Re Area Working Teams - Minutes 15 Feb Meeting
Standards Board / Town & Parish Standard 09
Viking Direct / Catalogue
Vista / Training Programme 2007
Western Power Distribution / Quality Of Supply Report 2006
Wicksteed / Catalogue

3379 Forthcoming Events

  March 15th SALC Area Meeting – Woolavington Village Hall 7.30pm

  March 16th Hinkley Point Site Stakeholder Meeting – Hinkley Point

  March 17th Village Plan Consultation Day – Village Hall

  March 20th LAT Workshop – West Huntspill Village Hall 7.00pm

  April 4th Deadline for Parish Council election nomination papers (noon)

  April 23rd Annual Parish Meeting – Village Hall 7.00pm

3380 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be in the Village Hall on Monday 16 April 2007 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.




Present: Mary Roberts (Chairman)

Chris Stone

Phil Rich

Jo Hill

Rachel Rich

Katie Rich

Sam Roberts

Jan Hanglin

Richard Knight

Alan Graham

Megan Cross

Teresa Youe (Parish Councillor)

Emma Youe

Eric Coates

Sheldon Horn

Katherine Armstrong (Community Council for Somerset)

Mike Henry

In attendance:

Parish Council Clerk Ainslie Ensor

The Chairman introduced herself and thanked everyone for attending.

CANS0001 Apologies

The Clerk reported that apologies had been received from the following:

Parish Councillors Carol Parsons, Lyn Forsey and Tony Rich, Julie Nurton and Claire Holcombe (Somerset County Youth Service), Chris Fry and PCSO Laura Bray (Police), Brian Williams, Audrey Sutherland and Heather Coates.

CANS00002 Actions Since Last Meeting

The Clerk reported that since the public meeting on 15 December 2006 the following actions had occurred.

At its meeting on 8 January 2007 the Parish Council had formally established CANS as a special committee of the Parish Council and approved the committee’s terms of reference.

The Parish Council had delegated the following funds for 2007/8 to the Committee; £250 for general actions and £1,250 for the preparation of the Parish Plan (this includes a £1,000 grant received from the DEFRA Rural Social and Community Programme).

The Parish Council had requested that as a priority the Committee investigate parking and access problems in the Coleridge Road area.

CANS0003 Proposals For Future Action

The following subjects were raised:

(i)  Coleridge Road Parking

Residents outlined some the problems and suggestions for action. It was agreed that a survey of all residents would be undertaken to establish landownership and gather detailed suggestions. The Clerk would then contact Sedgemoor District Council, Sedgemoor Housing (SHAL), Highways and the police for their comments and then convene a round table meeting of all concerned.

(ii)  Youth Shelter on Playing Field

The Clerk explained that some villages had built their own timber youth shelters and that B&Q had a scheme where they donated materials to community projects. It was agreed that the committee should seek to build a timber youth shelter on the playing field and a number of people present volunteered to help in its construction. The Clerk to pursue this idea.

(iii)  Football Wall Playing Field

It was suggested that young people would like to have a football wall on the playing field (similar to the one for example in North Petherton). It was also suggested that on side of the wall could be a graffiti wall.