1. “On Pitz Languard” and “The Sphinx of the Tuileries” are part of the second section called “Wanderlieder.” A woman named Elsie and her kisses are remembered in “How it Happened,” while the longish pseudo-epic “Guy of the Temple” ends the collection. According to Bayard Taylor they took their name from a California term for Missouri immigrants and the most popular ones featured such lines as “Through the hot, black breath of the burnin’ boat/ Jim Bludso’s voice was heard,” and “I want a chaw of terbacker/ And that’s whats the matter with me.” Featuring such poems as “Banty Tim” and “Little Breeches” [*] its author followed up their success with the publication of his novel The Breadwinners. FTP identify this collection of poems by a future secretary of state, a pioneering work of regional literature, by John Hay.

Answer: Pike County Ballads

2. The enzyme HG methyltransferase synthesizes them from nucleoside diphosphate monosaccharides, but they can be degraded by EPGases produced by phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi. Though their primary structure depends on a glycosyl residue composition (*), they generally consist of 1,4-linked alpha d-galactosyluronic acid and are also known as galacturonans. Known for their affinity for polyamines that are present in plant cell walls, their xylo- variety is found in apple and pine pollens. FTP, name these polysaccharides found in the peels of citrus fruits which are often used in the production of jams, jellies, and gels.
Answer: pectins (accept galacturonans early)

3. Late in his life he fell in love with his god-daughter Motrya causing a great rift between him and his friend Kochubey. His own views were more moderate than those of his counterpart Semen Palii and his early campaigns against the Tatars were fought under the patronage of Prince Gallitzin. One legend about him was fabricated when he threatened to expose a man named Pasek [*] as a conspirator in the Polish court, where he served as advisor to John Casimir. That tale, about a man who is dragged around on a horse after he is discovered with a married woman, helped to spread this hetman’s devil-may-care reputation and made him a favorite subject for Romantic artists like Lord Byron. FTP identify this Cossack leader who fought alongside Charles XII at the Battle of Poltava.

Answer: Ivan Stepanovich Mazepa

4. Later in life one of her fellow characters writes a treatise on moral perception called “The Transfiguration of the Commonplace”. The narrator tells us this in the second chapter of the novel featuring her. She is surrounded by a series of pithy clichés: Rose is “famous for sex”, Jenny is “an intended actress”, and Mary MacGregor is “the silent lump” who most feels her wrath. She pines after the art master [*] Mr. Lloyd, but must instead settle for rejecting the eager Mr. Lowther. Ultimately, she is undone by the treacherous Sandy Stewart who divulges her fascination with fascism, especially Hitler. FTP Identify this protagonist who works as the Marsha Blaines School for Girls in the 1961 novel by Muriel Spark.

Answer: Miss Jean Brodie, accept Jean or Miss Brodie

5. Its conclusion quotes Guizot on “the end of all things,” but finishes hopefully with a call to fight for “Truth and Right” alongside Ormuzd. That section, “The Problem of Individual Life,” is preceded by a discussion of “spurious capital” and “The Law of Interest,” which is tied to a worker’s wages and, along with Malthusian explosions in population, explains the counter-intuitive persistence [*] of the titular pair of concepts. Ultimately it argues that “the remedy” lies not with improved education or unionizing, but by introducing common ownership of property. Containing many ideas first presented in the author’s “Our Land and Land Policy,” FTP, what is this book that argued for a single land tax, a work by Henry George.

Answer: Progress and Poverty

6. When proceded by the word “neutron,” it indicates the probability that a neutron entering a region through a surface will pass through that surface. A ratio of different types of it is used to calculate a body's phase integral q. (*) For a perfectly white Lambert sphere, its geometric variety's value is 2/3, as it is calculated using the mean disk intensity. The Bond variety is used to calculate planetary energy balance and has a maximum value of 1, though the planet with the highest value for it is Venus at 0.76. FTP, name this value which measures how much light is reflected from the surface of a celestial body.

