Lochmere Homeowners Association
Board Meeting
July 6, 2017
Present: R. Corlew, J. Crawford, T. Velie, B. O’Donnell, J. Wells, T. McMurray, S. Miller
Absent: M. Carlyle
Visitors: Jean Sawyer, 347 Lochmere Drive; Douglas Stinson, 2472 Rosemeade Drive
Call to Order: R. Corlew called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting: J. Crawford made a motion to accept the minutes, which was seconded by B. O’Donnell. The motion passed.
Confirmation of Approval of June Financial Reports Sent via Email: T. Velie, treasurer, passed out a sheet that showed the budget for 2017 along with the income and expenses by category for January through June of 2017 and a year-to-date comparison of 2016 to 2017. The HOA dues amount is up about $16,000 over last year due to more homeowners paying the full amount at the beginning of 2017. He highlighted key items and explained his findings: Loan interest is up due to having six full months payments, gate-card expense is higher due to reorder, insurance for 2016 was paid in full in 2015, landscaping shows about $1,000 more than last year, utility bill was adjusted due to an overcharge, total pool expenses are lower this year even with the purchase of new furniture. Total year-to-date expense shows $53,597 for 2017 compared to $41,865 for 2016. He found no major changes in the balance sheet or aging report. The motion to accept the financial report was seconded by T. McMurray. The motion passed.
Open Issues:
Status of Lake Improvements-Randy Corlew
Progress of French Drainage Work: East Tennessee Landscaping, who installed the seawall, has made preparations to add an anti-seep collar, which will be poured with concrete. This will seal the water and allow the lake to be filled again.
Paving of Track: When the leaks are fixed, Summers-Taylor will pave the walking trail.
Notice of Termination of ARAP with Tennessee Department of Environment: This will be done when the lake work is completed.
Clearing of Creek Bank at Entrance: A homeowner paid Shawn Braden $900 to clear the creek bank at their property. He reported to President Corlew that he could finish the rest of the bank for $300. He gave Mr. Braden permission to complete the work. Todd Cunningham replaced the stones at the entrance sign.
Concerns from Residents: Jean Sawyer expressed appreciation for Bill O’Donnell’s work on the flowerbeds. She said 2016 annual meeting minutes are not on the website; S. Miller showed her where they are. She wants a “no soliciting” sign placed at the new entrance. She wanted to know if the small trail leading off the main trail is still going to be filled in and sowed with grass; President Corlew said yes. She wants the covenant enforced concerning garbage cans. Douglas Stinson, a new homeowner, wants a friendly, welcoming neighborhood. He would like to see the new entrance made more attractive.
Discuss Transition from Spectrum to HOA at End of Month: Spectrum is preparing the LHOA files to turn over to LHOA board. President Corlew thinks a four-drawer filing cabinet will be sufficient. T. McMurray reported on management of the website. He mentioned a company called InnerDigital as a possibility. He gave a handout which listed their services: management of website, taking care of emails, possible phone system for $10 a month, online payment of dues, file storage and possibly more services. R. Corlew likes this. T. Velie reported that he had phone conversations with Royce Graham, who has been recommended by two homeowners. He has served as treasurer at two different local churches. T. Velie and Mr. Graham had a lengthy conversation. He works with Quick Books, which will require purchase of a computer and software. LHOA files currently held by Spectrum will be transferred to a thumb drive and then to the new computer. LockBox was mentioned as a way of making payments through the bank.
Tim V. made the motion that we completely revamp the website to include voice mail, email, and additional services through Interdigital from August 1, 2017, through July 31, 2018. B. O’Donnell seconded the motion. The motion passed.
A motion was made by S. Miller for T. Velie to negotiate an agreement with Mr. Graham for one year, August 1, 2017, to July 31, 2018. J. Wells seconded it. The motion passed.
T. Velie presented a proposal for a sign at the new entrance at a cost of $5,400. Before the sign can be erected, further discussion with the city is needed.
New Business:
Discussion of Release for By-Laws/Covenant Canvassers: Dan Fisher has graciously consented to head the committee. After the website is revamped, the revised covenants/bylaws will be posted on the website with the changes/additions in red. The board discussed sending a postcard to each homeowner explaining the process. This will be done in August when homeowners are more likely to be home.
Status of Old Street Signs: Old street signs need to come down. Summers-Taylor and East Tennessee Landscaping will be asked for a quote.
T. McMurray reported that letters were sent to two lot owners about mowing the lots and that they have been mowed. S. Miller, Tim M.’s backup for covenant violations reporting, added that letters were sent to three other lot owners while he was away, whose lots have still not been mowed.
Sometime during the week of July 24, President Corlew wants all board members who want to be present meet at Spectrum to complete the transition.
Next Meeting Dates: August 15, September 12, and October 10, 2017, at 7:00 pm at the clubhouse.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm.
Submitted by Shelby “Chip” Miller, Secretary