Hayashi H. (HH)
Langerak N. (NL)
Lenze F.J. (FJL)
Santos A. (AS)
Col A. (AC)
Kergen R (RK)
Ranta-Eskola A. (AR-E)
Asnafi N (NA)
Levy B (BL)
Van Tyne C (CVT)
Till E. (ET)
Tisza M. (MT)
Veit R. (RV)
Kolleck R. (RK)
Heikki Kleemola, is retired and is no longer member of he IDDRG ExCo
The minutes of the 27-11-07 meeting in Olofstrom were approved.
The agenda of the meeting and the rest of the minutes cover all matters.
There is a new booklet, which has been placed on the website.
In order to arrange the copyrights properly, we need to have a formal legal status. NL has enquired at his company lawyer and he advised to establish a formal association in either the Netherlands or the UK. As the Netherlands is the easiest, it has been decided that NL will proceed with this. This will also mean that the exco members are no longer personally liable for any lawsuit against the IDDRG. As NL’s legal contact person has left his company, there has not been much progress on this.
NL will file all signed copyright forms.
NL has contacted other sheet metal conference organisers and has updated the event list. Everybody is asked to send him other updates as well. The list with links has been placed on the IDDRG website. The following new conferences are announced:
2009 Hot forming 15-17 June Lulea
2010 Esaform 14-18 April Hungary
2009 Numiform 14-18 june
2009 Tribology 14-14 June
New developments of sheet metal forming Stuttgart
2011 sept ICTP sept Paris
AC has handed out the CD of Besancon.
There was a discussion on IDDRG Membership. Then idea was to have a formal individual membership linked to conference visit for 3 years.
There was a discussion on the used templates in Hungary and Sweden. For the: PowerPoint presentations they are OK for the papers the question was if they were not too strict? For proceedings they were considered to be good. USA will use the same guidelines and templates
Place booklet V6 on website MT OK
Update the event list with other conferences All
Place other event dates on website MT OK
Send around CD of Besancon AC OK
Check copyright form by company lawyer NL NOK
Proceed with finding a legal status IDDRG NL NOK
Send signed copyright forms to NL NA
5. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: succession planning
AC asks again for a substitute as well as a potential successor. Everybody is asked to think about a potential successor.
Send appointment letters to NA and CvT NL OK
Think about succession of AC All
France: there was a meeting in Metz with 50 people attending.
Germany is active; there is a working group on bulge tester standardisation next meeting will be 16-07. The BDDRG meets 2 times a year
Benelux: sleeping very deeply
Japan: had their annual meeting last year which was well attended. There are at present 2 JDDRG projects on AHSS testing: FLD and hole expansion in order to form opinions on standardisation. A next theme for a WG is under discussion.
Sweden: had a meeting on Feb 5th. in Copenhagen to discuss the national funding programs with the purpose to have a Nordic publicly funded programme for 4 years. The SDDRG meting has been combined with the IDDRG
USA: the NADDRG spring meeting was OK, but there are no W’s or round robins. Not many people work in the IDDRG field in North America and the FEM people have other groups.
Finland: 100-150 people attending the annual meeting, there is 3-4 times a year a Magazine as well as the election of the Sheet metal product of the year,
Korea: MT has contacted Prof. Yang at KAIST in Korea. He is very busy during the next year (until October 2008) as the President of ICTP'2008 Conference, which is one of the biggest events in metal forming. (He has become also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of ICTP - SAB/ICTP), so MT hopes he can start dealing with Korean DDRG issues after that
Spain: LABEIN is active; they will send info on the new national secretary and have opted to organise one of next IDDRG’s.
India: there were 2 national sheet metal conference at in December 2007 one in Pune and one in Jamshedpur, both attended by about 200 people. They have offered to organise the IDDRG 2011
Austria: The Austrian group cooperates intensively with the German national group. They have just started benchmarking work for setting up standards for carrying out bulge tests. Presently there are two other working groups - surface roughness and standardization for FLC (Nakajima).
Switzerland: greetings of Prof Hora; we are invited to send in Numisheet contributions.
Hungary: the group is more active and has links with Slovenia and Slovakia.
Sheet metal review has stopped under electronic form and has restarted as a magazine; the trial to publish in electronic form was not successful.