Answer: albedo

7. Section 33 of this law vested the power of the Judiciary with Brigadier General Davis, though this was later altered by the Olmsted Amendment. The Unionist Party was founded four years after it was passed in order to protest what they claimed were unfair provisions. These provisions included a five person Cabinet that, like Governor Charles Allen, was chosen by the President, and the fact that, although there was an exemption from paying income taxes, indigenous people had no opportunity to elect their own representatives. Named for an Ohio Senator, [*] this bill was made obsolete seventeen years later with the passing of the more inclusive Jones Act. Also known by the alternate title, the “Organic Act,” it asserted San Juan’s status as capital, FTP, identify this law passed in 1900 that established a civilian government in Puerto Rico.

Answer: Foraker Act (accept Organic Act before it is said)

8. Originally commissioned from Jacopo della Quercia, its artist used tiles, projecting beams, and the knives on the table to help create its necessary perspective. The architecture divides the scene into three parts and invites us to gaze back through the trio of arched windows to the very back panel which begins the work’s narrative, that was requested by the Siennese laity for its Cathedral Baptistry, [*] with the carrying of a platter. Two young children can be seen grimacing on the bottom left, while the middle sequence features a musician whose playing accompanies a maniacal dance that shocks the title figure and his guests in the front panel. FTP identify this bronze relief that depicts Salome kicking up her heels after the death of John the Baptist at the title event, a work by Donatello.

Answer: Banquet of Herod or Feast of Herod

9. Though it is not caused by a bacterium, its causative agent contains vacuoles full of symbiotic bacteria, allowing Indian physicians to treat it with antibiotics. Diethylcarbamazine and albendazole (*) are more commonly used to treat it, and the former is often put into table salt to prevent this disease. In 1878, Patrick Manson showed that its causative microorganism is spread by Culex mosquitoes. Caused by filarial nematodes such as Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi. FTP, name this tropical disease, a parasitic worm infection marked by grotesque enlargement of extremities.

Answer: elephantiasis (accept lymphatic filariasis before mentioned, accept river blindness until “Manson”)

10. His comedies including Friendship and Passion and The Atheist were performed less often than more serious works. After a failed attempt as an actor in Aphra Behn’s troupe of traveling players, he enlisted in the army, serving in Holland. In one of his plays, twin sons fight over the hand of Castalio’s wife. In another, the whore Aquilina bawdily chastises the senator Antonio, that work also features Belvidera’s famous mad scene. [*] He adapted the works of Moliere to create the Cheats of Scapin and looked to Racine for inspiration in Titus Berenice. Other tragedies include Alcibiades and a Don Carlos in blank verse; but he is most famous for the story of the Conspirator Jaffeir. FTP Identify this playwright of The Orphan and Venice Preserv’d.

Answer: Thomas Otway

11. The second part features “The Bell Song” and ends with the chorus “They cry for vengeance.” This occurs after Miss Bentson and her charges, Rose and Ellen, have left the bazaar, and the hero has been beaten almost to death. After trespassing and finding some jewelry on a bench he had fallen in love, a sentiment shared by the heroine in the song “Why?” The work ends with the lovers leaving behind the faithful Mallika and Hadji, [*] and retreating to a forest enclosure where, with the help of some magic water, the heroine nurses Gerald back to health before killing herself. Based on a novel by Pierre Loti called Rarahu it enjoyed a much greater success than its composer’s attempts at more serious fare like Jeu de Nivelle. Opening in a temple overseen by the jealous Brahmin Nilakantha, FTP, identify this work named for the titular Hindu priestess, an opera by Leo Delibes.

Answer: Lakme

12. This work in ten parts ends just as it begins with Song that features the narrator addressing a horse. The fourth section describes the foundation of great city, while the seventh notes that “we shall not live forever in these yellow lands” and closes with approach of a great bird as a caravan departs. In his celebrated preface T.S. Eliot points out that its title does not refer to another work that shares its name, but is instead a general meditation on “images of migration” and “of the conquest of vast spaces in Asiatic wastes.” [*] This long poem, along with works like “Seamarks” and “Exile,” earned its author the Nobel Prize in 1960. FTP identify this work of St. John Perse that shares its name with Xenophon’s account of the Greek return from Persia.

