UFEC General Body Meeting Minutes-February 6, 2013
President- Joanna Reeg
- Welcome!
- Keep on top of Active Member Requirements!!
- Officer Shadowing
VP- Micah Murphy
- Dr. Kati Glass has to reschedule.
- Thanks to everyone who donated blood!
- Don’t forget about Foster Kids Play Day!
- April 13th @ 12-4pm
- Retirement Home for Horses TBA
- Elephant Sanctuary TBA
- Please see me if you’re interested in VP!
Treasurer- Carmen Dolling
- Talk to her if you’re interested in being treasurer!
Secretary- Hayden Manuel
- If you are still not receiving emails through the listserv, email me!
- Sign in
- Email me with VALID excuses BEFORE the meetings
- VALID = directly school-related!
- Work, Intramural sports, Sorority Requirements, etc. DO NOT COUNT
- Keep up with Active Member Requirements
Fundraising- Elle Keenan
- Bento is on Feb. 11 from 5-7 p.m.
- On Archer Road
Merchandising- Leah Feiner
- Order forms due TODAY!
- LAST CHANCE for any reprint requests for old screen printed items
- Interested in shadowing for merchandise chair? See me about helping with this order!
- As always, fan shirts available for $15
Socials- Keri Allen
- :08on 2/21!!
- Meeting at Kendalls downtown- more info to come
Dressage Team- Molly Red & Kelsey Harrell
- Show recap
- FSU 2/16: Hotel/housing details and drivers to be determined tonight
- Home Show March 16-17: All club members please mark this on your calendars!!
- Lessons!
- Party at Maria’s this Saturday at 7pm, open to all club members! Will count as a social
Hunt Seat Team- Lindsey Powers
- UM/FAU Recap—High Point Team on Sunday! 7 1st places
- Meet outside after general meeting
- Look out for involvement dates on Facebook
- - SCAD show March 2nd
- Regionals @ SCAD March 3rd
- Intramural Show on Sunday March 17th.
(This is also a 2 day dressage show weekend, so if you want to participate in the intramural, you need to sign up for a Saturday shift for the dressage show.)
- Schooling Show at the Hedges At Kimberden March 30th & 31st.
- IHSA Zones April 6th At GSU
- Tampa Invitational April 6th ( coordinate a group to go watch to bond with teammates :) )
- Intramural Show April 14th
We would also like to schedule a few weekends for people to go watch at HITS, schedule a team movie night, and schedule a night to watch Medal classes with the coaches for critiquing.
Western Team- Brooke Adkins & Marvin Davila
- I have t-shirts!
- Please come pick them up and bring me your money!
- Extras for $15
- FSU this weekend!
- Meeting after general meeting
- Money for FSU!
- Reimbursements from CCF
Next Meeting
February 20th, 2013
@ ANS156