Lunch: 12:30-1:30 Otsego Grille, Morris Conference Center
Opening remarks on QPs I, II, III by Dr. Burkhard Scherer
Panel 1: 1:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Center
Queerying Religious Experiences and Institutions
Burkhard Scherer, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Lost in cyberspace: Angst and dissidence among queer Diamond Way Buddhists
Vincent D. Cervantes, Harvard University, Divinity School, US
Embodying Queer Spirit: Forging a Queer Mestizo Theology Through Spiritual and Queer Chicana/o Consciousness
Isaiah Zahn, West Virginia Wesleyan College
Christian? A Reclamation
Olivier Roy, University of Montréal, CA
Margins of Gayness: being a desirably “out” gay immigrant or an abject religious being
Coffee Break: 3 – 3:30
Panel 2: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Morris 130
Re-imagining Institutions
Josefa Scherer, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, US
Put Your Theory Where Your Mouth Is: Queering Public Health, Queering Justice
Swati Birla, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, US
Queering the State in India: Theoretical & Methodological Issues in Studying Laws Governing Sexuality
Kyle Jackson, Queen’s University, Ontario, CA
Bringing the State “Back Into” Queer Theory: Homonationalist Northern States and Queer Southern Others
Panel 3: 3:30 – 5 p.m. Craven Lounge
Legal Queeries
Leonardo Raznovich, Christchurch Canterbury University, UK
The Fight to Equality: How Argentina became the first Latin American country to open marriage to single sex couples
Cecilia Sosa, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Queering Archives of Memory in the Aftermath of Argentina’s Dictatorship (1976-1983)
SuJay Kentlyn, University of Queensland, AU
Norrie mAy-Welby Devastated: The NSW Government and hir ‘Sex Not Specified’ Certificate
Aleardo Zanghellini, University of Reading, UK
Gay Surrogacy and Tahitian Adoption – How Queer is Queer Parenthood?
Rev. John Makokha, Other Sheep Kenya Trust, KN
Homosexuality: Religious Violence and Discrimination in Kenya
5:30 – 6:45 Dinner
7 p.m. Keynote Lecture: “Code Swishing” -- Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Center
Prof. Carlos Ulises Decena, Rutgers University, Departments of Women’s & Gender Studies and
Latino & Hispanic Caribbean Studies
Author of Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire Among Dominican Immigrant Men. BOOK AVAILABLE AT CONFERENCE...made possible by DAMASCENE BOOK CELLAR at the Red Dragon Bookstore.
9 p.m. Ignacio Rivera: Gender Queer, Black Boricua, Performance Artist, Activist & Educator
“DANCER,” Center for Multicultural Experiences, CME/Lee Hall
REGISTRATION: 9 a.m. – I p.m., Room 104, Morris Conference Center
Breakfast: Morris Entranceway, 8:30-9:30
Ignacio Rivera, Victor Viola Moncar, Charles Guéboguo
Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Center
Panel 4: 10:30 a.m. Morris 130
Shifting Paradigms of Public Space
Sheila Cavanagh, York University, Toronto, CA
Queer Notes on the History and Cultural Politics of Excretion
Donovan Lessard, University of Massachusetts—Amherst, US
Queering the Urban, Queering Ethnography: a Review of the Analytic Concept of Space in American Urban Ethnography and Queer Geography
Jan Beddeleem, WISH, Ghent, Belgium
Today’s goodwill, tomorrow’s paradigm? Gender-related Asylum Cases
Eric Gitari, Kenya Human Rights Commission
The Place of LGBTI in Human Rights Practice, Teaching and Defense in Africa
Latifah Bounou, SUNY Oneonta, NY
The Yacoubian Building’s Queer Citizen
Panel 5: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Craven Lounge
Queering Bio-Politics
Angela Mitroupoulos, Queen Mary, University of London, UK & University of Western Sydney, AU
Beyond Biopolitics – Queer Economies, Oikonomics and the Restoration of Genealogical Lines
Joshua Lapps, Sarah Lawrence College, US
I Want Your Disease: Bug Chasing and the Development of Liberated Biological Citizenship
Julia Scholz, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
The Possibility of a Quantitative Queer Psychology
Jerome Goldstein, San Francisco Clinical Research Center, US
The Neurobiology of Sexual Orientation – The Gay Brain
LUNCH: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. OTSEGO GRILLE
Panel 6: 1:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Craven Lounge
Interrogating Queer Performances
Lizzy Shramko, Central European University
Black Barbies Taking Over the World: Forgetting Race and the Legacies of Queer Liberalism
Sonny Nordmarkden, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, US
Affective Discourses of Queering Bodies: Avatar
Rachel Anya Kaufman, Binghamton University, US
New Visions of Sex: Queer Visual Affect in John Cameron Mitchell’s Shortbus
Kristijonas Paltanavicius, Wabash College
Sexuality as a Form of Performance: Annie Lennox’s Androgynous Aesthetic in Lady Gaga’s Sexually Ambiguous Personas
Michelle R. Baron, University of California, Berkeley
Normalized Excess and Excessive Norms: Queering Ronald Reagan’s Funeral
Panel 7: 1:30 – 3 p.m. Morris 130
Discourses of Difference
Enrique Morales-Diaz, Westfield State University, US
Peeking Out of the Closet: A Puerto Rican’s Journey to Coming Out in the Classroom
Liz Morrish & Kathleen O’Mara
Nottingham Trent University, UK & SUNY Oneonta, US
Queering the Discourse of Diversity
Elizabeth Sara Lewis, PUC – Rio, Brazil
Queer subversion or heteronormative reinforcement? Linguistic performativity in the identity constructions of Brazilian LGBT/queer activists
Joy Brooke Fairfield, Stanford University, US
Cuddle Parties: The Queer Potential of Metonymic Space
Friday April 8, 2011
3-3:30 Coffee Break
Panel 8: 3:30 -5 p.m. Morris 130
Sexual Identities and Work
Isaac Pérez Bolado, University of Texas, US
United Gays of Mexico: Toward a New Theorization of Global Gay Identities
Karina Cespedes, Colorado State University, US
Pignueros & Jineteras in Cuba’s Special Period: Deviants or Heroes (1990s)
Nick Mai, ISET – London Metropolitan University, UK
LGBT migrant sex workers in the UK sex industry: caught between hetero and homo normativity
Bethany Coston, Stony Brook University, US
The Queer Classroom, from Foucault to Butler: Where do we go from here?
