Teaching Program for Doctoral Students 2014-2015
The Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Teaching and Learning collaborates with several Ph.D. programs to offer a Teaching Program for Doctoral Students (TPDS). The purpose of the TPDS is to introduce doctoral students to the teaching practices used in higher education instruction and to help prepare them to pursue careers in college-level teaching.
If you are a successful applicant, you must agree to the following conditions:
- Attend six 3-hour, Friday afternoon spring seminars offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) on teaching methods, instructional design, and assessment,as well as complete all seminar assignments.
- Teach a summer course approved by your doctoral program coordinator and the course’s department chair. Your teaching will be observed by a faculty member affiliated with CTL and includes individual conferences.
- Complete a teachingjournal and final report reflecting on your experience.
The following deadlines apply to the program:
October 20Application deadline.You must email your scanned application (see attached).
October 30You will be notified if you have been accepted into the program.
Jan 16- Feb 20You will attend seminar sessions at CTL.
Spring term 2015You will work with your course’s home department to complete an electronic Graduate Assistant (eGA) form and with HR to complete paperwork.
As a participant, you will receive a $4,500 stipend for meeting all of the conditions listed above. This stipend will be paid on a semi-monthly schedule for the summer term in which you are teaching.
Who May Apply?
Students who have passed their doctoral qualifying exam are eligible:
• Geography
• Health Services Research
• Health Psychology
• Organizational Science
• Public Policy
Application Process
Complete and sign the attached application form. Your doctoral program coordinator will need to recommend you by signing where designated and will assist you in meeting with the appropriate department chair in order to identify the specific course and possible summer term you can teach. After completing this information and obtaining the required signatures, scan your completed application with and email it to Dr. Tracy Rock (), Faculty Fellow in the CTL.
Selection Preferences
Preference will be given to doctoral students who:
- have no prior experience in college teaching
- are in the final phase of their doctoral work
- plan a career teaching on a college level
2014-2015Application Form
Teaching Program for Doctoral Students
This application should be submitted to Dr. Tracy Rock, Faculty Fellow in the Center for Teaching and Learning byMonday, October 20, 2014and must include the signature of the applicant,the signature of your doctoral program coordinator, and the signature of the chair of the department in which the desired course resides. Awards will be announced on October 30, 2014. If accepted, you will be assigned to teach the designated course in either the first or second summer session.
If you do not receive an award, you will be kept on a waiting list in case anyone decides to turn down an award.
Applicant Name:
Banner ID #: 800-Graduate Program:
Degrees held (Type and subject):
Term Admitted:Expected date of graduation with doctorate:
Graduate GPA:Date of your qualifying/comprehensive exam: Did you pass?
Former college level teaching experience:
Former teacher-training experience:
Please attach a brief statement of your career goals (i.e., no more than 1double-spaced page).
I agree to abide by the requirements as outlined on the attached TPDS description (attend CTL seminars, complete assignments, teach a summer course, be observed, write reflection report). I understand that a stipend of $4,500 for meeting these requirements will be paidduring the summer term I teach.
Print name: Date :
Applicant Signature:
Ph.D. Program Coordinator ApprovalI recommend this applicant and verify thatthe course identified below is appropriate, given the applicant’s background.
Print name: ______Date: ______
Signature: ______
Department Chair Approval
If selected, I will include on the department summerschedule the following course during Summer 1 or Summer 2, 2014 (circle term) identifying this student as instructor of record.
Name and number of the course:______
Signature: ______Date:______