SOCY2000 Social Issues -- Prof. Backman

Fall 2012

Optional Candidate Comparison Assignment

Due Monday 10/29/2012

For this assignment you are to pick a social problem and then find and analyze the positions of the two leading presidential candidates (Obama and Romney) on the problem.


I will be looking for eight pieces of information or analysis in your paper. 1) What they say.I want to know what each candidate says his position is. 2) Platform. I want to know what each party's platform says about the problem and how closely it seems to match or conflict with what the candidates say. 3) What the opponent says. Here I want to know what each candidate says about the other candidate's position on the issue. 4) What relevant interest groups say. Here you are to identify some of the principal interest groups who focus on the problem. Tell me what they have to say about the two candidates' positions. 5) The record.What has happened recently related to the problem and what hand, if any, did the candidates have in it? What have the candidates done about the issue in the past?6) Priorities.How does the issue seem to rate among each candidate’s priorities?7) Values.Describe some values that are explicitly or implicitly invoked by the problem and by the candidates’ general positions; how are conflicting values resolved (if they are)? 8) Summary. Your summary identification of similarities and differences between the positions of the two candidates.


Format. Papers must be 5 – 15 typed (or printed) pages, double-spaced (except that block quotes may be single spaced). If you hang over a few pages, I won’t get uptight. I expect to see references in your paper and a reference section (or bibliography). You can use APA or MLA or (best of all!) ASA (American Sociological Association) style. Or even Backman style ( Only the first seven pages are relevant.)


The paper is due Monday, October 29. Late papers will have their grade reduced one half a grade point for every calendar day they are late (excluding weekends).


This paper is optional. It cannot hurt your grade. If you do not write the paper, your grade will be determined on the basis of the other graded work as specified in the syllabus. If you do write the paper and including it with your other work would lower the grade, I pretend you did not write the paper. If I use the paper in calculating your grade, it will be worth one fifth of your grade.