Final Project For ‘The Most Dangerous Game’
For a grade of a ‘D’ – Complete The Activity
Write aONE PARAGRAPHthat discusses the theme of life and death in ‘The Most Dangerous Game’. Be sure to give two examples of the theme in your story and explain why those are good examples to use. You must have the following turned in with your paragraph.
- A completed pre-write
- 1 rough draft with revisions (changes)
- Final draft
- Both drafts must be double spaced.
For a grade of a ‘C’, do all of the above
And Complete One Activity
Choose an event in the story that makes you feel any kind of strong emotion and write a poem of at least 12 lines about it (no need to rhyme!).
Create a screen play for the story. Include items such as stage directions, dialog and setting.
Write a review of the story as though you were writing it for the Las Vegas Review Journal. Include the following in your review. A rating system, a summary of the book, specific items you liked or didn’t like, along with a recommendation for potential readers.
Choose a song that you feel defines or explains the story or one of the main characters. Provide the lyrics and explain (using specific references from the story) how this song defines the character or part of the story you have chosen. This is a 1 paragraph CDW response.
For a grade of a ‘B’ complete the above
And Complete One Activity
Create a 3-D collage of a scene in the story. You need to include a 1 paragraph description of the scene and why it is important to the story.
Drawa comic stripwith dialogue of your favorite scene in the story. It needs to be 12 panels long and each panel has to have dialog that matches the story.
Create a face book page foreither Zaroff or Rainsford. Be sure to fill out all the information on the page, such as friends, likes, shares, etc.
For a Grade of an ‘A’ do all of the previous work and Complete One Activity
Create a comic strip or story board that explains what happens after Rainsford defeats Zaroff based on your analysis of the story itself.Here are a couple of ideas for you to consider.
Does Rainsford free the other prisoners?
Does Rainsford become Zaroff and hunt people on the island?
Did it really happen or was it all a dream?
- Draw a map of ship trap island and include the following
- Where Rainsford lands & discovers area where sailor was killed
- Where the Zaroff’s Chateau is located
- The tree where Rainsford hides
- The traps that Rainsford sets and result of trap.
- A Map Key
- Terrain such as the woods, Death Swamp and other features you think would be there.
For #’s 1-4 you must include a written explanation of why that location is important using information from the story. You also need to discuss the theme of life and death where appropriate. You may also show a trail of where you think Rainsford went on the island along with where Zaroff went.