Panel 9: 3:30-5 p.m. Craven Lounge
Queerying Representations
Anne Kustritz, SUNY Brockport, US
Homonational, Queer Nation, Glam Nation: Adam Lambert and American National Imagery
Erin Tobin, New York University, US
There Is No Word To Describe What We Feel For Each Other: Paving the Way For Lesbian Possibility and Representation in South Asian Diasporic Cinema
Maria Katarina Wiedlack, University of Vienna, Austria
A Race Riot Did Happen: Queer Punks Raising Their Voices
Nia Witherspoon, Stanford University, US
ReVisioning Justice; Mytho-History and Multiple Lifetimes in the “jazz/ritual theatre” of Sharon Bridgforth
5:00 - 5-30 Reception Le Café, Morris Hall
6:00 p.m. Dinner
7:00 p.m. David Mills, Performance Poet, Reading Langston Hughes: Craven Lounge
8:00 Music by the World Percussion Ensemble: Craven Lounge
Breakfast: Coffee, tea, snacks 8:30- 9:30 a.m. Morris 104
Keynote Address, 9:15 a.m. Craven Lounge, “Queer Languages: An International Project”
Prof. William Leap, Department of Anthropology, Founder -Lavender Languages & Linguistics Conferences
Panel 10: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. 104
Queer Bodies, Queer Receptions
KelleyAnne Malinen, Université Laval, CA
Thinking Sexual Assault between Women: An Examination of Theories of Sexual Assault and Notions of Gender Transgression
Kyle Pape, Colorado State University, US
Following the Ripples: The Two-Spirit identity and the reaction of Gay White Men
Kwame Edwin Otu, Syracuse University, US
Becoming Queer: The Bodies of Kwadwo Mesia in Postcolonial Ghanaian Politics
Kathleen O’Mara, SUNY Oneonta, US
Extortion and the Framing of Lesbian Identity in Ghana
Panel 11: 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Craven Lounge
Living Queer Community
Nadia L. Dropkin, New York University, US
Agency and Queer Embodiments: An exploration of the cultural specificities of sexuality and gender in contemporary Cairo
Jeffery Dennis, SUNY Oneonta, US
Queer Culture and Gay Communities
Laura Heston, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, US
The Queer Politics of Parenting
Betty Wambui, SUNY Oneonta, US
Indigenous Practices as Sites of Queer Performance: interrogating Gender and Sexuality
LUNCH 12:30 – 1:30 Le Café - Morris Hall
Conference Evaluation and Planning for QP 4: 1:30 – 2:30
Le Café, Morris Hall
Office of Student Development – Vice President, Dr. Steven Perry
Office of Diversity and Inclusion –Director, Dr. B. Cecilia Zapata
Gender, Sexuality Resource Center – Director, Dr. Robin Nussbaum
Center for Multicultural Experiences – Director, Dale Capristo, Asst Dir. Mary Bonderoff
Office of Communications & Publications – Director, Hal Legg
Africana & Latino Studies Department
Women & Gender Studies Department
Department of Philosophy
Students for Global Education
Students of Color Coalition
Muslim Student Association
Open Minded Unity
Student Assistants:
Christopher Bax, Lauren Crandall, Briana Friel, Araya Henry, Jessica Perez, Daniel Pneuman, Connie Randall, Gretchen Schwalbach, Aaron Townsend, Keon Wilson
Faculty Moderators:
Susan Bernardin, Neville Choonoo, Rob Compton, April Harper, Nithia Iyer, Chris Keegan, Michael Koch, Zanna MacKay, Liz Morrish, Keith Schillo, Caridad Souza, Betty Wambui
Queering Paradigms Conferences – Ancestors & Organizers
QP1: Canterbury Christ Church University, UK: Burkhard Scherer
QP 2: Queensland University of Technology, College of Law, AU: Sharon Hayes, Matthew Ball, Angela Dwyer
QP 3: State University of New York at Oneonta, US: Kathleen O’Mara, Betty Wambui, Robert W. Compton Jr.