MIS3502 - Exam 4(Final) Study Guide

Exam 4 is a closed note, closed book exam.

The exam will contain 50 points, total.The exam is comprehensive. It contains questions on material that we have covered in (and outside of) class this semester.

The exam will have two parts: Part A and Part B.

Part A will be comprised of30multiple choice questions worth one point each. Students will respond to Part A questions on a SCANTRON.

Part B will contain code-completion (fill in the blank) questions. Part B is worth 20 points. The content of Part B will be:

  1. (5 points) An MVC question re: server-side form validation - see index.php, request_add.php in avclub 6
  2. (5 points) A RWD / Bootstrap question. Suggested study materials follow:
  3. (5 points) A JavaScript/JQuery question re: client-side form validation - see request_add.php in avclub 6
  4. (5 points) A JavaScript/JQuery question re: Ajax implemented with $.getJSON - see request_add.php in avclub 6

Students are encouraged to look at past quizzes as study aids. Also, be advised that the content/concepts presented after exam 3(HTML5 + geolocation) will also be included on the exam.

Here is a summary of material we have covered this semester.

Part 1


  1. What files go where, and why
  2. Naming conventions
  3. The sort of content you can expect to find in each kind of file.
  4. User defined functions. Options for returning data from a function (use of return)
  5. Use of the “global” command.
  6. Use of “include” versus “header”


  1. Try/catch blocks and exceptions
  2. Foreach loops
  3. Create a new PDO object, establish a connection
  4. Prepare, bindvalue, execute
  5. Named placeholders. The unnamed placeholder “?”


  1. Be able to create an array in PHP (if you need to) and other array basics
  2. Types of arrays
  3. Associative vs. Numerically Indexed Arrays
  4. One dimensional vs. Multi-dimensional
  5. Rectangular vs. Jagged
  6. PHP Array functions: sort(), print_r()
  7. Options for the fetchAll method

Part 2

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

  1. What three things define RWD?
  2. Why is RWD important?
  3. Why is a 960 pixel width commonly used in web design?
  4. Why are percentages and units of em important? What is each used for?
  5. What style needs to be applied to an image tag in order to make the image resize dynamically? Any other restrictions?
  6. What’s the purpose of the clearfix class? What CSS attributes can be used to define the class?
  7. What are media rules? What are they used for? What is their basic syntax?


  1. What is bootstrap? Who made it? Why is it popular? Does it cost anything?
  2. What are the roles of these three bootstrap classes “container”, “row” and “col-*-*”?
  3. What’s a span? What should the sum of spans be in bootstrap?
  4. What is the significance of a class named: bg-success or bg-danger?
  5. What does it mean for code to be minified?
  6. What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?
  7. Where in an HTML document do we specify CDN references?
  8. What is fontawesome, and why is it helpful?
  9. What does a tag like this give us: <i class="fa fa-phone"</i>


  1. What is JavaScript? Why is it needed? Where does it typically run?
  2. How is JavaScript similar to / different from PHP?
  3. What is a basic use of JavaScript?
  4. What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
  5. What is the significance and purpose of the getElementById in the DOM?
  6. What is the purpose of these events: onsubmit, onclick, onload?
  7. What is the purpose of these functions: alert, document.write?
  8. What is the syntax for creating a user defined function in JavaScript?
  9. What is the syntax of the HTML script tag?
  10. What is the purpose of the “use strict” directive?


Part 3


  1. What is JavaScript? Why is it needed? Where does it typically run?
  2. What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
  3. What is the significance and purpose of the getElementById in the DOM?
  4. Understand what the XMLHttpRequest object is and in general terms understand how it make Ajax possible.
  5. Understand the significance of the this keyword.
  6. Understand the length attribute of a string or of an array


  1. What is jQuery? What is it used for?
  2. Describe two ways to include the jQuery library in your web pages.
  3. In general terms, describe the use of jQuery selectors, methods, and event methods.
  4. Describe the syntax for a jQuery selector (CSS conventions)
  5. Describe the use of these methods val, text, html, append, submit, focus, addClass, toggleClass
  6. Understand the concept of chaining.

Ajax / JSON

  1. Understand the purpose of $.getJSON
  2. Understand that $.getJSON is one of many jQuery methods used to make Ajax calls.
  3. Understand how data is passed into the $.getJSON callback function
  4. How are JSON and XML different?
  5. How can a PHP array be translated into JSON?

Part 4


  1. Understand the measures of latitude, longitude and accuracy returned by the Geolocation position object.
  2. Describe the difference in accuracy you might expect between a traditional wired desktop and a mobile device using Wi-Fi.
  3. Understand the importance of using HTTPS when using the Geolocation features of HTML5.
  4. Understand the difference between localStorage and sessionStorage.