Neil Gunn (Chair)
Ina Brown Maryfield Regeneration Forum
Sheila Allan DCC Health (Equally Well)
Stuart Fairweather DCC Chief Executives Dept (Maryfield Comm. Officer)
Gillian Milne DCC Social Work Department
Kerry Lynch Police Scotland
Michael Stewart DCC Education Department
Dave MacDougall Stobswell Forum
Craig Thomson Tayside Fire & Rescue
Jim Wilson DCC Environment Department
Susan A’Brook Voluntary Sector
Cllr Craig Melville
Dave Lindsay DCC City Development Department
1.1 / PRESENT:Colin Smith Dundee Museum of Transport
Fiona Sinclair Dundee Museum of Transport
Elliot Smith Press
Beverley Knight Healthy Living Initiative
Lydia Banks Equally Well
Donald Walker Police Scotland
Lucy Cameron Police Scotland
1.2 / Apologies:
Alistair Cairns DCC Housing Department
Jim Muir Maryfield Regeneration Forum
Colin, along with Fiona Sinclair, focussed on the tram depot at Forfar Road. (The progress of Market Mews was noted). The plans for Forfar Road are greater. The Trust now own the depot. A Heritage Lottery Fund application will be completed by the end of November. The plan is to have a year round attraction that will benefit Maryfield and Stobswell.
The total site is 3.9 acres. The B listed building needs work but has huge potential. A building feasibility has been done. The plan is to have community facilities within the building. The potential for volunteering was discussed. An educational suite will also feature. A mezzanine floor will be in use for archiving etc and further meeting space.
A letter of support from the LCPP was requested.
There will be a fee to access the exhibitions. Ideas about season tickets and local passes.
Stobswell Forum have fully supported: David MacDougall.
The potential of a shuttle bus from V&A etc was suggested. Fiona and Colin were thanked for their attendance.
Beverly Knight, Community Specialist Health Nurse - Healthy Living Initiative and Lydia Banks, Development Worker – Equally Well spoke about their roles,
Bev - in a joint funded post from April 2015 for 1 year initially to develop and deliver a new integrated way of working between KW and DHLI providing a more joined up approach between the services. The integrated model and expectations from the Integrated Care Funds are that health inequalities organisations should work better collaboratively and over the course of the year this should become clearer.
Lydia – Equally Well
What are Keep Well, DHLI are Equally well doing?
All 3 services link in with each other.
Each service is engaging with the most disadvantaged people in society. Targeting of the most needy individuals.
All three services continue to develop mechanisms how to link vulnerable / at risk individuals to services.
Services based within Community Regeneration Areas using Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).
The services are about promoting inclusion and equality to people and taking action to remove barriers to participation and learning.
Keep Well, DHLI and Equally Well aim to provide that seamless service.
Integration of health and social care is one of Scotland's major programmes of reform. Health and social care integration is about ensuring that those who use services get the right care and support whatever their needs, at any point in their care journey.
Health staff have not historically been involved geographically within local communities however with the integration of health and social care more health staff are becoming involved within the communities they are based in, attending meeting such as Community Regeneration Meetings and Health and Wellbeing meetings.
How do we provide a good service?
By being present within the ward area.
By having regular updates and meetings within the ward.
By getting down to the ‘grass roots’.
The results drive forward the needs of the community using an asset based approach.
Offering a very flexible approach - CLD.
Consulting with the local people about their needs.
Empowering organisations and individuals.
Empowering people to re-engage with other services.
SOS / Scoial Prescribing – Signposting to other services that the local people may need.
Training is based on the needs of the community – CLD.
Recent training includes Mind yer Heid and Poverty Sensitive Training.
Sustainability – e.g. training for trainers.
Examples of Good Practice in Maryfield Area
Picnics in the Park – Engaging with the local community. Targets local people and is organised by local people by having regular meetings throughout the year.
Celebration in the Park – Annual event incorporating Dundee motor Show. Attracts local and non-local people. Bev saw over 85 people this year with a multitude of health problems.
Stobswell Advice cafe – Connect Team, Discovery Credit Union, Nurse, DEEAP and Cairn Centre. Taking the services to the local people in their local community.
Robertson Street – Empowering the youth in Maryfield to become involved in their own community and give them a sense of belonging.
Legal Highs – Action in the local community by local people. Counsellor Georgia Cruickshanks driving force behind it.
Boomerang – Offering free health checks and advice to the local community. Targeting local residents who may not normally engage with their GP Surgery or indeed any services.
Dundee International Womens Centre (DIWC) – Promoting health checks to people who may not normally engage with services.
Neil spoke to the statement, highlighting the importance of voluntary sector in supporting refugees, alongside the City Council and others.
Craig Thomson of the Fire Service and Janet Wade of the Environment Department met to consider where bins might go and any impact on the work of the Fire Service.
Kemback Street – progress
It was agreed that the next meeting of the Partnership should be at Boomerang’s new premises at Kemback Street.
Environment & Housing
Discussion about 221 Albert Street took place.
Continuing issues were highlighted by Education Department both at 221 and Morgan Street. Community Safety Wardens are now taking action – this is very welcome.
Private Sector Unit – what else can be done? The Partnership are keen to add any support they can to the orthodox approach of bringing the landlords together.
What about the ongoing legislation at Holyrood? Impact on landlords.
Health & Social Care presentation may still be requested in February.