Answer: Anabasis

13. This man's first appearance in history is as a lieutenant to his brother-in-law Lucullus, against whom he apparently incited a mutiny. Caesar later assisted him in legally acquiring plebeian status. His death in 52 B.C. was the cause of riots in which the Senate-house was burned. That death had come about as a result of a pitched battle between [*] thugs hired by this man and those hired by Titus Milo. As tribune of the plebs in 58, this demagogue managed to get Cicero exiled, because the latter had at various times accused him of incest and of attending a women-only religious ritual in drag. FTP, name this ally of Julius Caesar who changed the spelling of his name when he renounced his membership in the patrician Claudian family.

Answer: Publius Clodius Pulcher

14. Its differential version allows for one to create models of pi ring currents induced in para- and diatropic planar molecules by a perpendicular magnetic field. Likewise, it can be used in tandem with current density to calculate the magnetic shielding tensor. For a wire (*) of infinite length, it states that the flux density is exactly equal to the permeability of free space times the current divided by the quantity two pi times the distance of the point in question from the conductor. Stating that the magnetic induction near a straight conductor is inversely proportional to the distance from the conductor directly proportional to the current in the conductor, FTP, what is this law named for its two French discoverers?

Answer: Biot-Savart Law

15. Some critics have seen the genesis of this book in the Gilleleje letter of 1835 where its author wrote that “a person must first learn to know himself before learning anything else.” The author discusses the meeting of an incarnate God via an example using Shakespeare’s Prince Henry and he uses the metaphor of a balloonist divesting himself of weights to account for the sinking feeling that the title [*] condition can produce. The second chapter focuses on “Sin” while the Introduction puns on the origins of the title during its discussion of Lazarus. Subtitled “A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening,” FTP, identify this companion piece to The Concept of Anxiety which discusses Kierkegaard’s thoughts about the pervasiveness of despair.

Answer: The Sickness Unto Death

16. Much of his later life was taken up with the writing of his autobiography No Day Without a Line and his poetry was collected in the volumes About Lisa and Chisel. Verses A fervent supporter of the Revolution he worked on the journal Gudok with his contemporaries Il’f and Petrov. He adapted his most famous work, a novel that ends with the ascension of the football playing Volodia Makarov and his fiancé Valia, into the play The Conspiracy of Feelings. Other works include stories in The Cherry Stone [*] and a tale about the circus stars Tibul and Suok in The Three Fat Men. But he remains best known for his story documenting Nikolai Kavalerov’s resentment at Andrei Babichev. FTP identify this Russian novelist and short story writer best known for Envy.

Answer: Yury Karlovich Olesha

17. Some stories credit them with introducing the cult of the Muses and founding the city of Ascra. They were buried in Anthedon, but would eventually end up bound against a column by writhing snakes in Tartarus. Conceived by waves that washed over the lap of Triops’ daughter, Eriboea sabotaged [*] one of their schemes, which was performed to avenge Adonis, by telling Hermes where he could find the great bronze jar in which they had captured Ares. These sons of Iphimedia, who were sometimes known as the “Aloadae,” were killed when a deer ran between them and each of the twins hit his brother trying to kill it. FTP identify these sons of Poseidon who tried to pile up the mountains so that they could reach the land of the Gods to capture Artemis and Hera.

Answer: Otus and Ephialtes

18. Its downtown plaza adjacent to the St. Francis Cathedral and the Loretto Chapel – home of the “Miracle Staircase” and to the northeast sits Old Fort Marcy. A brief interregnum that saw indigenous leadership was overcome when governor Diego de Vargas reasserted power at this site located in the [*] Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Other attractions in this city situated at the northern terminus of the Camino Real include the restored Lensic theater, the flagship Coyote Café, and the always yonic Georgia O’Keefe museum. This setting for the film The Tao of Steve is located south of the Rio Grande Gorge and east of the city of Los Alamos. FTP name this city located approximately an hour north on I-25 from Albuquerque, the capital of New Mexico.