Blech Rohre Profile, Baender Blech Rohre : FJL has sent different German contacts, ATZ, Blech inform, FJL has contacted these papers on behalf of AC
US journals: Stamping, US Metalforming; CvT can check names and send them to AC/NL
Goal is to publish announcements and later possibly publications and reviews. We could send out a press release for IDDRG 2009 and a review of IDDRG2008.
Check advertisement possibility MS/AC NOK
Re-establish contacts with ISMR AC NOK
Send German magazine addresses to MT FJL NOK
Send Metalforming contact data to MT AC OK
Check if minutes 2006 have been forwarded NL OK
Contact German papers FJL OK
Check US papers with Steward Keeler BL
Try to have a publication in a French magazine AC
The event was a success; well organised, good papers and the amount of people was also successful: about 125 participants from 29 countries.
9. IDDRG 2008 SWEDEN (Asnafi)
The conference has a record number of attendees: 197 participants+ 4 partners.
93 people are from Sweden. 60% are from industry, the rest from universities. 25% are from OEMs, 38% metal suppliers, 27% tiers and other suppliers, 10% other companies. NA will send the participant list to NL and CVT. One of the reasons for the high nr of attendants is the high number of Swedes: the Swedish national conference in March has been cancelled and whas been combined with the IDDRG.
If you subtract the Swedes from the [participant, the nr of people is equivalent to Gyor. 120 abstracts has been send in, again with a large number from Sweden because a lot of national projects have been finished recently.
Send participant list to NL, VR and CVT NA
10. IDDRG 2009 USA (VanTyne) (attachment 1, distributed at the meeting)
Parallel sessions are also possible in the USA.
There was a discussion on a Permanent Scientific committee. For IDDRG 2009 we will use a large working scientific community: every article will be reviewed by 5 reviewers using Oxford electronic abstract reviewing. It was suggested to pass the reviewers list for the next venues. In order to have a proper review, a full 1 page abstract + 1 figure is needed.
The fee for exhibitors will be 4000 USD, which is equivalent to the 2500 Euros for Olofstrom.
For meet and greet, a cell phone and or picture board system will be introduced.
For the US habits, an informal dress code “business casual” will be announced, where a short explanation of business casual will be given.
For PR also a phone campaign will be done; we hope to attract 150 people, max 800 people can be accommodated. The Website is up; all are asked to check the content. There will be no invited speakers.
Send potential exhibitor names to BL All
Check IDDRG2009 website content All
11. IDDRG 2010 Austria (Veit) (attachment 2)
VR passes the best regards of prof Kolleck and his apologies for absence. RV gives a presentation on the possibilities.
Graz has an international airport with connections to a number of European cities, including Frankfurt. It is 2:40 hours by train from Vienna. The Institute in Graz is a collaboration between the university in Graz and Magna.
At the institute in Graz there are 2 rooms for 50 and 140 people, which might be to small. A room for 200 people is enough.
Alternatives are the Main hall of the university, a convention hall and a Congress hall, all are still free.
The preferred date for the conference is 5-31 to 2-6 2010, with a 2nd choice of 17-5 to 19-5. Pentecost is on 23 may in 2010.
Everybody is asked to check in one week if this preferred date is ok
Send Acceptance offer for IDDRG 2010 to Kolleck NL OK
Check preferred date All
12. WEBSITE (Tisza)
The links for IDDRG2009 is placed. The Conference part is updated with new links to ISO and TMS and other conferences. Everybody is asked to send titles of good sheet metal books to MT for placement on the website.
Send links to interesting sites to MT All OK
Send link to IDDRG2009 to MT CvT OK
Send interesting book details to MT All
No decision has been made by the NADDRG on the final place of the library as the quotations were based on different items. The Library is now in a closet at Windsor University. Proposal is under consideration waiting for copyright issue.
Check possibilities for legal status IDDRG NL NOK
14. FINANCE (Santos)
Finance: the only expenses are the website maintenance of 960 euro + taxes, there were no incomes form the previous period. AS will send an invoice of 400 Euro to NA as the conferences fee. An IBAN nr will reduce the bank transfer costs.
Send invoice to NA AS
15. ISO 12004 revision (HH)
The revision will be published this year.
Put ISO link on website MT/HH OK
The TMS is cosponsoring (not financial)the IDDRG and we are on their global calendar; this helps our PR
21 November in Frankfurt; NL will arrange a place at the airport