Dear Parent/Guardian,

In conjunction with our autobiographical unit, we may be watching some or all of various movies about the Holocaust and genocide. Because of the graphic nature of the topic, some are rated above PG-13. If this is not acceptable, please indicate which of the movies your daughter/ son is not allowed to watch. An alternative assignment will be given to those not able to watch the movies. At this time, it is most likely we will watch Hotel Rwanda and maybe parts of another movie.

I give my daughter/ son permission to watch the listed movies that are not crossed off below.

Student name (printed) ______

Period ______

Parent name (printed) ______

Parent signature ______

Date ______

Hotel Rwanda (PG-13)

Schindler’s List (R)

Life is Beautiful (PG-13)

The Boy in Striped Pajamas (PG- 13)