RSGA executive board meeting 8/19/14
Present: Emily, Elly, Tyler, Mark
Armsby 6A
Lab updates:
-Clean-up was successful. Claudio allowed rearranging of computer desks to open more space
-Set up rotating lab-cleaning schedule. Each RSGA member will clean the lab every four weeks. Starts next Friday (8/29). Order is as follows: Tyler, Elly, Mark, Emily
-Unclaimed personal items box has been placed under cubbies. Signs will be posted stating that items will periodically be removed and donated if they sit there too long
-Emily plans to meet with Jane to discuss the status of the supplies (clock, lamps, etc.) that have been ordered. Will also ask what to do about old, unneeded supplies such as obsolete printing paper and slides, paint, etc.
-Discussed having a snack and beverage station. Group decided to hold off this temporarily and continue to discuss it. There were concerns over maintaining it
-A microwave will be purchased for lab, as well as a coffee maker and hot pot.
-Working on plans to rearrange old student mailboxes/cubbies to condense and make space for microwave and other supplies.
-Working on clarifying who to contract re: supplies, toner in lab. Emily will follow up on this
3rd Floor kitchen
-Discussed possibly getting a microwave for 3rd floor kitchen. Need to discuss with Sue where these funds would come from.
-Decided against setting a schedule for cleaning, as this kitchen is not just a student responsibility
New Student Orientation
-Thursday, 8/21: RSGA at 2:00pm-2:15pm; introduce ourselves and our events
-Happy Hour @MadMex 4:30pm.
-Elly and Emily will meet students after their orientation to walk them over. Tyler and Mark will stake out tables at MadMex.
-No mention of opportunity for students to come mingle during orientation, as in the past, Elly will follow up with Anouk about this
Committee Updates:
-Ag. and human values all taken care of
-RSS reimbursement materials collected and will be submitted this afternoon.
-Next big thing: rural studies conference
-Will put a call out for places for potluck, etc. Labor day weekend
-Student rep for department social committee; multiple have volunteered. Elly will attend first meeting on 25th
-Social hours: how often?
-Connect with other student groups
-1st training, September 12th: R SOC 101: 1 hour, Q & A session; 1pm
-Other training dates: Nov 7th, Feb 6th, March 6th
-Possibly incorporate program evaluation into rural studies conference
Final Notes:
-Relationship between grad students and administrative staff is bleak.
-Will discuss with Anouk how to improve this
Important Dates:
New Student Orientation: 8/21 @ 2pm, Happy Hour to Follow @ 4:30
First general meeting will be: 8/29 @ 1pm
Next executive meeting will be: 9/5 @12pm
R SOC 101: 9/12 @1pm