David MacDougall raised again the need for discussion on transport issues. Dave Lindsay offered to assist in following this up.
Taking Pride in Your Community
Stuart spoke briefly to the attached paper. It was noted that Stobswell Forum will take this issue forward on November 17th. The meeting in Boomerang will be open to all in the community. This initiative was welcomed by the Partnership. A more detailed response will be given following the outcome of the 17th and the follow-up by the Forum.
The recent Postcard from Stobswell video clip was noted. See attached link.
Read more about the project, visit the map and watch the film here!
Environmental Issues October/November
It was agreed that partners would assist in moving forward actions where possible. Funding applications to the Regeneration Forum may address some of the bigger issues. Jim Wilson has assisted with this process and this is reflected in an updated version of the paper (see attached)
Lighting Issues
A paper was circulated highlighting the previously discussed lighting issues at the Overgate (Steeple Church), Albert Street and Woodside.
A strong difference of views emerged on what was at issue and what could possibly be done. Police colleagues acknowledged that fear of crime was one serious consideration in relation to all of this.
It was hoped that the discussion could be re-opened with the possibility of exploring what response could be made. Councillor Melville welcomed this suggestion.
Noting any specific increase in crime figures in particular locations would also be important.
Stuart was asked to re-open discussion with Lisa Chiles and to take on board any advice that City Development can provide.
Stuart highlighted 5 areas where progress had been made since the last meeting. These are reflected in the updated paper attached. Stuart was asked to identify other areas that need a push.
Craig spoke to the attached report. There were no serious concerns. The figures were largely positive.
The Keiller’s site at Mains Loan and the former Halley’s Mill on Broughty Ferry Road are a focus of attention at present
Bonfire Night had gone well. This was in part due to the weather but the trend is also down across recent years. The positive input of the Community Safety Wardens was noted as was the opportunity to visit schools prior to the 5th. All noted the role of the Environment Department in staging the organised events at Lochee and Baxter Park.
Re-stated the importance of the meeting on the 17th and the need for a vision for the area.
One potential thing that will hopefully come out of the discussions is support for a term time event in May that will provide an additional community focus to complement the planned Celebration in the Park in August.
Additionally plans to bring traders in the area together remain on the horizon.
Michael reported on some of the positives associated with Morgan Academy:
· 400 attended on Doors Open Day
· The cluster transition has included Rosebank Primary School for the first time.
· Safe Drive: Stay Alive – had a positive if hard-hitting impact.
· Exclusions are reducing.
· Links with the immediate community are good.
· Over 800 signed up to Twitter
There was however concern at recent violent incidents involving children from outwith the school.
Ina gave an update on the figures (see attached) and reported that the group were still engaged positively with their role.
Approximately £35,000 still remains to be spent once agreed physical/environmental applications are taken into account (see attached). All agreed that community led applications would be welcome.
Ina also spoke about the Stobswell Advice Café reaching it’s first birthday, and the role it has played in supporting people and the positive developments that have grown out of volunteering (see attached).
Dave updated on the department’s work in the ward.
Street Lighting
Areas where lighting works are being carried out this financial year in the Maryfield ward are as follows
Central Waterfront works are ongoing
Maryfield area
Lorraine Road Bonnyrig Place
Rennel Road
Milliner Street
Nairn street
Central Waterfront Works.
Works on the current Dundee Central Waterfront Contract 4 are nearing completion, planned for early next year. Turf was recently laid on the north half of Slessor Gardens and work progresses on granite finishes to the space and on the internal roads. To the east of the Tay Road Bridge Ramps, the SUDS Pond is also nearing completion. This will accommodate all of the surface water run off from the Tay Road Bridge ramps and adjacent roads. In the central reservation between Dock Street and the new Thomson Avenue we have almost completed the construction of a raised planter that will contain a hedge and act as a screen to the traffic.
Elsewhere in the Waterfront, the V&A museum is progressing well and the new Rail Station Building works have started onsite with Balfour Beatty appointed as Principal Contractor.
There are ongoingdiscussions with developers who are interested in the Development Plots.
Some images of the construction works are available on the Dundee Waterfront website the latest images and updates.
Alistair Hilton reports that there are no items of interest from Planning this quarter.
City Engineers
City Engineers are preparing proposals to improve the coastal defenses between City Quay and Discovery Quay with a view to reducing flood risk.
Inthe near futurethey will be issuing the statutory notices advertising this proposed Flood Protection Scheme and advising where details of theproposals can be inspected.
No other Infrastructure works are proposed within Maryfield ward.
Talked about the move to the Children and Families Department and the continuing plans/consultations on Social Care/Health Integration.
Work with residents at City Quay on parking issues and addressing the need for a review of Parking Restrictions in Albert Street have been a feature of the councillors work of late.
Spoke to the Police report. There were no major issues but all were being monitored to ensure this remained the case.
City Centre figures are influenced by the impact of the night-time economy. This is something that is being given particular attention.
The work of the safe-zone bus was highlighted as a positive intervention.
The following dates were agreed with amendment that brings the third walkabout forward to August.
· Tuesday 16th February Boomerang 6pm
· Tuesday 17th May Arthurstone 6pm
· Tuesday 16th August City Centre 6pm
· Tuesday 15th November Arthurstone 6pm
· Wednesday 16th March 2pm
· Wednesday 22nd June 2pm
· Wednesday 31st August 2pm
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